Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
Asking the hard questions | What Do You Want To Be - EP4
Unveiling the Key to Your Future - What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up - EP4
In this episode, we dive deep into the timeless question: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Join us as we share our personal journeys, childhood dreams, and the pressure society places on young minds to decide their future paths. We discuss the importance of happiness over career titles, the impact of life experiences, and the value of staying flexible with our ambitions. Whether you're still figuring out your direction or looking back at your journey, this episode offers a thoughtful exploration of growth, self-discovery, and the evolving nature of our aspirations. Tune in for an engaging conversation that reminds us all to reflect on our true desires and the person we want to become.
What do you wanna be when you grow up?
I don't know, man. I always kind of thought I wanted to be like a chef or a fireman or like a police officer or something like that's, but then as I got older, I was like, you know what? I wanna be happy when I grow up
Right. That's what I'm saying.
I'm proud of you.
Thanks, man.
You're welcome.
Well, I mean, I don't think people think about it like that. I still don't know what I want to be. You know what I mean? Yeah. I mean, I know, I can tell you that I don't want to be Stuck in some career. Yeah, that's fair. That's fair. You know what I mean? That's fair. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I don't know. I think that's a great mystery of life. You know, ever, do we ever really grow up? I don't think so. Do we ever really have to choose something? No.
Yeah. Yeah.
Hey guys, welcome back to the podcast
Thanks for tuning in again
just the first two minutes of just like what are we doing what's happening
Yeah Great start to this one.
Yep, like always like always. Yeah, at least we didn't just sit here. Yep.
We pull through
Yeah, we do. Yeah. Yep
so today You We're going to be asking ourselves the almighty question.
Something we've all been asked since, you know, teeny, teeny, teeny, tiny to honestly, I think even in my late twenties, I'm still getting asked this question.
Yep. What do you want to be when you grow up?
And everything that comes with that.
Literally everything that comes with that.
And it's probably the most asked question to anybody out there.
What do you want to be? But there's so much choice there.
And I mean,
let us be honest here, I feel like a lot of the time growing up, I would just voice something to get them off my back. Yep. You know what I mean? Yep. As I didn't even necessarily want to be whatever the hell it was I said. I want to be a firefighter. Okay, also
when you're younger and like going and starting to live through life Like yeah, you see something like that'd be fun, but you don't actually think about what it would take
exactly. So yeah, going back to the beginning with what you said, where you wanted to be a firefighter and all that stuff, there's truth to it. Like at the beginning, we weren't joking around. Like there's truth to that. Yep. And I knew a lot of things that I wanted to be when I grew up, but now where I am in life, I still don't know what, what I want to be.
I have goals. I have ambitions, but I don't think it really relies on a fixed, as we've said in other episodes and stuff like that fixed title thing, you know, Like what I want to be is not fixed to yeah, I'm gonna be a astronaut or a CEO of Some company I don't know
No, I totally understand
where you're going there
But but yeah, like like what did you want to be when you grow up?
Like when people ask you that question when you're young? What was your early answers? Let's just like walk through the progression of early answers?
Well, you know, when I was really little, like, I feel like a lot of young boys just go through a phase where they're like, Oh, I want to be a firefighter.
I'm going to be a firefighter when I grow up. They're so cool. You know what I mean? Yeah. And then at a certain point, you know, I ended up wanting to be a police officer. Uh huh. And, um, and then for majority of my adolescence, I think. I wanted to be a chef. You know what I mean? I always loved cooking and, you know, experimenting with different foods and spices and herbs and whatever it may be.
Um, yeah. But then as I grew up even more, I feel like the what do you want to be when you grow up question lost. all materialistic value.
Yeah, that's fair.
You know what I mean? Um, eventually it just became more like, I want to be happy. You know what I mean? I want to have inner peace. I want to be able to experience life when I want to experience it and not have to wait.
You know what I mean? Um, so I mean, I guess, yeah, that's kind of. A glimpse into what I want to be when I grow up. You know what I mean?
