Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
Navigating Old Age Mentalities and New Age Realities - EP2
Episode 2: Navigating Old Age Mentalities and New Age Realities
In this episode, Corey and Kayle explore the evolving landscape of relationships and work-life balance in today's world. Reflecting on societal changes from the past to present, they discuss how technology and modern expectations have reshaped human interactions and career aspirations. Touching on topics from the 44-60 hour work week to the pursuit of happiness beyond traditional success metrics, they challenge listeners to rethink what truly matters in life. Join them as they navigate through these thought-provoking discussions with candid insights and personal anecdotes.
Ready? Ready. Ready. Okay. Hi, welcome back to let us be honest. Uh, today, Kale is going to share a riveting story with us. It's all yours.
I just felt like I had to share it with everyone. You know what I mean?
It's life changing. It's life changing.
Sad and funny at the same time. Yeah. Uh, if you're into that.
Yeah, it's the wake up call we all need. Yeah, I think
so. Anyway, so I had to go to the bathroom today at work. And It's an outhouse, you know, obviously. It's called a wash car. It's a trailer of outhouses. Fancy. And Anyway, so I walk in there, finish doing my thing, and I turn around, and on the door, somebody wrote, you know, just a bit more.
Keep going, you got this. Hell yeah, man! Motivating. Right? Underneath it, this guy wrote, I can't. My wife cheated on me and took the kids. Poor guy. Um, under that though, this is the funny part. Someone wrote womp womp.
Doesn't that speak to all of us? Yeah, it really does. Yeah. Just going through life, trying your best and womp womp.
Sometimes you just can't be that serious. I mean, that's a serious situation. Yeah. Yeah. Good cheater on kids taken.
That's shitty. Sorry, dude. Did you know statistically that's, The vast majority of relationships. Yeah, statistically
50 percent of marriages end in divorce. 56 these days. 56%. Guys, what are we doing?
Right? What are we doing? You know what I mean? Commitment issues. Commitment issues on all sides sometimes. Seriously? Yeah, on all sides. You know, people rush into these marriages thinking they found the one, and we've been together for a year, you know, let's get married, and I know you inside and out,
But yeah, let's just, yeah. You know, throw, I don't know, throw it away. And I, you know what? Not surprised, it is kinda sad, but like, I think it's the way people go about the situation sometimes. Like, people, they just, they don't have discussions about why or how they feel or how, like. When
things get tough, they just leave.
That's it. At the drop of a hat. They're like, Oh, you know what? I don't think I like this anymore. So instead of trying to figure out how to fix it, they're just like,
peace. See ya. Yeah. I don't want to deal with my emotions. I don't want to deal with my feelings. Exactly. I just, I want to be in a different situation.
So I'm just going to do it. I don't want to have a discussion. I'm just going to
run away. Yeah. Yeah.
Which is so opposite to what this podcast is all about. Exactly. This podcast. We're
going to get back on track here. Yes,
we are. Well, you know, it's this story, even though it's a tangent, which you're going to come to realize we do here.
It still comes back down to, you know, having discussions it does and like we said in episode one We're here to have and try and have middle ground discussions And I mean
it does kind of fit into the old age reality or old age mentalities We're young age realities in regards to how relationships work And like, I don't know, let's say 1960s, 1970s, something like that.
You know what I mean? People stuck it out.
Yeah. And like those white picket fences and just having a certain relationship is your goal. Now it's like, you can just swipe to the right, swipe to the left, trade people in and out whenever you want.
Like that's so superficial. It really is. It's just unbelievable.
You know what I mean? And yeah, it's,
yeah, I think it's, I think it's hard just to continue on this tangent for a second. I think it's hard to judge people just on a quick profile glance. It's like, why even need dating apps? Just keep your Instagram accounts. Seriously. I mean,
that's what most people treat it like nowadays.
Anyway, they just think it's another social media. It is a social media. It is 100%. That's what it's turned into. Yeah. You know, people just. Post on there like oh look at they yeah, they think it's fucking instagram. Yep. You know what I mean? Yeah,
well i'm gonna like your photo that means I don't know that means we gotta fucking have sex maybe Yeah, it's white bright.
It only means one thing these days clearly. Yeah Yeah So anyway today we're going to talk about the riveting discussion Um, and actually it is kind of riveting. We we've got some points to make and we do we do um, We've got some cliches to make right buddy You Bud. Bucko. Right. Yeah. Pal. Pal. Guy. Guy. Bro.
What's. Friend. What is it? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we're gonna buck up and talk about the hard discussions. Oh, you
were waiting for me
No, no, no No, I was I was trying to remember what What exactly we said when we were planning this episode. Okay, like was it buddy? Was it was it calling people names?
No, it was a phrase. Yeah, so then I had to look at your notes and I seen buck up and yeah blood boiling
We're gonna get into the quote unquote buck up mentality. That seems to be pretty popular still even nowadays You know technological advances in regards to The workforce and how it's changing, how it's changed, and it doesn't have to be the way it is anymore.
Uh, climbing the ladder, as we mentioned in the last episode, we're going to get a little bit deeper into that and how we feel about that. Um, the 44 to 50 hour work week. This is one that means a lot to me.
The standard expectations of what a customary or not a customary, uh, a standard Job nowadays exactly frankly in my
It's outdated, but we're gonna get into that. I agree and What is work life balance? That's another one that means quite a bit to me So we're gonna get into that and you know Hopefully you guys can relate to some of the things we have to say and you know Leave leave it in the comments and let's talk about it.
