Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
The Beginning - EP1
Episode 1: Welcome to Let Us Be Honest
Join Kayle and Corey as they introduce their new podcast, "Let Us Be Honest." In this debut episode, they set the stage for their journey, discussing their backgrounds, the goals of the podcast, and the topics they'll cover. From mental health and self-care to navigating career challenges and generational differences, Kayle and Corey aim to spark meaningful conversations. They emphasize their desire to create a community where everyone can share their experiences and perspectives, all while keeping things light-hearted and real. Tune in to get to know your hosts and what you can expect from future episodes.
We're not, we're not professionals. No. Let's be clear. No. Not, we're not doctors. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. I've played doctor. 📍 📍 They'll never silence us. Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. 📍 📍 Exactly. This is just two guys. Yeah. That want to create a discussion. We're, you know, obviously we're going to express our experiences and our feelings. Yep. Yep. Everything that goes with that. 📍 📍 So yeah, you know, that's uh, that's what this is going to be about. Yep That's what everything's going to be about 📍 two white guys with a podcast who needs a job when you make your own? Yeah, man. That's what i'm saying. No, seriously. That's what i'm saying. Let us be honest Hey everyone. Hi. Yeah, my name is Kayle. Hello. Corey this is Corey as he said as he uh, You know just so kindly pointed out. Yep Uh, yeah, this is uh, this is our new podcast called. 📍 Let us be honest. Um We're going to be talking about certain things that, you know, certain obstacles that we've come across, you know, in a workplace and just in general day to day life. Yep. Um, the goal of this podcast is to, uh, start discussions. We're not here to complain or do anything like that, but you know, we've, we've got some things that we want to get off our chest and we want to start some conversations around it. We've seen some conversations and we're like, you know what? Why can't we start conversations about these topics? Yeah, exactly. You know, clearly we're not the only ones that feel this way. Yeah, exactly. You know, about everything, you know, all the topics that we're gonna bring up. I'm sure at least a few of you have experienced the same thing. At least one. Yeah. Sometimes we ramble, sometimes we talk about absolutely nothing, but you know what, I think we're going to pull some things together. We've got some great ideas. We've got some topics lined up. We think it's going to be a good land, you know? So we hope you guys tune in and stay tuned and follow us and what we're up to. And, and we're just going to go from there. Yeah. You know, like Corey said, we just trying to activate a discussion where everyone can vent and. Talk about, you know, what they're experiencing in life and the workplace and stuff like that, you know, so come on Join us. Yeah, join our little community. It's gonna be good time. It is. We're gonna have good chats We're gonna have good talks. You guys probably want to know what some of these talks are gonna be about. So Kayle Why don't you highlight some subjects? Alrighty. Well, you know some of the topics we're gonna be talking about is Mental health is a big one. Mental health. We're going to be talking about mental health quite a bit. I mean, it'll probably find its way in here and there in different episodes and stuff like that. But, um, thanks. You're welcome. But, uh, in these first, uh, A few episodes, mental health is going to be a big focal point, especially in the first one. Yep. Um, self care, life on repeat, uh, creating your own happiness. You know, what is success to you? What is success to you? Uh, inner peace. That's going to be a good one. Contributing to the community in your own way. Um, you know, just stuff like that. Yeah. And, you know, the battle between old age. Mentalities and new age realities and we're going to dive deep into that one. And so, yeah, you know, those are some kind of some of the topics we're going to get into here and dive deep and try and, like we said, create a discussion and just vent. And go from there. Exactly. Vent while having productive discussions. Exactly. Very real discussions. Very real. Yeah. We feel anyway. Yeah. Yeah. So we hope you guys can, you know, See where we're coming from. I mean, we both come from pretty diverse backgrounds. I've been in restaurants for a very long time. I've worked other industries for a long time. I've found myself in management and leadership positions for a long time. Um, and you know, those got those challenges and their struggles and annoyances, unfortunately. Exactly. Um, yeah. Kale's been in many lines of work as well. Yeah. I've been a few industries myself. Um, As just like Corey, I've been in the restaurant industry for quite a few