Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
How To Find Your Values: A Journey to Self-Discovery - EP6
How To Find Your Values: A Journey to Self-Discovery - EP6
In this enlightening episode of "Let Us Be Honest," we dive deep into the importance of identifying and understanding your core values. Join us as we explore the journey of discovering what truly drives you, featuring a candid discussion on personal growth, integrity, and the values that shape our lives. Learn about the three key questions to ask yourself to uncover your true values and hear our personal stories of transformation and self-discovery. Whether you're feeling lost or just want to solidify your path, this episode is packed with insights and practical steps to help you find your values and live a more fulfilling life. Tune in and start your journey to self-awareness and growth today!
What are your values? What do you believe in? Like what guides your decision? And I think without a set of values, you just kind of go with the flow sometimes.
A lot of my happiness has to do with, and I've mentioned this multiple times before, but a lot of my happiness has to do with
being out in nature.
Pinning my decisions on what I personally believe in for myself, it starts to change things. Yeah, and I mean it feels good. It feels great guys, and I'm talking from experience here. Welcome back to the podcast, Let Us Be Honest. Let Us Be Honest. Yeah, where we sit down and have open conversations about things that happen in the world.
Yeah, you know, if you've tuned in, you know what we're about. Yeah. You know what we're trying to do. Yeah, spark some conversation. The goal of this podcast is to spark conversation about things happening in the world that maybe people don't want to talk about. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah.
I mean,
I was talking to Corey the other day and, uh, he was telling me his set of values.
Huh! And I was. He asked me what my set of value and I realized, you know what, I don't really have a set of values set in stone. Yeah. And, I mean, I know the direction I want to go, but I can't necessarily, or I guess I haven't necessarily paired any. Values, I
guess. I know what I want to do, but I don't know what I believe in.
So today, if you haven't guessed it, we're going to talk about finding your values. Cause I have a set of five words that I keep front of my mind. Um, that, yeah, I filter a bunch of decisions through and, you know, when I'm having a tough day or a hard time, I'm like, no, this isn't the person I want to be because I believe in these things.
Um, and yeah, it can be, it can be very helpful in your hardest of times. And I mean, if you listen to a whole bunch of business entrepreneurs or people like that, um, a lot of them always ask, like, what are your values? What do you believe in? Like what guides your decisions? Um, And I think without a set of values, you just kind of go with the flow sometimes.
So today we're going to talk about values. I'm going to talk about mine. And then through a three step process, um, we're going to try and identify some of Kale's. So we kind of hope that this episode, instead of just talking about things that we see happening in the world, um, our goal is to try and be helpful.
Yeah, maybe you guys don't know what you value or maybe you can't put like defined words on your values. So yeah, maybe today we can um, help you out with that. Yeah,
maybe this will help you find your values.
Yeah, yeah, look at that, a podcast that helps. Perfect. I love it. So first, I'd like to go through mine.
Okay, let's do it. Yeah. So I have five of them. Right. First one's integrity. It's a good one. This is, yeah, this is one I found a few years ago when I was going through this and I really liked it because it focuses on being the same person in every situation. Which can be so hard sometimes you look at one scenario and you have a group of friends that are like, yeah I want to go drink and want to hang out tonight and maybe like for myself personally.
I'm not a drinker I'm not a partier. Um, I don't do that, but I used to be the kind of person that would say yeah Yeah, yeah, like sometime. Yeah, like we'll totally go out. We'll totally do that knowing that I'd never follow through so yeah, I would always say one thing but wasn't quite the other or You know As you're growing and going through work situations, you know, people like to gossip and talk at work sometimes.
So you'd talk to one group of people and you'd be like, yeah, yeah, I love, I love that. And those people's opinions are so stupid. And then you go talk to the people with those opinions and you just be like, yeah, like, I don't know why those guys think that it's so stupid. And just like every group of people you're in, you're a different version of yourself.
So integrity for me is basically just taking those different versions and making it one Which comes with some other complications and stuff as you do have to set boundaries sometime with groups of people, of course Um and boundaries are a big thing but not for this episode because we could talk boundaries all day.
Um But yeah, so my first one's integrity first and foremost just being the same person in every situation. Good. Thank you. Thank you Second is knowledge. Mm hmm. I love learning I love growing and with that I think always being willing to learn and gaining different knowledge is important I don't think I need to dissect and explain that one.