Yep. Does work life balance exist?
Stay tuned to find out more. Yeah, and our opinions on it. Exactly. And again, like we said in the first episode, we're not professionals. We're not doctors. We're just here discussing our thoughts, our feelings, our opinions based on our collective experience. Exactly. And how we feel about it.
So if you don't agree, maybe this podcast isn't for you. Yeah. But if you do agree, hi, welcome, please comment, follow along, listen, chill, um, and welcome to hopefully A community of people that, you know, just want more in life, but don't want what standard has been set before us.
We're going to express that a few times, that we're not professionals, or doctors, or therapists, because we know there's going to be people out there that just
Well, why don't you just give your opinions to yourself if you're not allowed to, like, tell people what to do?
Yeah, exactly. And I mean, that's Yep. I don't know. Why don't you look at the point of this podcast? You know what I mean? Yeah,
to activate discussions on the current work virus sphere. If you don't want to join our discussion. Well, don't don't join our discussion Yeah, like we said in episode one We're just here to have a discussion hopefully in the middle ground and not get all this like mixed up sidestep We just want to have a conversation.
Yeah, and today we're gonna talk about How we feel. Exactly. Old age mentalities. And new age realities. Exactly. So, yeah. You
know what? Why don't we start with work life balance. Work life balance. We'll dig into that a little bit deeper. What do
you think, Corey? What does work life balance mean to you? I was just about to ask you the same thing.
I can't believe you spread that on me so fast. Uh huh. Work life balance. Um, I want to be doing something, contributing back to my local community, whether it's friends, family, whatever. On it, obviously. Monetized somehow. Uh huh. Um. But today was a beautiful day. It was. If I didn't have to be at work, if I lived a life where I could just, you know, pick and choose how I work and I feel like today would have been a perfect balance.
I would have gotten up in the morning, probably started on a project or something. Yeah. Depending on whatever I was doing. And when it got nice out, I don't know, I would have went to the lake or chilled out or gone somewhere or hopefully found some friends to hang out with because it was such a beautiful day.
I didn't want to be stuck inside doing my standard job. Yeah. You know what? One of these days I will volunteer to go fishing with you and maybe, maybe learn. Yeah, you will. I don't go fishing. That's all I wanted to say about that. Not yet. Anyway. Oh yeah. Yeah. So honestly, yeah, to me, that's, I'm just going to say, yeah, a bunch of times.
So to myself, that is what the ideal work life balance would be. Honestly, want to have something, let's be honest. I want to have something that contributes back, provide something for friends, family, community, um, is monetized. But at the same time, if I feel like, you know, I don't want to work on this project today, or maybe I can delay this for a day because it's beautiful.
And I just want to go enjoy the world and enjoy, I don't know, living on this planet. To me, that would be ideal work life balance.
How do you feel about work life balance? What is, what is it maybe not, or what is it to
you? Um, yeah. You know, my idea of work life balance I think is probably much of the same.
Um, obviously still finding a positive way to contribute to society.
But at the same time, being able to live my life as an individual without having to rely. On a paycheck, I
guess. Yep. You don't just want to be restricted, you know, by what someone else tells you to do. And if you have a job and you love going to it and you love doing your menial tasks every day, that it's just on repeat and having your life on repeat all the time.
Cool. Good for you. Some of us, I think a decent amount of us, especially millennials, we don't feel that way.
No. Not at all. No, so I mean, yeah, that's it's kind of much of the same. You know what I mean? like I want to be able to obviously sustain myself and Contribute positively to the collective but at the same time I want to be able to live my life as an individual You know what?
I mean? I wanna I genuinely want to travel the world. I want to see it all You know what I mean? I want to be able to wake up on a nice day and be like, you know, instead of, Oh, I gotta go to work. I want to be like, yeah, let's go fishing. You know what I mean? Like, I want to be able to live that kind of life where I don't have to reply or rely on a mainstream career, I guess, in order to get by.
And that's literally what you do is just get by just for a lot of us. You know what I mean?
And, and the amount of people that. Honestly, miss a lot of life because they're so focused. You guys do realize what a retirement savings is for, right? Like retirement savings is good to have, but it's supposed to be amount the amount of money you need to get from when you retire to when you die.
Do you know what the expected timeline of that is? 5 to 7 years is retirement savings. You know what usually happens to people 5 to 7 years after they retire? They've been so used to work, and I read this in an article the other day, so I'm just, like I said, I'm not a doctor, but I'm going off this article.
Um, a lot of people have health concerns in their early mid seventies after they retire because they work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work, stress their whole life, try and climb those ladders their whole life. And then all of a sudden it just. And guess what the human body doesn't like doing?
Doing something repetitively and stopping. We're not good at go, go, go, struggle, struggle, struggle, stress, stress, stress, stop. We're not good at it. We're not designed for it. Biologically, we're not. Like if you think way, way back to like hunting and gathering, that's a lifetime. You don't, there's no point in your life where you're like, you know what?
I don't need food for the next five years. Before currency existed? Yeah. So I'm not going to hunt or gather anything. I'm just gonna, I'm just going to stop. Guess what doesn't happen? That. Because there's certain things that, you know, biologically deep down, you'll do forever. So if you spend your whole life doing a whole bunch of things forever, and then it stops, your body usually quits on you.
Yeah. Unfortunately. Unfortunately. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. So that's a sad story. Side of a work life balance.