It's nice that, uh, we can sit here and be like, you know what, we still don't know. Yeah. Or where. Yeah. At what age do you think you wanted to be a chef? Like, when was that around?
Oh boy. Like ten?
Oh, okay. So like grade five ish? And you held on to that for a while?
Yeah. Oh yeah. Throughout. Um, the rest of elementary, junior high, high school. Crazy. Yeah, and then, having worked in the industry, I now realize, wow, no you don't. Whoops.
But I mean, like, it's, it's a pretty loaded question. Like, even myself, when I was younger, honestly, I can't, looking back, I can't remember some of the things I wanted to be. I think, like, most people. Kids, I think firefighter probably showed up on the list once. Um, I believe astronaut, train conductor. I went through a train phase. Who hasn't? Um, and then, yeah, I think I held on to some of those for quite some time.
And then I think it was about grade 10, 11. So 13 ish, I locked my sights on wanting to be an architect.
And that, that became a driving force in my life. And then obviously not an architect. So what happened there? Uh, stress, high competitive environment. Um, I don't know, just some simple realizations that I think I didn't want to fight in a career that is so hyper competitive.
Yeah. And like there's there's some amazing architects out there and there's some crazy works. But to get on the global or international stage, like it takes a lot of work. It takes concepts that people like and if people don't like your concept, then it's just, Yeah. Yeah. And at one point I looked at it and I was like, I, I like the idea.
I love the design aspect, but I don't, I don't think I personally have the drive to put in the work to do that. Right. Cause it's a lot.
Oh, I can only imagine. My God.
Yeah. And school, so much school. That's what I'm saying. Master's degree, eight years, probably 200 plus thousand in student loans. Cause I was not, and this is the other thing, like I was not the kind of kid and I had friends that they could work all summer, um, through the first years of university and college that we all went and they could work an entire summer.
Just go at it, pay off their entire semester. 18, 19, I was not that kid. I could not work my entire summer away and be like, Yeah, I'm going to pay for my next year of university. I'm like, no, no, no. The government will give me student loans? Yeah, just let that roll in. But, I think That's a hard part because you're so young.
Yeah, and we've talked about this before like I I didn't figure out What I really enjoy in life till I was 28 29 So to throw it at kids 15 16 like what do you want to be when you grow up decide now so you can like start planning university I think
like I understand the point of the question, but I think it's a lot of pressure It is to put on kids
quite a lot of pressure.
Yeah, you know As you go throughout school all those years and whatnot
They drill it in your head, I think, from day one. Like, you gotta know what you're gonna do once you leave this place. Yeah. You know what I mean? And, yeah, the amount of stress and pressure that just puts on Young children. I mean, I don't know man. It's a lot. It is a lot. It is a lot. So I mean, yeah growing up I'm sure people just they feel pressured into picking something.
You know what I mean? Oh for sure. And that's what they'll do for however long they do it. Yeah until they decide they don't like it or whatever and
Then what?
That's the big question. Then what? What happens when you go so much in your childhood thinking about, like, what do you want to be, and the pressures nowadays, um, just from reading some current books and stuff on where the world is and the pressures that kids have in school these days to, like, excel at exam marks and, like, be top of their class to get into the good universities and college and get those top spots, like, Kids are basically having their childhoods thrown away based on getting the marks to reflect what they want to be when they, like, I feel like kids can't be kids anymore.
They're basically being put through school and training to be a incredibly high functioning, high performing adult and not given any chance to fail. I work with so many younger people being in a management position where they're afraid to mess up or make a mistake and like That's part of being human.
Mm hmm. So it's part of learning.
It is and you can't learn or grow without making mistakes Exactly, but yet there's so much pressure put on this question of what do you want to be when you grow up? And like you said did anybody ask you how you want to feel when you grow up or who do you want to be?
Mm hmm. Who do you want to be as an individual? Yeah,
and I think that's that's also a hard question Cause again, you're young and if you don't figure life out till you're 26, 27, maybe 28, like how do you, how do you figure out who you're going to be? Yeah. How did, how did you figure it out? How are you feeling? Um, where are you heading? What are your plans?