Yeah The third one's creativity. Oh, so yeah, I love doing, yeah, I love doing creative things. Um, sometimes when I'm feeling overwhelmed or overworked, I guess you could say. And I really want to focus on having like some control or some me time back. I think the easiest way. To do that personally is through creativity, um, and being creative.
So even like this podcast, I find it very mentally soothing because it's a creative outlet. Right. So that's number three. Uh, number four is purpose. So we've talked in other episodes, like, you know, when you die, you don't want to leave stuff behind. You don't want to leave, you know, titles or. Anything behind for people to remember you.
I want whatever I do with the rest of my life to have some sort of a purpose Right, and that's that's been driving me for a few years It's why I really enjoy leadership development and personal people skills development because it gives You purpose if you can help other people I don't know figure out things that make them tick or make them a better leader stuff like that So that's that one and then the last one's learning.
Hmm. Yeah
Yeah. Learning. Yeah. Love it. Which people would think, you know, learning and knowledge are the same. No, no, no, no. Learning is having the open mind to accept that maybe you don't know everything. Maybe you might have to change your opinions. Learning. Yeah. Those are my big five. Those are the ones I usually filter a lot of my decisions through.
And I've definitely found over the last five years, if you have defined values that you truly believe in, and that's, that's a thing. Some of them changed. These, these five have kind of altered. A little bit over the last five years. So values.
Yeah. Look at that. Yeah. Look at those values.
Yeah. Yeah. So those are my top five.
I mean, I think they've carried me through a lot of different things. Job opportunities, interviews, even getting to know new people. Like just knowing that if someone meets me in a business setting on a Tuesday, if we bump into each other at the mall or something on a Saturday, they'll see, they'll get the same person.
Yeah. So, like I just said, those are my top five. Integrity, purpose, knowledge, learning, creativity, not necessarily in that order all the time, but you know, they're, they're there. They're the five helping you find your values. Yeah. So we're going to go through three things. Oh my. Yeah. And we're just going to have a little discussion about it as we go and try and formulate some words.
So if you're listening along, you know, Take the questions go with it. We're just going to talk with our hands today. So if you're watching the video, I apologize If you're listening, you have no idea what's happening um but yeah, so three questions and then hopefully we can narrow down some words and start on a Start on a path
start on a path.
Yeah to glory. So you ready? Let's do it. You ready to define some values? Let's do it. Okay. Okay. Chapter 1. When are you happy? So this question. Yeah, kind of a loaded one. Like, what makes you happy? When are you happy? When, when are you just happy? When you're happy, what are you doing? What
am I doing? Yeah.
Well, a lot of my happiness has to do with, and I've mentioned this multiple times before, But a lot of my happiness has to do with being out in nature. And being out in the wilderness, you know what I mean? Whether it be fishing, camping, hiking, just having a fire. Yeah, that's when I find that I am truly the happiest.
Taking in the fresh air, getting rid of all the negative energy and thoughts that have I'm happy when I'm with my friends, friends that I feel comfortable around and I can truly be myself and you know, same goes for family, obviously. Yep. Also when it's Christmas. Really? Yeah. For real? Christmas is my favorite holiday.
love Christmas. Shut up. I will not. No, you're actually for real right now? Yes. So many people hate Christmas. I
know, it's ridiculous, it's stupid. It's also my favorite. I mean, I don't judge, but um We were meant to be friends. Yeah, man. We definitely were. Yeah, no, Christmas is my favorite.
I love it. Same.
Yeah. We're not going to go on a Christmas tangent, but that's, that's interesting. That's yeah. We'll have to talk about that later. Yeah. Being in nature and around good friends and stuff. What, what about it? I mean, you mentioned a couple of things, but, but what, when you're there makes you feel happy? Does it give you time to think?
Does it give you time to reprioritize? Do you like the adventure side of it? Do you just like being surrounded by nature? Well, I
mean, when in regards to nature, I do quite enjoy the adventure side of it. Okay. Okay. Um, I enjoy the peaceful side of it, you know, the quiet and being out of the city and away from society and the refreshing side of it, the healing side of it, you know, watching the animals, just watching them live their daily life.
Completely oblivious to whatever the hell's going on outside the woods, and Okay, I like that. You know what I mean? A simple life, it seems like. I can't help but be intrigued. You know what I mean? No, I totally get that. Cause they just, they just go about their day. Sniffing walking around living their life.
They don't, you know, they don't pay bills or taxes. They don't have a job to go to. I wish they don't have a vehicle or a house to take care of. So, I mean, that's what intrigues me about just being outside of the city. It's so peaceful. There's nothing going on and it's great. Oh. And I mean, in regards to the friends and family side of it, it makes me happy knowing that they can truly accept me for me.