And I mean, some of these guys, I don't know, some of these guys, they just, they don't believe in quality of life. You know what I mean? Or maybe they feel like they can't believe in that. Maybe there's something holding them back, whether it be family members or,
you know, or just societal expectations.
Exactly. You know what? I think the scariest thing would be that. And you can see it, you can search YouTube videos for it, like, what are retired people's biggest regrets? And a lot of them say not taking the time to enjoy the world as I grew through it or when I was younger. And that, that's a serious fear.
I don't have a drive to travel and explore the whole planet. I've been a couple places and I'm like, Oh, we can find this here in Canada. That's my view. Let's be clear. That's how I feel. Um, I would like to see some things, but at the end of my time, I don't want to feel like I missed anything. A hundred percent.
Like, even though I don't feel like traveling and seeing a lot of it, I don't want to feel like I missed intentionally because I had to work through it.
Oh, 100%. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I was going to say something, but I lost it.
Hmm. We've recorded a few of these episodes just to get used to it. Um, we forget things.
Sometimes. It's going to happen to me more than five times. Yeah. So
just, just stick with us.
Yeah. Just stick with us. You know. Ah, like it came back right now. Um, to me, us as humans, being human isn't about. Chasing the dollar. You know, being the next CEO. Being the next most successful business or whatever, you know what I mean?
I personally believe that's not what being human is about. Um. Being human is about experiencing happiness and joy and sadness and anger and all of the emotions that come with being human. It's experiencing different cultures and cuisines and Just the way people live on the other side of the world, you know what I mean?
Yep. There's so many new experiences and cultures out there for us all to experience, and I think, um
Too many of us get caught up in the rat race, and then we miss it all.
Exactly. We miss it all. Honestly. You know what I mean? And your life becomes a collection of, like I said, chasing the dollar, and What do you have after that?
You know what I mean? Sure, you might have a lot of money,
but what else you got? And you know what? To play on that point, your life becomes chasing the dollar and your life becomes, Oh, I replied to this many emails or I attended this many corporate meetings. Like what, what do you actually have to remember?
And you know what? I like your point to traveling the world. And I think Coldplay said it best. Are we human? Are we human? Or are we denser? And I think that dense part is all the experiences that we could get to have through life that a lot of us never get to have. A hundred
percent. A hundred percent.
There's a whole. spiritual side, I think, to just being human, that a lot of us are very closed minded to. Um, they, we think it's nonsense. You know what I mean? It's a joke. It's not real. It's complete bullshit. It's, it's really not.
No. And so many people get stuck in this like, Oh, like climbing the ladder, which we're going to touch on very quickly.
And like, I got to do this and I got to succeed here. And Sometimes, you know, you think climbing the ladder is the best thing. Um, and then it's not. Exactly. That whole like ladder that you thought was a 16 footer is a step stool because guess what? Someone's son came along after so and so gave up his company and he's like, well, I'm retiring as CEO.
And you're like, yeah, I'm CEO. I'm VP of something. I think I'm taking it next. And he's like, I'm going to appoint my son, Philip. Uh, he's been here since the beginning. Um, yeah. So Philip, you're the new CEO. Thanks Philip, uh, for being here. And you look and you're like, Philip started last week answering phones, but yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He can be the CEO. It's not like I was here for 12 years working my way up the ladder.
And I mean, I think you've said it best. You said to me the other day that look at the person who currently holds the position you want in 10 years and.
And look at their lifestyle. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. I had someone say that to me probably five, six years ago.
Now, Corey, if you want to know what your life in 15, 20 years is going to look like, look at the job you want. Look at who's in that job, ask him about their life. Terrifying. Oh, I can only imagine. Cause I asked some people for what my old aspirations were. And I was like, so you're doing right now, basically what I'm doing.
And I just have to do what I'm doing for the next 20 years.
No, thank you. And I had to get close to emphasize my point.
No, thank you.
Thank you.
Tell me about it. Yeah. And I mean, so that's, that's, I guess, a few of our thoughts on work life balance and how we feel about it. And, uh, I mean, it kind of leads into our next topic here about, uh, 44 to actually, I'm even going to go 44 to 60 hour work week here, facts that some of these guys pull out there.
And I mean, let, let's think about this here. You know what I mean? I feel like majority of us. Excuse me. Aren't particularly fond of what we do for living. You know what I mean? There are probably a few out there and you have props for me. Congrats. Good job. Where you love your job and you love your life outside of it.
That's awesome. You know, keep it up, keep going on that path. I'm proud of you,
but for the ones that currently do not like the job they're in and spend 44 to 60 hours a week at that job, think about it. That's 44. To 60 hours out of your life a week that you hate. Mm hmm that you do not enjoy whatsoever
and the sad part about that is I mean going back to Did we talk about relation? Yeah right at the beginning of this. Yeah, right We talked about episodes and like cheating and stuff like that Do you know where most of it comes from the workplace because you are spending so much time with your co workers and stuff Mm hmm, which you know as fine as great But not everybody gets to choose their coworkers.
I think in my entire professional career, I've found myself one time, um, that I was able to surround myself with people that I like because I opened the location I was working at. I got to choose every single person in that building. Right. So I got to go through the interview process with them. I got to, you know, assess them for character of what I wanted on this team.
Um, Which was fantastic, because Let me tell you
guys, Gordon knows how to build a team. Ha, thank you. When we
opened that restaurant, that was quite the team we had there. You stop. I'm gonna blush. But yeah, honestly, when it comes to the 40 60 hour work week, like, you spend so much time with your coworkers, you lose out on time with other people.