years. Um, you know, throughout that time I worked my way up the ladder and realized that's not really what I wanted to do with my life. You know, um, I then did a brief stint on the oil rigs, realized life out there was not quite what I expected. Nope. And currently I'm in construction. You know what I mean? And I think this industry is what made me realize that I want to do my own thing. You know, I don't think a career life is for me. Yeah. And that's another thing we're going to touch on is just, you know, there's, I think there's a certain demographic of people, us being within that demographic as we're both millennials. Um, and if you just rolled your eyes at that, maybe this podcast isn't for you. Yeah. Maybe you want to hate on the millennials. You know what? Go millennial hate somewhere else. Okay. Yeah. We're millennials and we got shit to talk about anyway. Yeah. So we feel, you know, just through time and stuff like Kale mentioned earlier, climbing the ladder in some jobs. And that just didn't feel right for, I mean, it doesn't, it did feel right for me at a time I'd say in my life. Um, but as I've gotten older and going through more things, I just, I've come to realize that that's, that's not where I want to be and not what I want to strive for and, I mean, we'll, we'll talk about this later in a different episode. You get to a point where you either get stuck or someone else who doesn't really deserve it gets the next step up and you're just left. Yeah. Which can be frustrating. Very frustrating. So yeah, those are some of the discussions we plan on talking about here. Um, just. And a lot of it's based on, you know, our experience. We're not, we're not professionals. No, let's be clear. No, not, we're not doctors. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a doctor. I've played doctor, but I'm not a doctor. We're going to leave it at that. Um, yeah, we're, we're not doctors. We're not lawyers. Yeah. We're not, you know, therapists or psychologists. So we, we don't have degrees on the wall behind us. Exactly. We, we got a fake plant. Exactly. This is just two guys. Yeah. That want to create a discussion. We're you know, obviously we're gonna express our experiences and our feelings and yep Everything that goes with that, but you like we we gotta we gotta express that we have no Professional knowledge of this stuff whatsoever and we're not here to tell anybody to do anything exactly Yeah, we've had discussions and we've talked to a couple of friends that, you know, kind of feel in the same boat. And we're, we're in a world right now where it's hard to have discussions about certain things. So we're like, you know what, let's just, us two white guys start a podcast. But this is a serious one where we have serious discussions about real world things and not just complaints. Yeah. Yeah. light hearted. Yeah. Through our experience and not to complain and be like, you know, how to money, money, money. Business, business, business. Exactly. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah, I hate those people. Yeah. We're very more towards the, uh, that's not a life. Yeah. Way of thinking. I'm not joining your crypto scheme. I'm sorry. No. I've bought into it. You know, no dissing, but I'm not buying into yours. Think about it. When you die. Do you take any of that with you? Any of it. Does it follow you? No. No. Zero percent. And you know what? If you die, and you don't leave your crypto wallet passwords for your family, nobody gets it. Nobody gets it. Looking at you, Bezos. Yeah. Bezos. Yeah. Musk. And all the other ones? Yeah, we're gonna get cancelled. Yeah. Yeah. 100 percent. They'll never silence us. Freedom of speech. Freedom of speech. Can you say that? Free country. Yeah. Of course you can. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of course you can, man. Don't freaking We're gonna get Oh my god. I know episode one's gonna be so unhinged already. People are gonna be like, what are we listening to? No, in all seriousness, before I drink some more coffee, we're just here to have a discussion like we've said multiple times. It's episode one. Watch the next two episodes that we already have posted. We wanted to post a few so you could get a feel for us. Yeah. Cause, you know. Episode one. We're just trying to talk about what this podcast is going to be about. It's called. 