And I don't have to pretend to be somebody I'm not around them. You know what I mean? It's a very fulfilling feeling.
Going to get my little whiteboard cause I don't have a pen right now. So when are you happy? Okay. You know what? I think that is a great answer there. So if you're playing along at home, definitely.
Think about when are you happy and try and identify some parts of that that are a little more specific. Kind of like what I just went through, like, like, why are you happy? Like when you're there, what kind of spurns that happiness? I have a list of common personal core value words here. There's like. 100 of them.
So I think we're going to try and whittle a couple out. The first one I seen as you were talking that I think works well is adventurousness.
Yes. Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Adventurousness. Yes. I'm quite often looking for the next adventure.
Yeah. Yeah.
So that's one.
Um, and then kind of what you're saying. Calmness is another one for people.
Yep. And you'd kind of think having personal value sets of like adventurousness and calmness, you'd be like, did those two go together? Yeah. Yeah. I think you can find a lot of calmness in adventure. So that's chapter one. Perfect. When are you happy? Just dissecting, you know, the environments you can be in, what you're doing when you genuinely feel happy.
Um, chapter two, when are you the most proud of yourself? What are you doing? What are you living through? What is happening? Well,
I mean, you know that I've often talked about struggles, right? and mental health and whatever that includes. So I think when I feel the most proud, I guess, is when I come upon an obstacle in my life and, uh, I'm unsure about whether I can climb this obstacle, complete it to the best of my ability.
So that, you know, I get anxiety there, it gets me questioning myself. Oh, can I do this? Blah, blah, blah. And then when I do do it. And I do it well, I'm proud. Because I overcame something that I wasn't sure I could. That obviously makes me feel proud. When somebody close to me does something, or something good happens to them, they do something good in their lives that, you know, will positively benefit them.
If I consider myself super close with that person, I wouldn't necessarily feel proud of myself, but I would be proud for that person. I would be proud of that person. You know what I mean? If they came across an obstacle, they weren't sure they could get over and they did. I would be like, hell yeah, man.
Proud of you.
Stop it. Especially if it's like a, a good or an important relationship. Yeah, exactly. You have with that person. You know, exactly. Yep. Yep. Kind of a, a proudness there to know that, you know, someone that's maybe trying to overcome the same things or has to overcome the same things. Yeah.
Absolutely. Yeah. I
feel like I feel proud when I'm acknowledged, I guess, for who I am as a person.
I appreciate who you are. Thanks, man. You're welcome. Not
necessarily, again, in the direction of validation. When people, um, acknowledge me for who I am, you know what I mean? Yeah. When they themselves think of me as a good man or a good person, that also makes me feel proud.
I'm being a good person and somebody digs it. You know, it's a proud feeling. It is. It's like, okay,
I'm doing something right. You know, so I think from that just trying to dig out some words. Um, it's a, it's a pretty big one honor. Hey, you're proud when you feel like you're a good person when someone around you is successful and it makes you feel good because you have that person in their lives like it's honorable.
So yeah, honor, honor, I think kind of stuck out to me. That's a good one. How do you feel about that one? I feel good about that one. You feel good about that one? I mean, overcoming things when it makes you feel the most proud. Like if you feel, if you're going through something and it makes you feel proud that you overcame it, um, but growth,
honor and growth for feeling proud.
Proud. Yes. Yeah. I mean, how many people do we know go through things and they don't grow from it. They're just like, Oh, well, bad things always happen to me. Stuck in a vicious cycle. Yeah. And you're like, no, maybe you were meant to
learn something. And I mean, that makes me think of something that I heard.
Somebody told me a few years ago, and I've actually come to strongly believe it because I've, I've noticed it in my own life. You know what I mean? The universe will keep sending you the same situation. Until you
learn from it. I agree. Sometimes you're throwing things that you need to, you have to overcome, you have to learn from, and if you don't, it's just going to keep happening.
It's just going to keep happening. All right. So that was chapter two, chapter three, the final chapter before the conclusion. Oh, when are you fulfilled? Which is different than proud and it's different than happy. When do you feel fulfilled? It might be the toughest one of all three.
After I eat enough food Just for an example this one spit one out Okay, this one took me a while when I first started putting I'd say adult boundaries up with people I thought you're gonna say diapers Different different episode putting up boundaries with people Given my belief in integrity I think was very fulfilling feeling.
