Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
How Do We Fix Common Sense - EP7
In this episode, we dive deep into the intriguing and often elusive concept of self-awareness. Join us as we explore what it means to be truly self-aware and how this crucial trait impacts our interactions with those around us. We discuss the phenomenon of "bubble people" — those who live in their own self-absorbed worlds, seemingly oblivious to the broader social context and the impact of their actions.
Kayle, Corey, and I share our thoughts on the decline of common sense in today's society and how social media and smartphones have contributed to this issue. We reflect on the importance of empathy and consideration, emphasizing how small acts of kindness, like letting someone merge in traffic, can make a significant difference in our daily lives.
Through personal anecdotes and insightful discussions, we explore how to bridge the gap between the socially aware and those trapped in their own bubbles. We stress the need for patience, grace, and genuine human connection to help others break free from their self-imposed confines and reconnect with the world around them.
Tune in to learn practical tips for enhancing your self-awareness, improving your relationships, and fostering a sense of community in an increasingly disconnected world. Whether you're looking to understand the "bubble people" in your life or seeking ways to be a better friend, this episode offers valuable insights and actionable advice.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and societal improvement as we strive to bring back common sense and rebuild the human connections that make our world a better place.
"Yeah. Yeah. So another great, another great day. Another great day. And we're shining. Yep. We're back. We're here. Yep. The weather's nice and beautiful. We are going to my Take a deep dive into the topic of self awareness self awareness and a little term We like to use called bubble people bubble people some people like to refer to them as NPC people But they have no idea. No, it goes on outside of their bubble of their bubble Which I think can play into common sense 100 percent which in all honesty just doesn't exist anymore No, no common sense is You Gone with the wind, man. Very gone with the wind. People, they don't, a lot of people don't seem to use their brain anymore. No. Walk around or go through life, like we were saying, in their own bubble. Yep. And refusing to see how their emotions and their actions affect the other people around them. Yep. Because they're so immersed in themselves. Themselves. And what's happening with them. Yep. And they can't see past their bubble. Yep. In order to understand. That, hey, maybe I'm the problem. Like, I can be the problem? Surprise, surprise. And, I mean, you see it so often. Um, we can sit here and be like, common sense isn't common these days. And a whole bunch of people are gonna roll their eyes and be like, well, tell me about it. Yeah. Because I feel like a lot of people are feeling this way. Exactly. I think the hard part is if you are someone who feels like you have common sense and you do little things, um, to, to care for other people and like, honestly, it's even as simple as letting someone merge sometimes, just like taking those seconds to consider someone else's point of view or situation. Yeah. And I think that's why a lot of people feel like there is such a lack, because to us, who do continue to have common sense, thank goodness, um, it's something we couldn't imagine living without, so, and it, it's, it's hard to understand something you're not, if that makes sense. Well, it's just like you were telling me. That fully legally blind people, they don't have eyes, so they don't have photoreceptors, and their brain can't differentiate, obviously, between colors and pictures, and so you were telling me that they just see nothing, and I could not understand that for the life of me, and it is because I have not experienced that. I have not been in that situation. I can't comprehend what that looks like. Wrap your head around that for a second. Can you picture what nothing looks like if it's not black or pink as it is when you close your eyes? Yeah. You know what I mean? Because your brain will never have learnt what those are. Yep. So it has nothing to reference. Yeah, your brain doesn't know what nothing is. Yep. Yeah. I honestly think this is why so many people think that common sense is severely lacking because we run into so many people who are in their own bubbles. They're very self absorbed. To a fault almost. To a fault. Yeah. To a societal decline. Yeah. And we've mentioned a couple times like, you know, giving yourself grace, allowing yourself to fail. I think allowing yourself to try and understand why maybe common sense doesn't feel common these days. It's an interesting thought. It is an interesting thought. Because even self awareness, like, what is it to be self aware? I mean, my own personal definition of self awareness is obviously being aware of how my emotions and actions affect the people around me. Yep. You know what I mean? Um, I think it's super important to take that into consideration. Because I just think being a good person is so important. Yep. There's so, there's very much a lack of, I feel like, good people. Yep. Left in the world, where we are anyway. Do you feel like a lot of that stems from how prevalent our phones and social media are these days? Oh, a hundred percent. I think so too. A hundred percent. Especially people our age who are still going through some shit and And like living in this world where we have the old expectations, but we're trying to live in a new reality to tie other topics in, um, and then at the same time, same time, uh, honestly trying to deal with people, whether they're, um, coworkers, clients, guests are living in these bubbles that we have a hard time grasping, like how they can just be so absent to the life that they're Around them and what they're doing to the people around them if your cell phone is your best friend And I'm guilty of being like this once upon a time Mm hmm. I was wrapped up in social media and all that and I still had close personal connections, right? But I would not say that those connections were as healthy then as they are today Because I'm trying to make an effort to put the phone down a little more and not be so focused on it. Yeah But a lot of people are very focused on it. Oh yeah. And, and it's, it's a hard break. So I think it just amplifies the, the bubble people and the lack of self awareness. Like just, just simple, simple things. I think we've lost over the last decade that just go towards building better communities. And it's as simple as just. Considering the people around you. Yeah, considering the well being of others around you. A lot of people Obviously as we've said throughout this episode a lot of people nowadays, they just they don't do that. You know what I mean? They're so fully enveloped with themselves or their cell phone or Work or you know people always got something on the go that they're gonna try and use as an excuse Always, you know what I mean? People always have excuses. Bottom line is You know, you need to take accountability for it