Mm hmm. For what?
It's crazy, man. Like, I, I wake up at 5. 30. You know, I start anywhere between 6 to 8. And I go for 10 hours. Mm hmm. I get home. I shower. I use what energy I have left to make dinner. Yep. And I have probably about 45 minutes to an hour before I got to hit the sack again. Yep. You know what I mean?
That's what kind of, what kind of life is that, right? It's, it's living for the weekend and that's not what it should be, man.
Cause then the weekend you're exhausted. Exactly. You have no energy to do anything. No. And you have to figure out like the thing that really drives me crazy is. Let us be honest about this So many companies and places are open Monday through Friday 9 to 5 Yeah, so many people work jobs that are Monday through Friday 3 Whatever you want to call it So on weekends you either have to give up one of your working days if you need like let's say Your vehicle needs going for some maintenance or some repair You either have to give up a weekday or if your dealership or mechanic or whatever is open on weekends Um You're there all day to get those done and like sure you're living for the weekend But your weekend becomes piled with all the quote unquote adult things.
Oh, a hundred percent. That you have to do. Yeah. That you're living, you're not really living for the weekend. You're living to catch up to your just surviv responsibilities outside of work. Surviv. Yeah. Yep,
yep. Yeah. And then
if you do have to give up a weekday, well, most places you don't get paid for that.
So you're giving up an entire day. Oh, exactly. Worth of pay. Yeah. Just to get, you know, things in life sorted out that you have to, yeah. Which then leads back to work life balance. Yeah. Because if you're always working, whether it's to fix your stuff, and again, not complaining, but you know you have to get stuff done.
Yeah. If your vehicle needs maintenance, your vehicle needs maintenance. Exactly. It's just facts. Yeah. And you have to figure out how to make time for that. So a work life balance doesn't work. And then a 40 to 60 hour work week also doesn't work.
Yeah, no. And I mean, don't get me wrong. Some people get a lot of pride out of working all these hours and what not.
And they think, you know, that's what makes you a man. Yeah. I'm
proud of you, you know, bud,
buck up, whatever. And we'll get into that. Yeah. Um, but, um, That's just not how it has to be anymore, you know, you know what I mean? It's it's very outdated mentality. I think in regards to Careers and it just keeps getting worse.
You know what I mean over time used to be 40 hours a week. That's it Flat. Yeah. Now it's eight hours a day or 44 hours a week, whichever one is more, you know what I mean? So I mean, shifts have generally gone from eight hours to nine hours now, and
it's just like, what are we doing? Right? Even someone. I've been in many salaried positions through my life.
Um, I've had a few jobs before that they're like, so this is your salary for the year, but you need to know it's based on a 50 to 55 hour work week. I'm like, okay, well, where I live overtime is 44. And they're like, no, your salary expectation is 50 to 55. You, you don't get overtime. You, you get, you get holidays and stat days.
And like stats are automatically given by the government and holidays state pay is um, Also, i'm pretty sure labor loss. So yeah, thanks for giving me what i'm supposed to get. Um, And paying me for less It's fantastic. Yeah, and then they look at you and they're like, you know what? Just just Keep doing it for a couple years.
Climb the ladder. You'll get there. Buck up and deal with it.
And I mean, that's what I'm saying. Why do we bust our asses for
someone that's not ourselves? Especially when it's just to perpetuate and I think a lot of people are coming to this realization. There's people out there willing to put in hard work to different things.
I'm willing to put in hard work to a lot of different projects. And like we said, like grow communities and like contribute to our community. Um, but I, I'm running out of interest to build someone's profits, mostly because I think some businesses, luckily I'm not currently as of the recording of this podcast in a business where I feel this way.
Um, but I know other people in this situation, we see it with where inflation and stuff is. Like, record profits, year over year profits. Yeah. Someone try and break down, if every single company is trying to exceed last year's profits, there has to be an end. Yeah. You can't just make more and more profits every single year.
And all my hard work, just to line their profit pockets, I don't know, I'm, I'm coming, I'm, let's be honest, I'm, I'm kind of over it. Yeah, well, me too, man, yeah. I'd rather take all this energy I put out there, put it back on me, and a community of people I care about.
That's what I'm saying. To be honest.
That's what I'm saying. I'm not trying to spend the rest of my life at a job that I absolutely hate. Spend endless amount of hours doing that job. Yep. You know what I mean? That's just not how it's gonna
be. Um, yeah, just for Philip to come along and be like, well, I guess I'm in charge now. Yeah, literally.
No management training, no leadership training. And then they wonder why their company falls apart and they're like, Oh, I don't know why your company fell apart. Yeah. Um, maybe because your succession plan was shit. I didn't think of a couple of companies right now, but, uh, me too. And I can think of some people who have worked in some of these companies and if you're watching this podcast, you know who you are.
Um, yeah, you do. But yeah, it just, it gets. Between the work life balance, the 60 hours of work week, it's, it's, it's a lot. And then that leads to, I think the next thing we can discuss on this old age mentality, new age reality subject is climbing the ladder and how much that is. Pushing the proverbial ladder.
Yeah. And, and like I mentioned, because I keep making fun of Phillip over here, who's not a real person, but we're going to pretend, um, how many times does it happen to people? You get into a job and they're like, yeah, just put your head down, focus for a few years. Yeah. Climb the ladder. You'll get the job.