Um, because for once in my life, I felt like I could be the same person in every situation. And when you can figure out how to be the same person in every situation and not flex who you are for different groups of people, I felt like a different person. Like I felt like I was heading in a direction, um, that was finally, I don't know, healthy.
Nice. If I could put a word on it. Yeah, that was the first one. And then the second one, I'd say. Would be learning and knowledge. Combine the two together for my belief in leadership development. And like people skills development and like watching other people develop, whether it's through learning from what I have taught them or knowledge that I have given them, um, watching other people take what you've tried to help them through is also very fulfilling.
So I would say those were my big two.
Honestly, with you having said that, you know, it got me thinking. About the first one you said about just knowing that you're setting yourself off on a good path and A healthy path and a healthy lifestyle. Yeah, I can relate to that That's it's definitely a fulfilling feeling, you know, especially when you have a not so positive past
And you start making these positive changes and putting getting yourself in the right direction.
Yeah, that's a fulfilling feeling It really is You know, when you know that you're smartening up, or you're coming to your senses, you wanna do the right thing and put yourself on the right path. Yeah, once you start doing that and, you know, some things start falling into place, you think back, you take a second, you think back, and you're like, oh wow, and yeah, that, you know what, that is a very fulfilling feeling.
I have to say it, that, that does make me feel fulfilled. Good! Yeah! Perfect! Yeah! I mean, I think even integrity might fit in there, you know, because it makes me feel good obviously to do the right thing and take accountability for my own actions and Because you know just being just having integrity as a value I think just adds to feeling fulfilled, you know what I mean?
Because if it's something that's always on your mind, obviously it's something you're always aware of and trying to
Right? Yeah.
I have realized in the past few years that integrity is lost on a lot of people. Yep. And, um, That's rather unfortunate.
So to wrap up chapter three.
Um, so when are you the most fulfilled?
When I know that I'm setting myself on the right path. When I know that I'm doing the right thing. Staying true to myself. Yeah. And who I am. It's a very fulfilling feeling.
Perfect. I feel like integrity might be the right word for that. Yeah.
I think so. Every, as everything's coming out of my mouth, you know, it's like, yeah, that's integrity.
Yep. That's integrity. That's integrity. Got it. Perfect. Okay. So we have a couple of words written down here and like I said, we don't need to come away with a whole list, but if you've been following along, I guess now chapter four, we can kind of wrap it up and kind of identify some key words. Bye. And then you can grow from there.
So if, again, if you're listening and you're following along and you're identifying some words yourself, yeah, this is where we kind of all wrap it together. So for happiness or chapter one, when are you happy? Adventurousness, family, calmness. Out of those three, what do you think is the biggest?
Adventurousness. Adventurousness? Yeah.
Because, honestly, because I feel that curiosity is such an important part of learning. And growing as an individual. And I feel like curiosity can really tie into adventurousness.
And vice versa. So, actually, we're going to add another one. Adventurousness and curiosity.
Yeah. To that first one. When are you proud? Honor and growth, we wrote down. Honor and growth. I feel like One of those resonates more than the other. Do you think they both sit pretty well or can we combine them into a different word? Like curiosity? That's kind of
what I'm thinking. You know what I mean?
I'm having a tough time choosing one or the other one or the other.
Yeah. And actually, you know what? I think it's kind of perfect for this episode cause I don't think we have to come away with a defined word. No. Like I said, over the last five years, my own personal set of values has changed a little bit.
So let's keep both of them. And then these are kind of words that once you really sit down and you're like, what are my values? Like, what do I believe in? And you think about them constantly, like the words and how you feel it'll morph and it'll change. Usually how you feel will stay the same. Um, but in a couple of months, who knows?
You might come away with a different word that does combine both of them for sake of not stressing. Let's just keep both of them. A lot of hand talking. Sorry if you have to watch the video on this. And then the last one is when are you fulfilled? The word chosen was integrity, which I think everybody,
every, I think everybody should have a level of integrity in their life.
Okay. Um, I never actually realized how I don't want to say multifaceted because it makes it sound like a good thing, but the amount of ways I changed how I responded to people, depending on the group of people or the situation. Sometimes when I look back, I'm like, I was not the best person to be around.
And like it hurts, but you know, that's part of growth, which is one of these words. But yeah, integrity, it's honestly of my values. Personally, it's the hardest value to stay true to all the time. Yeah, for real, for real. But once you figure out how to like work your way through it, it is probably the most rewarding value I have.