You know, I still don't necessarily know who I'm going to be because I'm, I'm still going through some shit. Yep. You know what I mean? Currently right now. And I know that I'll find him eventually. At the end of this. Yep. You know what I mean? Yep. Um, but right now, yeah, I can't necessarily pinpoint, I guess, who I would want to be when I grow up. I do know that I do want to be a good person, you know what I mean? One, yeah. Nope. I, so I mean, I guess that's as far as I've gotten right now, you know what I mean? Like, uh, yeah. And I wanna be a good person, you know, a man that people can look up to. Mm-Hmm. and say, that is a good man. Yep. You know what I mean? And I feel like I'm starting to understand. What that means but obviously i'm still getting there.
Yeah, you know what I mean? So Yeah,
and it takes time
exactly and I mean, yeah, I Spent a lot of my early 20s just dicking around doing nothing with my life. You know what I mean? And um
but the same time I think that's I think that's healthy. And I think the Oh, 100%.
Yeah, I don't think I would ever take it back. No. No, I don't necessarily say I would regret it. Um, it taught me a lot. And I now know what I don't want. Yep. You know what I mean? So Yep. Yeah, I mean, there were positives from
that. Yep. And you learn a lot. Like, I never considered wanting to be I mean, I always had an interest in the culinary world. Right.
But I never really fully pursued what that life would look like. I mean, I work in restaurants, but I, I've successfully avoided the culinary side for a few years now. So, but I mean, you know, you learn, I think you learned a lot of good skills through different experiences. Oh, for sure. And if you spend so much of your younger years, like focused in on what you're going to be when you grow up and focusing on that, like, I think you lose a lot of valuable time.
Focusing on what your future is going to be and like planning for your future and all that. Not knocking it, not dissing it. Um,
not at all. No, but people need life experiences and we've talked about life experiences before. And like how important they are. Like I've going back to where I was going with the restaurant thing.
I really found that I do love cooking. While working in restaurants like same reasons as you like putting different things together experimenting with different Ethnic food types from around the world. It's fun. It's enjoyable But if it's a full time career, you lose a lot of the passion for it, you know Gets crushed.
Yeah. Yeah, that's even like the whole side of Architecture. I love the design elements. I love the Designing homes things part of me still wants to go back and get some certain certificates so I can do it like On the side is like a drafter right yet Not a career because I like it so much That I don't want to come to hate it because I have to rely on it for an income, right, you know, I Think there's nothing worse than you ask kids these days.
Like hey, what do you really like? What do you want to do for the rest of your life? What do you want to be when you grow up and you're basically just Asking them to find something they're passionate about that they want to do for the rest of forever and enjoy it forever Mm hmm in my experience in the last 33 years Things I'm passionate about and that I like if I did them as a career.
I'd hate them.
Oh, yeah for sure Kids just want to be kids man. Yeah, I don't want you in there You're asking them what they want to be when they know they just want to play Lego Yeah, you know what I mean? They just want to run around the yard Be boys, you know, go ride your bikes, shoot each other with stick guns and stuff, you know what I mean?
Just throw sticks at each other. Or I guess nowadays it's sit on the couch with an iPad or an iPhone. Yeah. And yeah, do whatever the hell they do there. But, um, yeah, that's, that's also a rough one. But still, nonetheless, I mean. Get your kids off the iPad get them outside. Mm hmm. You know what I mean? Yeah, never mind though.
What do you want to be when you grow up right now anyway, you know, depending on their age I guess
but and again, it's not a bad question but people put so much emphasis on it and I I Agree with that point like why can't we get kids back to being kids?
I think of my childhood. Yeah, it was a lot of outside time.
It was a lot of camping. Um, had to figure things out with friends. Like, if you're playing grounders and someone doesn't follow the rules, like, we're gonna get a licking. Yeah. From the other kids. But that's how kids learn. Um, I just read a book called The Anxious Generation and they bring up a lot of these same subjects.