You'll get it. And it is, and a couple of weeks ago you said something that I really didn't ever think about, um, until you said it. And it was, so if you're working hard and climbing the ladder. And everybody else is working hard and climbing the ladder. Guess what? Guess what? You all can't climb the ladder At the same time exactly and all get to the same places
You don't even know if you're ever going to get to the top of that You don't even know if you're ever going to take a step You know what?
I mean? Yeah, you can bust your ass and you can work as hard as they need you to But at the end of the day People play favorites people play favorites. You know what I mean? And that's that's a big part of it It feels good The management or whatever feels like they have a better relationship with someone else That person is going to get that job and it's it's about who you know, it's not about what you know
anymore It's very true.
And I think it's I think it's a huge lack in leadership and leadership training A lot of the times is favoritism. Yeah, and favoritism Sure, you can have your favorites and if you're working with friends Like i'm sure people are probably sitting there and they're like, oh you guys probably work your friends blah blah Yes, I do work with a couple of my friends But we're, I have all the same mentality that like, if we're going to be the best suited for the job, we're going to be best suited for the job.
We're not going to sit back and, you know, be buddy, buddy favorites with people. Exactly. But so many workplaces, they're like, yeah, okay. Person A has all the experience. They've been here for years. They like it. Person B has a great personality and fits in with everybody. They could probably use some training and then they choose person B because, and I get cultural fit and stuff like that.
But at the same time, um, Like, this person has been fighting and working and trying to climb that ladder just for it to be given away to the favorite. No. Which is a lot of companies and it leads to some serious problems and then you're like, okay, well, nobody told me the ladder had a top. They're always saying, oh yeah, climb the ladder, climb the ladder.
Is it a two foot ladder? Is it a 16 foot ladder? Is it, um, um, a genie lift? Like, yeah, like, like what kind of ladder is it? Cause guess what? They all top out. They do. They all top out. They might go pretty high, but I'll tell you what, those lifts, they top out. They do top out. And a lot of them top out before CEO or your next big promotion.
Yep. And then even if you do get close to CEO, Phillip comes along.
And I mean, the further you get up the ladder. The more you sacrifice your own life. You know what I mean? Cause you gain more responsibilities and you got to start looking after a team and all those fun things. You know what I mean? So it's,
and the other thing
give and take, and if you promote, and I've seen this so many times and it drives me crazy.
As someone who really believes in leadership, is when you watch people climb their little ladders and you promote the favorites, the favorites have no people training, have no leadership training, they're given management training, and I've always considered management and leadership two very, very different things.
Yes. Oh, 100%.
Yeah, yeah, they're, they're given the tools to run the numbers, management, management is running numbers. But they're not given essentially the training to like build teams or create teams or adjust with people or have hard conversations with people who, you know, might be underperforming. And that's another thing like,
I hate having to perform for people.
No, I know what you mean.
You know, like, yeah. And even like you wait for your yearly performance review and you get a letter grade or a number grade and they're like you were a 3. 75 this year and you're like, cool, how do I become a four? And they're like, that's impossible because there's always room for improvement.
And you're like, Oh, always room for improvement. I'll give you some room for improvement. Yeah. I'll give you some notes on improvement. Hell yeah.
Shove a broomstick up there, switch it into third, I'll tell you what. When you said that to me the other day, I almost died. Did you? Yeah, he was pissing me off.
Yeah, well, he was preventing coffee time, so. Literally. I was like, buddy, I only have a few minutes
here, get the fuck out of my way. When I'm working 40 to 60 hours a week, I appreciate my coffee times, okay? Yeah.
yeah, and if you're getting in the way of that, Oh buddy, just, just you wait.
I only get one coffee in the lunch, so they're valuable to me.
Yep. Yeah. And I think it's, I think it's funny to get back to the climbing the ladder. Like you said, the The higher you climb it's like it actually works out quite well because the higher you climb something or the higher you go up The more of a view you have on where you came from Yeah, which is very much what climbing the ladder is like Yeah, you go up your work hours increase what you're responsible for increases basically your view of the company as a whole, wherever you are, increases.
So it's actually a pretty good metaphor. Your work life balance gets thrown off, your hours of work become more, you're responsible for more things, you can see more things.
But, you're, you're just, you're losing more of your time in yourself. Mm
hmm. My favorite, My favorite is when people say, Yeah, but you stuck it out.
You stuck with it. Yeah, you know what I mean? What is so great about sticking with something that makes you completely miserable
the fact that you stuck it out.
I mean People say oh it builds character, you know, it makes you a man. It's like
no, you know what builds character. It makes you a man
life experience life
experience and being willing to have Open ended conversations and I don't know be vulnerable with people not like actually sticking it like Sticking it out through a situation that is so Yeah.
It is a bad decision. You're only
hurting yourself. Exactly. You might be making someone else money, but you're only hurting yourself in the process and it's a think about that Yeah, you're sacrificing your own well being to make someone else money as you just get by yep to line their profits They're profit
Exactly. It's ridiculous to inflate their profit pockets it's, yeah, that old age mentality. Work the hours. Tough it out. Stick it out. Buck up. Whatever. Climb the ladder. Um. Work the hours, I already said, uh, what was the first part we talked about? Why am I blanking? What was the very first thing we talked about in this?
Um, marriages and cheating and work life balance. Yeah, that's, that's what I meant to say. Yeah, this, this whole old age mentality of, yeah, stick with it. Work the hours, work life balance, you know, live for the weekends. Try and just morph your life into this structured nine to five Monday through Friday.
Get your white picket fence kind of dream that honestly was created. And really stabilized like a hundred years ago. Guess what? Times have changed. Times have changed. People have changed. Exactly. Technology has changed.