Nice. So to wrap it all together. Wrapping it all up. Kaledon didn't think he had values, but here he does. So would you agree? Adventurousness, you like to be out, you like to be adventurous, that you like to experience new things, be in, I guess you could say, awe of the natural world around you sometimes, which then plays into curiosity, for a curiosity of that bigger world and the world around you, and getting to experience it.
Honor, coming back to like when you complete something or go through a hard time, you feel good about yourself, which is very honorable. If you have people that go through a tough time that make it through that you really care about, there's a section of honor there. On piggyback of that, growth, because clearly you just grew through something and learned, who knows, something new about yourself.
And then you get to take that and you get to become a new person, or a better person, or closer to the person that you strive to be. So that's how you wrap it all together. That's how you figure out your value systems. How do you feel?
I feel good, actually. I feel good, I'm not gonna lie.
Like I said at the beginning, back when I was 28, now that I'm 33 and I've really focused on my values for the last 5 years, it, it's been It's been quite changing for myself, especially when you judge your decisions on it.
Um, like, do I do this? Do I hang out with these people in this situation? Or does it really fit with where I want to go myself? Does it fit with the life I kind of want to build around myself? Um, yeah, having those key defining words and morphing them a little bit. It's actually very exciting. Yeah.
You know, now I have a few words to live by and it's cool. Yeah, I got a goal. I have a
goal set. Yep. And yeah. Yep. And now you can filter decisions, right? Right, right. I was hoping this episode would be productive. Yeah, very productive. And educational.
Yeah. So on the educational side of things, you know, like go back or throughout the episode, you know, obviously we go through chapter 1, 2, 3.
Yep. Um, as we're on these chapters, you know, ask yourself these questions. Yep. You know, when are you happy? When are you proud? When are you fulfilled? Yeah. And if you find another question you want to ask yourself, hey, fire away, leave it in the comments. Do it. Do it.
We want to know what it is. And even as we're going through this, if you're listening to us, I was on my phone looking at a list of common values and beliefs.
Just trying to piece together what Cale was saying, so you can definitely, yeah, do the same. Think about We're gonna list of words and be like, what, what do I think resonates with how I feel about these situations? Because it's hard to sit there and be like, well, I can't think of words. Yeah. Sit down with a list, go through these steps, define some values for yourself.
Yeah. Life after, like I said, doing this for five years and like really pinning my decisions on what I personally believe in for myself, it starts to change things. Yeah. And I mean,
it feels good. It feels great guys, and I'm talking from experience here. I mean, I, I honestly wasn't too sure how it was gonna feel.
I can't honestly say that I even thought about it too much, you know what I mean? And, you know, now that I have these five words that I can live by And think about. And think about. Yep. Good feeling. I know. It's exciting. This is probably the most real episode we've ever had. Yeah, a hundred percent. You know, and it's just another stepping stone to, you know, putting yourself on that right path.
And, uh And, uh Becoming who you want to be we both urge you guys to follow along with us and do it for yourselves if you're You know, you know kind of you have an idea of the direction you want to head in the person you want to be But you're having a tough time Yeah obviously putting pen to paper and you know figuring out what words go where and Vice
versa a lot of people that I've met that have Values, and I'm gonna say them in quotes.
Mm-Hmm. . For anybody not watching the video, it's always the same. It's like family success career. Mm-Hmm. . But I don't think they've actually taken the time to sit down and be like,
what does that mean exactly? What mean exactly What
do they mean? And how do they reflect on the person I want to be? I find a lot of people, if they don't actually sit down, take the time to be like, yeah, what, what does this actually mean?
And I mean, this, this exercise wasn't that long. This episode's probably only gonna be 30 minutes. Yeah. Um, so it was a quick little sit down, but. Like you said, it gets that ball rolling and yeah, it kind of gives you a direction. Let us be honest. Life's not easy, but um, yeah, you can have real conversations.
And I think that's what this episode was very much about.
And another reason it's super important to find your people. You know what I mean? Yep. Because yeah, you know what, if they are your people. They'll support you through this. They'll help you through it. And yeah, they, they'll basically just want you to be the best you can be for yourself.
Not even
for them. In my experience, the closest group of friends. That I have, like the people I would probably die for. Um, they have their own set of values that they make their decisions through. And I just, I feel like having a defined set of values really separates you nowadays, um, from the main crowd, to be honest.
And I think not a lot of people are given the opportunity to sit down and be like, Hey, what, Are your values because life is always just so go, go, go work, work, work. Like it's hard sometimes to take a breather and take a pause. So I really hope that this episode, um, anybody who's listening to it, you can take it, digest it.