Like, what smartphones are Being in our pockets all the time and all the social media over the last decade is like done to younger kids And the problem is is kids can't be kids anymore. No Like you see you see so many young kids inside. Hey, what do you want to be when you grow up a twitch streamer?
youtuber, yeah
Tick tock star influencer. I want to dance on tick tock I
Ridiculous it it well it like let us be honest. TikTok, YouTube, Instagram. They're jobs or careers that's gonna last for a set window.
Mm hmm. It's not a thing that you can do Forever. Yeah, but I think a lot of people Because that's all they see in a lot of kids. That's all they see That's what they want to do because they think they can do it forever. Mm hmm, and you can't know you can't which is why I think Even I'm feeling very much the same as you like I'm still figuring out what I want to do and what I'm going to be Doing in the future.
I know it's gonna be something and I'm gonna figure it out and we're you know gonna work through it, but these kids Remember vine I do remember what happened to vine. Yeah, where the hell did all they go? You know what I what I mean So the sad thing with a lot of this is these kids go they become tick tockers They become viners.
Also, can I just talk about vine for a second? I think it was amazing
I think vine was awesome
to get the amount of content that some people managed in six seconds Seconds, I think that was a talent. Yeah Now on Tik Tok, you have like lawn format and Instagram, you have lawn format and you get these kids.
They're like, so I'm going to tell you about my day. Uh, but first, uh, I got to tell you about my dog. So she like has this thing with her paw and fast forward 10 minutes. So yeah, that's about my dog. Um, so for today, and you're like, I don't, I don't want to sit here and listen to this. Like sometimes I'm like, What are we, what are we even talking about?
But no, so many of these kids, especially in Gen Z, you're starting to see it where they become Tik Tokers. They become influencers. I hate that word, but they become these things, they get really big and then it just dies because unfortunately they, not everybody can be interesting for forever. I don't, I don't think I'll be interesting for forever.
I'm going to try, but I don't think I will be. But when that goes away and you have nothing left, what do you do? Only fans. Do you know where most of those viners went? If you look up so, or they're dead, actually there's, there's, sorry, that's really, there's, there's a decent amount of viners that. have passed away because they got really big.
They had a whole bunch of money come in because again, as kids, they were, I feel, you know, pressured, like, what do you want to be? What do you want to do? Like, and they missed out on certain life experiences. Um, and I learned how I'm going to be straight honest. I didn't learn how to properly manage my finances till COVID.
Like I thought I knew how to budget and stuff, but when everything shut down and all the jobs were taken away, that's when I figured out how to actually budget my life. But kids need those experiences. So if you don't get those experiences, and you don't get the learning how to budget, you become a big Viner, TikToker, you're getting brand deals, all that stuff, all this money's piling in, then it stops.
Yep. And do you know what people are always willing to pay for? Drugs. Nude photos. Oh, right. Because they all start OnlyFans accounts. And now you have all these young kids Now trying to make money on OnlyFans.
Yeah. That's a lot of societal pressure right there.
It is a lot of societal pressure.
Cause then where do you go from there?
Yeah, what do you do if society's plan doesn't work out? Yeah.
What if YouTube shuts down? What if TikTok gets banned?
What if the internet goes down? What if the internet goes down? For real? Yeah. Like, do you know how much would just be lost? You know how
many people would just be lost?
Guilty. Guilty. Kidding, I wouldn't be lost.
If the internet ceased to exist, I'd know exactly where I'd go. And how I'd spend the rest of my time. Yep. I'd go cultivate the land. Cultivate the land. And work on that. Work on that farm there, Seamus. But yeah, what do you want to be when you grow up? It's a heavy question. Heavy, heavy question. That too much people put too much emphasis on.
hmm. Not to mention, I don't even think we mentioned this, but yeah, kids have no idea what that even means, I think. You know what I mean? Especially like the really, really young ones. You know what I mean? Yep. What do you want to be? Like, what do you, what do you want your job to be when you grow up, you know?