Technology has advanced.
Yes. And on that topic, technology has changed things. Um, and technology is actually getting kind of dangerous.
It really is.
As people dive deeper into AI and whatnot, man. Oh, it is. AI is super popular right now. Yeah, and
it will replace jobs.
Oh, at some point it will. It
already is. Yeah. It's inevitable. Yeah. There's already lists on the most, um, vulnerable jobs to loss from AI.
Oh, and I guarantee you they will find a way to make it cheaper than employing actual humans.
Oh, totally. Yeah. Well, if you think about it, 12, 000 computer program that runs,
they don't need to pay for a benefits plan. They don't need to.
And I mean, most people there'll be, um, there'll be salaried around, I don't know, 50, 60, 000 a year, depending on where you are in a company. If they can purchase, even, even like, let's say it's a 200, 000 AI program, you purchase this program, you get the updates, it runs your company.
It helps you do things. That's the salary of four people. You think a company will not sacrifice the salaries of four people for a really good AI program? You know what? They won't care. No, that's the
thing. They won't care.
Even if they're salaried at 50, 000 and the AI program is a million, that's only 20 people.
Companies, really big ones, they get to thousands. Do you think they wouldn't sacrifice 20 people for, or even 50 people for a million dollar program? Exactly. Exactly. They're saving themselves money, of course they would. Oh, totally. Yeah. And I think so many people, like, they get caught in this, oh yeah, like we just mentioned, the climb the ladder, but technology, it's great, it's fantastic.
AI can go a couple different ways right now. I have my opinions on it. Um, but if people think that companies won't compare the two, like a million dollars today compared to this savings, Plus, yeah, you don't have to pay this thing. The AI program. You don't have to pay the benefits. You don't have to pay the packages.
It will run 24 seven. Oh yeah.
The annual savings alone will be enough for companies to just be,
it takes away hiring. It takes away team building. Oh, exactly. And, and it's already like, it's cool and technology is fun, but this is why I think so many people are ages. Millennials is starting to see this differentiation between old age mentalities.
And how they have honestly lacked in adapting to our new age. And I think some people are starting to realize like, Hey, if, or I shouldn't say, if AI takes off as AI continues, cause it's going to, um, It puts a lot of things and a lot of people at risk. And
I mean there aren't a lot of jobs at the moment right now anyway.
No. You know what I mean? There's a lot of people out there, a lot of genuine people actually working for, actually looking for a job. I'm not talking about people that are sitting at home smoking weed all day talking about they're looking for a job.
Yeah. You know what I mean? Like legit people looking for work to make money to live.
they can't find one. Nope. They can't find one. Nope. It's, it's just crazy out there nowadays, and I mean, that's kind of where, I guess, technical advances also come into play. I mean, people are starting to have to find their own way to sustain themselves because of the lack of jobs in the market.
Yep, yep, no, and um, Technology is cool and it's allowing people to branch out.
Um, it allows two everyday normal guys to start a podcast talking about just, you know, their struggles in life. Um, but I think it's cool because I think, and I've talked with a few people on this, technology is great and we can use it to our advantage. The one thing that's kind of being lost with technology right now.
Discussion. Discussion. Human interaction. Yep. AI is great, but right now AI, it, it pulls from sources, it pulls information, AI doesn't come up with necessarily new thoughts, um, or even the discussion patterns that people do. Eventually who knows, it might get there. Um, but I, I honestly think you'll never be able to replace, um, AI.
a genuine human discussion. Yeah. And that's kind of becoming lost in the technology world. Um, which honestly I think will honestly benefit technology. Yeah. Cause there's already people who don't want to have conversations. Um, you can see it in the workplace all the time when it comes to technology, people that don't know how to save PDFs, AI is coming for you, just you wait.
Um, but no, people already don't want to have real discussions at work. So why Pay for people who just want to go in and complain and just be there to get the paycheck Exactly when a program can do it without the company.
They're not gonna pay for the training
if they can program something to already be trained that way, you know If that makes sense, I was kind of poorly worded, but nope.
No, I see where you're going with it And again, let's remember this thing that they're paying who knows maybe even two million dollars for that's only 40 people's jobs If i'm still mathing correctly, yeah 40 people 2 million AI program for, again, it to run 24 seven and be trained exactly what the company needs and wants.
Exactly. And it can be tweaked instantly. Yeah. Instead of having to retrain an entire team of people, they just change the coding on the AI AI program and it does what it wants to. Exactly. So,
and I mean, there aren't going to be electricians going in there to fix those things. You know what I mean?
They're going to have more. AI or robots or whatever that are already programmed to scan those computers or whatever, see what's wrong, deal with the problem. Yep. You know what I mean? Like, yeah. So it's just, it's crazy out there nowadays. And.
And we're going to lose a lot to AI. And I think people need to be smart when it comes to technology.
Honestly, I love technology. Um, but in these last couple of years, I've even seen it. Social media is a big one where honestly, it's kind of scary. It is kind of scary. And you don't know what's out there and, and like going back to previous in our conversation just to loop back like the swiping and the tinder, like it's all superficial.
How do I feel I'm going to base what I'm doing purely on emotion, no discussion and like, yeah, the whole interaction between people it's fading.
It really is fading. Because of technology. People are becoming more and more reclusive. Yeah. I guess in regards to going out and meeting people and being social and expressing themselves
and I mean.