📍 Let us be honest Yeah, because we're gonna be sitting here being honest about our life experiences and exactly yeah things We want to talk just trying to let you guys get a sense of who we are Yeah, you know what? I mean? Just a couple of jokesters over here couple of jokesters, mate Sorry, we have to bring up the xx Also to everybody listening cheerio, yeah cheerio and happy Canada Day. Right. Happy Canada Day. Yep. Aye. Aye. Bud. Break out the maple syrup. My guy. Yeah. Not your bud guy. Aye. Aye. Oye. Oye. Oye. Great white north aye. You see them gooses the other day? Out for a rip are ya bud? Yeah. Remember that song? Yeah. Oh. Going for a rip. Anyway, happy Canada Day. Yeah, happy Canada Day. Hopefully, we're recording this early June. Um, so maybe the Oilers are Stanley Cup champions Maybe. Maybe. We don't know yet. Yeah, so far not so good. But, you know, we're gonna be in Edmonton game three, so we're gonna see how that goes. Yep. We're gonna see how that goes. Um, so yeah, if that gives you any inkling on when we recorded this podcast. I, I, you know, Hey, we, we are from Edmonton. Oops, oops, oops. Yep. Hit the mic if you didn't know that, you know that now. Yep. So two guys from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, A, it's Canada Day. So happy. To be here. Everyone's going to be out celebrating. Yep. At the ledge. Yep. And, uh, we're going to be here, uh, doing a podcast. Doing a podcast. Yep. Yep. Yep. But that's okay. You know, I'm kind of over the partying life. I'm not going to lie. You know what? That's another thing. I've been for a while. Me too. Yeah. That's another thing we're going to discuss. Yeah. There's a lot of people out there that I think feel the same as us. Yeah. Finding your, your happiness and happy places doesn't always have to be partying. It's hard to find people like that nowadays. It is that are just over it. You know what I mean? And that's the other reason we want to start this podcast, because we feel certain ways about certain things. Yeah. And that, that just might be one of them. Exactly. Yeah, I would, yeah. No, partying, it's, it's too much. It is too much anymore. It's exhausting. It is. And expensive. And I mean, who wants to wake up and feel like that anymore? You know what I mean? Especially once you get to your 30s. It's. Super expensive. Very expensive. It's it's pointless in all aspects. Really? Yeah. But Hey, you know, to each their own. Yeah. We're not here to judge. We're not here to judge. This is just us expressing our opinions. You know, if you are, if you party and you love it, you go, you go hard, you stay strong, get out there and party your little heart out. Yeah. If you love living a dumb life, um, kidding. We're not here to judge. We're not here to judge. We're here to let's, let us, We're here to be honest. Yeah, let us be honest. Yeah, look at the PICTURE behind us. Yeah, if you can read it Yeah, I think there's a glare on the camera, but it says make love not war. Yeah. Yeah Because that's what we're all about here making love Yeah, and that's the acronym for our let us be honest. It's love l u b h. Yeah, it's like love but love So pronounce those B's not lube love. Yeah When we were first coming up with it, I was definitely like, Lube! Huh. Lube, huh. Lube, huh. Kale was like, no, lub. I'm like, oh, yeah. Yeah, that, that makes sense. Yeah. Yeah. And you never know where life's going to take you, which is why we're making this podcast. Yeah. Because we're going to discuss, that's another thing, we're going to discuss and evolve through life together. As a little community, it's gonna be lovely. It's gonna be great. We hope you guys join us. We look for your input, comments. Exactly. If you leave mean ones, we'll probably just, you know. You will get the response. You deserve to the questions and or comments made. Oh a hundred percent. Yeah a hundred percent Don't think don't don't sit there and think we're some kind of pansies. No, cuz that's for sure We're not but nor are we here to really please anybody exactly We're just two guys that want to discuss some things and have a discussion and you know Open it up to a lot of different people. So yeah, don't don't think we're here to Be insta famous tomorrow and be nice. Exactly. A hundred percent. Yeah, that's yeah. No, that's not We're not here to please the general public We're here to have real conversations exactly real conversations about what we believe are real topics that should be discussed Yeah, and you know what? I'm, not mad about that at all because it's hard to have conversations with people these days It really is one side and it doesn't matter where you lie. What side i'm not even going to talk about sides You can all imagine. Yeah, there's always sides And you're either on one or the other And no one can ever find a middle ground. I feel like a very middle ground person. I'm willing to discuss both sides. 100 percent Maybe change my views or opinions on something. I don't want to have someone yell at me and be like, Well, you'll just never understand me, so what's the point? Yeah, well, I know what you mean. I mean, like, I've, I've had difficult, I've had difficulty, you know, just trying to fit in with the general public nowadays, because Yeah, same. I also find myself, like, kind of in the middle. Yeah. You know what I mean? I'm not left wing, I'm not right wing, I'm not none of that, I'm like right in here. But, and you can't have in here conversations. No, you can't. Because either Because your opinions get taken out of context. Yep. And either they believe that you're either, Oh, okay, you're against me. Oh, okay, you're with me. And it doesn't even matter what side you're trying to come from. They don't, they just don't want to hear it. Yeah. So that's another element to this podcast. We, we want to have like middle discussions. Why can't we find middle ground? Yeah. Like what, whatever happened to like, I don't know, trying to understand each other. Why does everybody gotta be such an asshole? For real though. For real. And it doesn't matter what side you're on. Like everybody has shit they're going through. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah, everyone. Every single person. And everyone, we're all very different people. You and I are very different people. Yep. But there's a lot of us who are also very the same. Exactly. And we just, we wanna, yeah, just have conversations, be able to discuss things. And not just fight about well, you hate me and blah blah blah. We don't we don't hate anybody Anymore than who we hate and I mean personally if you hate me, I don't really care. Awesome. Yeah, who are yeah, who are you? Yeah, yeah, whatever. But if you're still listening, thanks, but if you hate us, I No one said you had to subscribe to this literally. Yeah, so thank you. Yeah You're doing more good than you think. Yeah, the door's over there. For everybody else, the door's open. Come on in. Come on in. So yeah, you know, that's uh, that's what this is gonna be about. That's what everything's gonna be about. Yep, and if you're sitting there like, Wow, this first episode told us nothing. That's because it's the first episode and we're trying to explain something that we have plans for. We've tried hard to put into words what Without sounding like your typical two white guys with a podcast. Um, cause that's not very, that's not the approach we want at all. Um, and it's kind of hard to, it's hard to put middle ground conversations into context these days. And I think that's why it's hard to like, like we've kind of had a little bit of a struggle to name what exactly this podcast is going to be about. Um, we have a direction, we know what it's about, but yeah, because it's a lot of middle ground conversation. So it's hard to like nail down. And just sit here and be like, uh, yeah, we're going to tell you our thoughts and opinions and you're going to sit there and live with it. Exactly. And that's not what we're here to do. That's not what we're doing. Nope. Nope. So yeah, that's, um, that's about us. Yeah. That's pretty much what this first episode was. Anyway, we just wanted to let you know a little bit about us, you know, fill you in on what. this podcast is going to be about and a few of the things that we're going to be talking about. Um, it wasn't generally, there was no set topic for this. Like I said, we just kind of wanted you guys to get an idea of who we are and what this will be. Yep. Just a couple of little jokes over here in Edmonton. Literal jokes. Just a, a, yeah, uh, episode two, because hopefully after sitting there and being like, I have no idea what they're talking about. Hopefully you'll check out episode two. And, uh, you actually gained some insight to the, you know, that we're, we're here to actually do something and not just aimlessly ramble, exactly, which we're not doing. No, forget it. Yeah. Drop it. Yeah. Anyway, episode two. Episode two will be the touching tale of old age mentalities and new age realities and feelings that a lot of us millennials, maybe some gen Zs, I don't know how to relate to you. Lit fam hashtag, I don't know. Um, Riz, Riz, yeah. Riz down with the ice bro lit. You know what? I was at work on Monday. Oh no. Right. And there's this New couple guys on the demo crew that's there and this guy's like awfully young But he looks at me as he's going down the hallway and he goes what's up brother and I'm like, okay So you're like young young Why do so many of them do that I had no idea how to react I was like, hey man Like sup, bud. Yeah. Don't call me bud. Anyway. Yeah, man. That's, uh, that's, uh, probably about it for this one. Yep. So we'll see you in the next one. Tune in, please. Please come back. We promise it'll be. Yeah, the first episode's hard, you know, like, what do you say about the first episode? We think it's gonna be great. We don't want to sit here for 20 minutes and be like, We're awesome. Yeah, yeah. Because we already know that. Yeah, we're pretty confident dudes. Yeah, yeah, very different, very alike. Get to, come get to know more about us. Mm hmm. Um, I'm not saying that, you know, we're just, like, cocky in any way. No. But, uh, we do think we're pretty awesome. Yeah, and we do, Mm hmm. We are, no, I was trying to make a caulking joke. Thanks for tuning in to episode one, um, join us in episode two for more Let Us Be Honest and old age mentalities versus new age realities. You betcha. Yep. Have a great day guys. Goodbye.