Oh, Garbage man. Right? You know, just
something out there. Woo!
Well, I mean, if you think back to when you were younger and someone said, hey what do you want to be when you grow up? And you said firefighter, what did you think it entailed? Like, what, what, when you were tiny? Putting out fires. Yeah.
Yeah. And what else? That's about it. Yeah. Yeah. Not the, not the training, the, the mental trauma that comes with being a first responder is something special. And I could never be one of those people. Can you imagine?
Just going to, Oh, you want to be a firefighter? Hey kid. Yeah. You think you can handle PTSD?
You ready to see a dead body?
You ready to walk through the flames, kid? Yeah.
Yeah. Walk into the flames. That's what I'm saying. Like yeah, yeah, it's a loaded question or even like ooh, you want to be a policeman?
Yeah, I'm ready to get shot at
Get shot at hated on literally
Yeah It's a yeah.
But yet we all stand around and feel like, Oh yeah, like you're a bigger kid.
You'd be a great firefighter because you know, when you're young, physical attribute, it's all you got.
Oh yeah. Yeah. Or they'll be like, well, you should play football. You're going to be a big football star when you get older.
Oh my God. I always hated that when I was, I mean, I've still got pretty big shoulders.
Yeah, but my entire life. I mean your shoulders don't shrink Of course I have big shoulders, um, but the amount of times I got that they're like, yeah, you're gonna be a quarterback in the in in the cfl My answer was always no, I never even considered it. Yeah, I was like, no, I don't want to but you get people to do that.
They're like, yeah,
not in
the cfl
nfl maybe oh hell yeah,
but then cf Uh ccf what? If anybody's watching out of Canada, it's uh, don't even worry about it.
Yeah, it really doesn't matter. It's not important. It's a joke.
football laughs.
But yeah, it's just Canadian football losers. Womp
womp womp.
But yeah. So I just want to reiterate, you know, we don't judge. We don't. Yeah.
No judgment here. No
judgment at all. We may have our opinions. Yeah. And maybe they might be a little heavy handed for some of you, but we do not judge.
No. At all. And we're not, you know, physicians, psychologists.
Mental practitioners. We're none of that. Yeah. We're, we're just here. None of the
fancy stuff. Yeah. That's not us.
Plant. Yeah. Our plants not even real. You know what I mean? So
how dare you, but yeah, no, like we, we sit here on this podcast, just wanting to be, you know, honest about some struggles that we see.
And nowadays I think, what do you want to be when you grow up is used in a way to direct. Kids out of honestly being kids and just being allowed the freedom to roam and have fun and, you know, learn those sensitive life experiences
happen. If you walked up to a child, that's the child. What do you want to be when you grow up?
And the child said, happy, would you even have a response?
I would cry and I'd be like, you're gonna go far you you're gonna be okay,
right? I feel like any Anyone out there nowadays would just be like, oh no, that's silly. That's silly. I mean what kind of career
That is what they say, you know what I mean? Good job, Jimmy. Good job. You're gonna wind up, you're gonna be in an institution. I wanna be happy. Oh, man. No, but like, there's a very real side to that too. Cause most people would look at them and be like, Well, you're gonna be happy no matter what you do, so.
Yeah, you're gonna be happy no matter what you do. Like, even from them, they're like, From that age I should say like, oh, I want to be a doctor or whatnot. You're gonna be happy with it Yeah, so why do you want to be happy? You're gonna be happy You're gonna have the money and you're gonna have the the title and the the fancy office because you're gonna be doctor So you will be happy let alone the working hours the stress the the pressure like
You're not gonna be happy
Well, I mean, I don't, who knows? You might be. But I feel like majority of us would not be happy.
No. No.
No. Sit in your office till late, you know, doing paperwork or whatever, keeping the company afloat and
Going through the mental stress of losing someone. Yeah. Whether it's a patient, a client, a co worker.