And then that plays into the workplace. And then if you're someone who's maybe not socially comfortable. Um, because you're used to sitting behind a phone and swiping or just liking and not really interacting. Honestly, if you have some opinions and you discuss them with somebody and they don't see eye to eye with you, um, then you get offended because you're like, oh, you don't see my point of view.
So blah, blah, blah. And like you get these kind of people in the world that are very internalized. They're very in their worlds. Just because of technology in their phones. They go to work for their 40 to 60 hours in a work week They have no work life balance. Yeah, they're always struggling to climb the ladder They climb the ladder after being like a little social recluse you could almost say yeah They climb the ladder and then their big promotions given to Philip.
Yeah, what do you think? These people do like the whole thing plays into mental health. We just built a really big picture of it The old age mentality and how a lot of us were raised, especially as millennials, like everything we've said, go out, get the job, get the school, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, build your future as a millennial.
I don't feel like anything that I did to try and build my future in the typical like, Oh yeah, go, go to school, get through this, do that. I don't think any of it played to my benefit. And then you climb through what they tell you and then, yeah, you wind up like our poor little recluse guy who now gets denied his promotion and,
I mean.
Ask yourselves, what actual life skills were you taught while you were in school? What actual life skills aside from woodworking or foods or auto, it's time for a change. It is time. It is time for a change. You know what I mean? Cause like we said earlier, there's a lot more people out there who are finding that career life doesn't work for them.
Yep. You know what I mean?
Modern career life as how it's typically defined. Exactly. You know, it doesn't
matter what career you're in. No. You. Don't want to be there. Yep. And I mean, I'm sure there's a lot of us that don't want to be there But we go anyway, because we tough it out. We're big tough men, you know, we don't have feelings You keep going buddy.
Exactly. Buck up. But I mean, yeah, it doesn't have to be like that anymore I know I said that multiple times already, but I can't express that enough. Yeah, you know what I mean? It's just Yeah. Yeah.
And, and like we've said before. People are struggling. Yeah. People are struggling. And like we've said before, if, if you have a career and you'd love it and you know, you're doing great and you feel great, I'm happy for you.
I really am. People are trucking. You, you keep doing what you're doing. You keep loving what you're loving. Um, but there's a lot of us out there that just don't feel that way anymore. Do we still need career professionals and stuff like that? Totally. Don't get me wrong. Oh yeah. Of course. Yeah. Yeah, don't get me wrong.
Like we still need people, but I think there's such a stigma behind like, no, this is how your life should flow. These are the steps you should follow. This is the path you should take. Um, me, me, me, profit, profit, profit. And some of us just don't want to contribute to the profit chain. Um, and we'd rather, like we've said, give back to friends, family, community, still contribute, but not be like that money, money, money, career, career, business, business, business.
I was
talking to my mom the other day. about my current job and, you know, saying that, you know, I don't particularly like it. I'm not a fan. You know, I don't think it'll be a career for life type thing. You know what I mean? And she said to me, um, cause this isn't the first job where I felt like this isn't for me.
You know what I mean? Um, She said to me, so what, what do you think you'll be happy in? Because, you know, you probably should know that at your age. And I looked at her and I said, that's such an old age mentality. It is. I said those words. And I said, I'm 28. You know what I mean? Things aren't the way they used to be.
I have time to figure out what my life is going to be. Yep. You know what I mean? I'm not on some. Timeline checklist where I need to be here, here and here and have that, that, and that by the time I'm this age, because that's what everyone says I need to do. Yeah. No, that's not how it's going to go.
That's not how it's going to go. I'm at a point in my life where I've realized that I need to stop doing things to make other people happy. And I need to focus on myself and my own life and what I want. You know what I mean?
And really focus on. Who you want in your life and exactly I think I think more of an outcome or an end goal Which we'll talk about in a different episode of building your own happiness Yeah, I think that's a very important end goal for a lot of people and actually that's such a good point Um, oh if you're not happy with this, what will you be happy with?
Why why do I have to choose exactly like exactly? You're 28 and feeling that I'm Little older around 33. I am 33. Um, and you know what? I, I don't even know what my goal for the next five years looks like. And I know you can talk to a lot of people and they're like, Oh, you don't even want to know what you want to be doing in five years.
Literally. No, I don't know the, I don't know the career or the job I want to be doing in five years though. I do have a plan. Hopefully there is, well, the plan is have a certain house built in that future and have a community built around that. Built on like sustaining the community or friends or family or stuff like that and finding ways to contribute back Do I know what that looks like right now?
No Cuz honestly I feel like it's an uncharted path that a few people are now starting to take and I think we're both Kind of on that path where we don't know what career we're gonna be in in five years But we know we're gonna be doing something To give back, obviously, and, you know, support society and be an active member of society and all that good stuff.
Honestly, just being human, I think it's very part of giving back to society. Um, but yeah, I don't want it to follow a career outline, so yeah, like sure. Okay. I don't want to be, you know, still running my crypto Instagram in five years. So what? Yeah,
and I mean you meet with people nowadays that you haven't seen in a while And some of their first questions to you are so what are you doing?
What do you do? Are you married? Do you have a house? Do you have a family? What are your plans? What are your plans? But they never ask you if you're happy They don't. They, and, yep. Because to them, life is some checklist, that if it's not done according to that checklist, you're a failure. Yep. Oh, new
house, right now?
Ooh. Ooh. Only one vehicle. Exactly. Oh, not a new vehicle. Oh, exactly. Oh, you don't have toys, trailer, boat, anything like, ooh You're you're not and you know what? I think this is a lot of the struggle that older generations are having right now With old age mentalities is it was very much like by certain life milestones.