Think about what are my values and honestly with your friends and other people, like. Spread it around ask them like what are your values like? What do you believe in? What yeah, what drives your decisions and I think if we can get more people talking about yeah defining their own values Yeah, I think we might start to see some community slash societal change.
I think so. I'm just saying mm hmm. It'd be cool Yeah, yeah It's
something else. I wanted to say What else do you want? Um, I just wanted to emphasize that in regards to finding your own people. Um, it takes time. It takes a lot of time to find the right people that are going to support you throughout your life.
Yep. And continue to do so. Um, so don't, you know, sit there stressing out like, Oh my
God, I have no people.
I only have my mom. You know what I mean? Like, that's okay. You know, it's okay to have that time. With your family, even if it is just your mom, you know what I mean? Because your parents have been there from day one.
Yep. And they will be there till their last day. No matter what but in regards to Outside of family. Yeah, don't stress finding your people takes time and it's a very it's a very delicate process You know what? I mean because You never really know who someone truly is until you do. Yeah, so it takes time to get to know someone and figure out, Hey, is this person going to benefit my life or not?
You know what I mean? So yeah, don't stress about not necessarily having your people at this point in time, because they will come. They will. And you will know when
they come. And I think going through this process and Figuring out your own set of values is super helpful. Yes. Um, yeah, cause it'll help you pick and choose those people.
Exactly. And like your friends don't have to have the exact same value set, but if they have a set of things they believe in, um, you'll find it easier to mesh with. And I mean, I've had some friends that have been friends with for like 12, 13 years, and when I went through this, I guess, value finding adventure, Five years ago, it was very refreshing to see that this core group of friends that I thought were my people also have like strong value sets and things that they believe in.
So not only did it like reaffirm that they were the people that I wanted to find, um, but that they were people I can grow with. Um, I can continue life with because they have a set of things that they believe in. I have a set of things that I believe in. Um, and our value sets, they just, they mesh. And if you know what Your goal in life is based on what you value, you will find the right people.
You'll eventually start to learn how to weed out the ones that aren't necessarily going to benefit. Your life and what's going on with
that. I'd hate to say it. There's definitely a couple of people in my life that when we first started defining, or actually I should say, after we defined our values, we did have certain people in our lives that were like, yeah, you know what?
These people are great people. They have value sets. They believe in certain things, but as time went on, and I guess you could say climates or atmospheres changed. You really started to see if they would live by their values or if they were saying they had values just to be like, yeah, I believe in things.
Exactly. Um, which is why for me, integrity is such a big one because over time you'll, you'll come to see who people are. If they are actually living through their values, so yeah, like kale said, if you feel like you don't have too many people right now, sometimes maybe you just need a direction and maybe that direction is figuring out where you want to go first and sometimes figuring out where you want to go.
You need to figure out what you believe in. Yeah. And that is exactly set of values.
And here's a helpful tip. If you're surrounding yourself with people that are constantly pushing you to, let's say, abandon your self values. And constantly pushing you to do things that you don't want to do or you don't feel is right.
That's that's not the one man. It's not the one that's not
the one And some of those decisions might feel incredibly hard. Um, not everybody out there is going to work for everyone. Yeah. I believe there is a lot of us who feel and believe the same things. And we're trying to find all those people, but you're going, you're going to encounter people that definitely try and take you.
Away from your own personal beliefs and I
feel like a lot of those people are the ones that are stuck. Yep, you know what I mean? Very much stuck. And
who knows maybe you can help them and if they figure out what they believe in and their own values, who knows, maybe they'll come around. Maybe they won't.
Yeah, so yeah, you'll find your people. You might have to go through a few people It might be hard. But I mean if life was easy, we'd all be millionaires and happy exactly But that is that is not the human experience and that is not Relational experience. No, it's just not. Yep. Yeah, you got to go through it.
Sometimes just gotta go through it. Yep
Yeah, so anyways, that's all I wanted to add in there. Perfect Great, I love it. Yeah, great. So yeah, right on. Um, we hope you guys enjoyed this episode. Yeah. Good episode. And uh, we'll see you next week. Yep. On a
Monday or whatnot. So, be true, be you, be happy. A little Monday.
Yeah. You do you. Yeah. Let us be honest. We all deserve a little more of that. There we go. Yeah. A little more honesty. Yeah. Okay guys. Okay. See you next week. Bye. Bye. Bye. Take care.