See Like it can apply to any job situation like there's Yeah, and some people just overwork themselves and then I think you mentioned it once like you get to a point Where you're approaching your 30s and you're like if I do this for the next 20 years Like if I do what I chose to do when I grew up I'm gonna hate the next 20 years.
I'm gonna hate my life till I'm 50 60. Yeah And then you get like a lot of people you get to 60 and you're like five more years. I only got five more years till retirement. And then you get the
people that are like, why are you so unhappy at work? What do you mean? Why are you so unhappy, dude? It's just work.
Like, just deal with it and go home. Like, it's what everyone else does. I am so happy for you, sir. That you are able to come and hide how miserable you are. All day long. All day long. All day long. Good for you, sir. Some of us, it's just too hard. Yep. Because we just, I don't know. Me, personally.
It's really hard to do something I don't want to
So just like success, you get to a point where. You're asked the question, what do you want to be when you grow up? And you're asked and you're asked and you're asked so you decide to do whatever you're doing whether it's doctor's lawyer skilled laborer Did it a different order that time? You're welcome and Like you get to a point where you're like, okay, I'm doing what I thought I wanted to do and everybody thought I wanted to do So if I stop doing it, do they think I'm gonna like I'm a failure Because they've asked you for so long.
What do you want to be? What do you want to be? So I think it's a lot like success, you know Like you get to a certain level of success where you're like, oh, I have the job. I have the title, but am I happy? Yeah, I think it's the same with this question. You're asked your whole life. Like what do you want to be?
What do you want to be? So when you're you get to be what you wanted to be I'm gonna say it in quotes If you don't want to be that anymore are you a failure Do people look at you as a failure? So do people like the guy you talked about who's clearly miserable at work, but you know Just showing up to get it done.
Like is he afraid to not To stop doing what he's doing because everyone around him who's been asking them these questions this whole life. Mm hmm Think it'll be a failure. Oh, I bet there's no 100
percent I bet a lot Oh, I bet a lot of that is based off, you know, he's worried about what other people are gonna think Yeah, you know what?
I mean 100. Oh, yeah, that's sad. Yep That's sad. Very sad the fact that he can't focus on his own happiness because He's too worried about making other people happy. Yeah, you know what I mean? And Yep
Because he's been asked this question that's why you're at a loss
there. Yep
So if you're out there, and you're like, you know what?
I don't want to be when I grow up. Hi, welcome. Hello. Welcome to the podcast. Welcome to the podcast. Um, the more we talk in these episodes, I, I honestly think doing things and growing through things, situations, life experiences, um, I think it's almost more beneficial than locking yourself into a set. Idea, program, system, whatever you want to call it.
Mm hmm. Um, Because I feel more rounded as a person. By having a direction I want to go. Mm hmm. But not locking into anything. Right.
You know?
Yeah. Nice. Yeah. I have a question for you. Okay. Are you a routine person? A routine person? Do you have a routine?
No. Me neither. And I'll tell you why. I hate them.
They're too stagnant. You know what I mean? Do you find yourself getting bored? Quite. Yeah? Quite. And I start to feel guilty if I don't do something that's a part of the routine. Okay. And I hate that. Yep. Because sometimes I just want to relax and do nothing. Yep. Yep. Without doing anything. The guilt of not fulfilling the routine, you know what I mean?
And at the same time going throughout the routine, you know, I mean, that's me wanting to just chill and relax is inevitable. Yep, because you know, like we said routines for me get tedious and Boring and annoying and repetitive. Yep. You know what I mean? So I always yeah Oh, I I've never really been a routine guy.
Me neither. Yeah You Have
been routine people?
I mean, obviously i've tried because I can tell you that's how I found out i'm not a routine person. Yep Yeah,
no, totally fair.
Yeah I don't know. I mean if you are a routine person, hey good for you, man. Yeah, i'm proud of you keep on trucking That's awesome.
Do you meal prep? I do meal prep. Interesting. Yes I only because i'm so tired when I get home from work at night That it's so much easier to throw a nice meal in the mic So on like saturday or sunday one of those days i'll do a bunch of meal prep Like a protein, you know mousse or chicken or something like that Vegetables and starch usually and then when I get home at night from work and just throw it the mic I got a decent meal to eat.