Yeah AKA birthdays, you have specific things to meet certain targets or milestones to show you're successful. Yeah. Which I don't want to touch on too heavily right now because that's actually our next episode. Yeah. Uh, what is success to you? And I think that'll play in well. But yeah, if you don't hit these certain checklist milestones, you, yeah, you're, you're not successful.
You're not successful. And yeah, no, nobody asks like, are you happy? Literally. How are you feeling? You know, how are you feeling? I'm not going to lie. I think if someone genuinely and don't. Do what I'm about to say. If someone genuinely stopped and looked at me and said, Cory, are you happy? I might cry because how many people take the time to actually think like, what is happiness to me?
What does that look like? And am I happy?
Yeah. Yeah. I feel like a lot of people don't even. Yeah, they don't even ask themselves that, you know what I mean? Let alone asking someone else. Are you happy? Are you? And I feel like it's super, super important as Individuals that we sit down and we assess our own emotions and we assess where our mentality is at Yeah, you know what?
I mean? Are we happy? What is the cause of that happiness? Are we not happy? What is the cause of that unhappiness? What can we do to change that? You know what I mean? I feel like that's super important in regards to figuring out who you are and what you want from your life. You know what I mean? Because once you figure out what makes you happy, you kind of have an idea of where to go.
Yep. You know? Because Obviously it makes you happy. Happiness is a good feeling and you want to experience more of that. Yeah. You know
what I mean? And we don't just want to get caught up. And I think it's, I think it's a very new age way of thinking. Um, what makes me happy? Not from necessarily a selfish standpoint, like I need other things and the status and no, like we're talking like, can you sit back and just.
Feel happy without feeling like you always have to be impressing someone or one upping because a lot of these people are like like new age influencers Different topic for later on how I feel about them But I mean, they're constantly competing with other influencers than other people. Yeah, and sure like Instagram and Social media you see the best parts of people's lives.
Yeah, but are they happy exactly? And are they actually trying to figure out what happiness is to them? And I think it's a very new age thought that even even people that are like, I'm living my best like Instagram life They're still chasing the same money and the ladders like oh, yeah Don't for a lot
of people happiness is just in the back of their head Yep, because they feel like that's where it needs to be.
Yep. They feel like in order to be successful as a man You know what? I mean? Yep that sits in the back of their brain while they work their life away. Yep You know, it's just, it's kind of ridiculous at the fact that we have evolved and adapted, but not necessarily to what I think we're capable
of as a species, I guess.
Yep. And I mean, a lot of people thought technology would help with that. I think it's honestly hindered it.
Oh, a hundred percent. It's hindered it like we were talking about earlier. There's human interaction is, you know, almost extinct aside from going out to dinner, ordering at the cashier or, you know, getting someone to pump your gas for you or basically having someone do something for you.
You know what I mean?
And yeah. Yep. And it's, and it's hard. And that's why we made this podcast literally 100 percent just to open up discussions on how we feel because We're very positive. There's others out there that feel the same way and they don't want to be stuck in that old age Climb climb climb work work work.
Exactly. I don't want
to use the term woke because I hate that term. I hate that term So we're gonna try and stay away from that term throughout the entirety of this podcast. Yeah, we don't
want to be labeled as anything that we're not.
But no, it's it's very true. I think There's a discomfort because you get people like us that We obviously want to still, you know, like we said, add and contribute, um, but we don't want to do it the traditional way.
And I think it makes people feel uncomfortable because the goal we have for ourselves is based on what our feeling of success next episode and our happiness is exactly not where we want to be or the titles we want to hold. And I think that throws people off. It's like, you don't want a certain title.
No, I'm no. If I die without one, which. We'll talk about later. Um, I'm happy. I'm probably
way happier. Titles mean jack shit to me, man. Yep. It's like, oh, you're a CEO.
Cool. You're only a CEO. Respect me and I'll respect you, right? You're only a CEO as when you're with that company. Yeah. As soon as you leave, guess what?
There goes your title. There goes your title. You're just another human. Yep. You know?
So we should talk about that in an episode. Titles. We should. Titles. That one throws people off quite a bit. Do you like titles? Are you on board with titles? Not labels, titles. Titles. Let's be specific. Labels is another, another discussion.
Yes, completely. Hashtag folk. No, sorry, we weren't going to use that. Um, but yeah, so that's, I think that's our discussion on old age mentalities, new age realities. There are some of us out there who want to forge a different path that is disturbing to other people because we don't have those. Title milestones that I think a lot of people feel everyone should have.
So, hey, if you're like us, welcome aboard. If everything we said you want to put in the comments, Oh, you're just a bunch of lazy and I love my job. Cool. Keep it out of the comments. Good for you, man. Keep on going. That's awesome. Obviously, this isn't for you. And you know what? That's okay. Guess what? Not everything is for everyone.
Exactly. Surprise, surprise.
Yeah. Next episode. Yeah. Next episode, we're going to be, uh, what is success to you? Yeah. What is success to you? Think about that. Yep. And we're going to get into that a little bit more in the next episode. Dive a little bit deeper. Um, there's definitely a few subtopics in regards to what is success to you that we're going to touch on.
Yep. Uh, inner peace, self content, et cetera. Yep. It's going to be a good time. It's going to be a good one. So we hope you join us again.
chilling out. Have a great night, guys.
Yep. And we'll talk soon.
Yep. Goodbye. Bye.