Yep. Yep minus the radiation from the microwave but uh Yeah, you know, so it's just it's super handy. It's super easy You And uh, Yeah, because a lot of the time I don't have a lot of
energy to fucking make dinner anyway, so nope, that's fair I just asked because if you're not a routine person, I was Honestly expecting you to be like, no, I can't food prep.
I can't food prep.
Oh, really?
Yeah, if I prep meals for Five six days and we've tried it before By day three. I'm like, I don't want this anymore
oh, yeah And day four I hate it even more. I'm like chose this for me I know I did four days ago, but why would I do this to myself?
I mean, don't get me wrong.
I feel the same way sometimes, but like, like I said, you know, again, I'm usually so tired. I just don't care. Yep. I'll just shove it in because it's nourishment.
Yeah, sometimes you just got to get it in there for nourishment. The food. Yeah. The food. Were you talking,
Yeah. What else were you talking about?
So yeah, what do you want to be when you grow up? You know what I mean? I'm sure you guys were asked that question quite a bit throughout your growth in the years and whatnot. Um, what were some of your guys answers? Yeah, some of your answers. Yeah,
what what we're Yeah, we're talking to you the audience now.
I have now i've come to realize this is a podcast So some people might not be watching the video. So we're here to ask you Yeah, what what did you want to be when you grew up or if you're you know younger and listening to this, uh, like mid adult i'd say 18 19 20 ish like what do you want to be when you grow up and like if you're older You Did you continue on that path?
Yeah, if you did continue on that path, are you happy? Yeah, are you still happy with it? Mm hmm Yeah,
I think that's a great question. You know, I think it's also a great
Thing to think about mm hmm, you know what I mean? And again, there's no right or wrong answer there But just you know, take it from two guys who have lived a life Roughly 30 years worth of experiences now?
Like, sometimes you're just too busy to actually sit down and think about, Am I happy? Yeah. You know what I mean? So, here, you know, here's a little nudge. Yeah. You know, take a few minutes, sit down. Breathe. Think about the progress you've made, think about where you are, and ask yourself,
Am I happy? And where I'm planning to go, is it going to continue this happiness?
Yes. And if your answer is no,
Figure out. How you can change that. Yeah, whether it be career change, uh, change of environment, new house. Um,
maybe you're just, you just need to go relationship. Yeah. Maybe you need to go outside and touch some grass.
Yeah. Maybe you just got to go be one with nature for a little bit.
You know what I mean? Cause I know Corey and I are a couple of people that just love to go
fresh in the mountains. Yep. You know what I mean? No cell phones, no service. I know it sounds crazy and weird. But if you're listening to this and you're younger and you're like, I don't know what i'm doing Leave your phone at home.
Yep, and go for like an hour walk or drive out of your city for half an hour and just I'm, I feel like lots of cities have closed public parks or stuff around or nature preserves that are close within most city limits Yeah, just like leave your phone at home. Yeah get away from it and just go Like pay attention to the world around you and I think it's very Re centering.
Yeah. Oh, yeah, you know
pop your earbuds in and Before you know it, you know, you'll be doing some real thinking About yourself where you're going what you want, you know what I mean? It'll it'll hit you you won't even know you're doing it and you'll just realize in the middle of and you'll be like, oh shit
I mean, that's what happens to me all the time.
Yep. I would agree and Again take it from two guys who are, you know We're growing with podcast is kind of like a almost like a little Journal of like where we currently are in life and where we want to head to we're still figuring it out Mm hmm, and I think that's the fun part Yeah, and I mean the so
called advice that we give you guys or I guess Express not necessarily give you guys because again, we're not professionals.
We're not here to tell anybody what to do exactly do it. Exactly So That's why I quoted the advice there. Um, any of the advice that we dish out or whatever, um, comes from our own personal experiences, you know what I mean? It's, it's not something we read online and we're just throwing it your way. This is, you know, these are things that we've experienced as individuals.
And we're sharing with you, I guess, what helped us. Yep, you know what I mean start on the journey and get through the journey of Becoming who you are. You know what? I mean? It's uh,
Yeah, it's hard to be human. It is hard to be human and in the day and age of cell phones and social media there's such a disconnect from Getting to know other people in like that whole human experience because we're always just like on our phones Um, and yeah, it's it's really freeing some time You Sometimes To leave to leave the phone behind.
Yeah, and get away from it and like look at the world around you. Mm hmm If you're gonna take you know what? No, this is straight up advice. Leave your phone at home Go wander around in nature for a little bit. Yeah It'll help trust me. It was us. It'll help go touch some grass lay in it stare at the clouds Take a deep breath while you're out in nature.
It's good for you. It is
You'll get home and you'll lay down. You'll notice yourself dozing off. That's the fresh air, man. And you'll have one of the best sleeps. Oh yeah, yeah. It's gonna feel great. You're gonna be refreshed, having a good nap,
waking up hungry. Yep. So if you have people in your life asking you, what do you want to be when you grow up?
What do you want to do? What's your vision of success? Blah, blah, blah. You know what? Leave them behind. Toss the phone at home. Go sit in some grass. And think about what makes you happy, what your idea of happiness is, and what can get you there. Oh, and give yourself some grace.
And some credit. For God's sakes.
Yeah. We're so hard on ourselves. We really are. With everyone. Everyone is so hard on themselves to just be so. Perfect. You know what I mean? And no, that's just not part of being human. Nobody on this entire planet is perfect. And if they think they are, they got another thing coming. I'll tell you that much.
Yeah, they do. Perfection is a false
standard. It is a false standard. It's impossible.
It's a myth. Okay. Yep. Um I agree so wholeheartedly. Good. I'm glad. Yeah. No. So just give yourself some grace. Humans make mistakes. Like we said, it's how you learn. It's how you grow. Um, just be kind to yourself, you know? I mean, I know it takes a little bit of time to learn how to do that for some of us, but, um, you'll get there.
You will
just be kind to yourself.
You'll find people that will remind you to be kind to yourself. You will eventually find people. So yeah, don't worry about what you want to be when you grow up. Yeah, just don't stress, man. Who do you want to be? And when you said your life, yeah, just focus on being a good person, making some real human connection and experiencing what we're here to experience,
figure out a way.
To sustain yourself while you live your life. Yep. And I mean, that's what we're doing here. Yep We invite you guys
to do it for yourselves as well um And by no means is every day a great day. Yeah, we have super rough days just as well But then again, that's part of the experience. It is part of the experience like kale said Give yourself some grace in those moments.
Yeah, you've made it this far. We've made it this far. Yeah That's something to celebrate. Look at that. Yeah. Look at how far we've come. I know. My god. This is going to be such a positive episode. People are going to see it and they're going to be like, what do you want to be when you grow up? And then they're going to get this at the end and they're going to be like, whoa.
I know, right? Where'd this come from? Just a total switcheroo. Gotcha.
Gotcha. You can expect lots more like that.
Yeah. We're, uh, we're, We're here for you. We're here for you. Yeah. For real though. Um, for real. Yeah. Yeah. So that was our episode on what do you want to be when you grow up? Clearly it's a discussion that we feel can go in many different directions.
So is there really an answer? Who knows? Who knows? But at the end of the day, like we've said multiple times, happiness I think is very important to focus on. That's a big one for us anyway. We don't know how you, tell us how you feel
about that. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. And you know what, if happiness isn't your goal, cool, go watch a different podcast.
Yeah. Thanks for the view
though. Yeah, we appreciate it. All, all media is good media. There's a saying, like, it's not no news is good news, but there's another one. I don't know. I don't care.
Go think about your future, touch some grass, and uh, we'll see you next time. See you next time. Have a good night guys. Goodbye. Bye. Bye.