and learn, I guess, how to see past your own bubble. Obviously, that being a lot easier said than done. I don't want people thinking like, yeah, yeah, bubble people, like I hate those people. How do the ones of us who are self aware and have a decent amount of common sense, how do we help Bubble people. What do you think we can do as a society to help bring common sense back? Cause I personally think the biggest downfall in common sense is cell phones, social media, and how self absorbed it's made us. So we we've said a couple of times, get outside, touch some grass or make some human connection, but. That that's a lot of work. So I think it comes back again to just being considerate as a person with common sense Don't yell at them or scream at them or you're being stupid. You know So what we're saying is every person with common sense needs to adopt a bubble person friend To adopt a bubble person friend, please go to the link below Yeah, no, just be considerate again to the people around you. You know what I mean? We were saying that People you know, they lack consideration for the general public around them. Yeah, help them out If you see a bubble person having a tough time, you know what I mean? Don't don't off the bat just be like hey Yeah, I think you should look inward. You know what I mean? Show them get a full story first. Yeah, show them some consideration I think it's going to take those of us Who are self aware. Yeah, we need to give maybe people a little more grace. Mm hmm, and it's something I'm even working on right now Oh me too. Um, cuz I've never really considered how much I never should have read that book the anxious generation if you want a good book Go read it But I've never really considered being a millennial How much cell phones and social media like started to affect the tail end of our generation and how much they're affecting the new generation? I know I I I'm trying to come at things with a little more grace. I think it's gonna take us putting in a solid effort to give ourselves and the people around us a little more grace because those bubble people, they're going to have to see and feel consideration before I think they'll be able to turn around and get it. Yeah. So don't get me wrong. I feel like there's a group of bubble people out there that are genuinely trying to break out. They're genuinely trying to be a better person and be more considerate. You know what, why are you laughing? Cuz then they run into me when I'm having a bad day and I'm like, And they're like, well I'm just gonna stay in my bubble, I tried. And this, these people are just as bad. Yeah. Uh, the people that are genuinely trying, They're going to be obviously a lot more receptive to what one would have to say to them. And then there's the ones that just absolutely refuse to see anything beyond themselves. And those are the ones, I think, that really drain the ones around them. You know what I mean? They're, because the ones that are actually genuinely trying to break out of their bubble, they have They have it in their mind that they want to be a better person. Yeah, they want to start being more considerate and considering the ones around them and stuff like that But the other ones I think that's where the real problem lies Obviously and that that one's definitely going to be a struggle Which is why like I honestly think common sense breeds common sense. Oh 100 percent Whereas so many people run around these days and i'm guilty of it being like, oh common sense isn't common like there's people Oh, yeah, I still I still have moments like that where I'm just like, are you kidding me? Yeah, like this is this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. You know what I mean? But at the same time I remind myself like, no, you know, you were learning once too, you know, so, you know, give this guy some grace. He's learning. You wanted grace. Well, you were learning. You've had a tough day before, so I'm pretty sure they've had a tough day. You know what I mean? So it's just, it's super important to think about others. Yep. It is. And not. And not use it as an excuse. Like, Oh, I had a bad day. So they can have a bad day. Like, they'll be fine. Oh, I hate that. Right. Yeah. Don't use things as an excuse. Um, honestly, use it as a moment to give someone either, uh, consideration or like grace in a moment and be like, Hey, you know what? I've, I've been there too. Exactly. Instead of being like, Oh yeah, we all have one of those. Just take it. Like, and I mean, we all have one of those days where we're grumpy, tired, cranky, angry. You know that's normal. Yeah, we're all gonna have those days such as life exactly. Yeah, you know what I mean? But um, it just feels like there's a lot of those days. Yeah now Yeah, but I honestly think it's cuz you know, we're confronted with so many things in the world these days. Yeah Sometimes it's hard, but it I've even noticed in the last few weeks and it's only been a few weeks I've been working on it. Yeah to be Let us be honest and completely transparent here, um, allowing myself to take a moment and just breathe and be like, no, I've had moments. They can have a moment. Let's help someone else get through this situation. Show someone else a little more grace. Um, It's changed my attitude. It makes me feel better at the end of the day. That's good. I'm sure it makes them feel better, too. Probably. You know what I mean? Like, I for one can say that growing up, I mean, I've always tried to find someone like that. Yeah. You know what I mean? Someone that would, I guess, support me, you know, in whatever it is I may be doing. Or, you know, knock some sense into me if need be. Or just anything like that. It's hard because it is hard a lot of people can't see past themselves and I know for myself Sometimes I feel like I just try and I try and I try I feel like it gets nowhere but that's because usually you don't see the result of a little bit of grace or Letting someone merge like you don't really see The result of what you've done for someone else instantly. And again, just to keep bashing cell phones, um, we, we have a lot of things in our life right now that give us immediate instant gratification, like instantly. So if you do something for someone and you don't immediately get that instant gratification from it, you're like, why do I even do this anyway? But little do you know. You could be completely changing someone's day and you just never know and then at the end of the day, like if you help somebody and um, give them a little grace or if they're having a tough time, you know, like even just sitting with them and just talking it out, not giving them advice, but just like letting them talk out how they feel. Um, you could completely change their day. Oh, 100%. And I mean, the human connection is a real thing. And when you've changed someone's day, I think, in my experience, you can feel it. Oh, 100%. And I think it changes your day. Oh yeah, it feels good. It really does. Yeah. But it's something you have to focus on. Yeah. Something you have to work at. Yeah. It's not just gonna happen overnight. No. Nope. Yeah, so it's just not gonna happen overnight. No, it's a journey like all of this it is, you know what I mean? And this is just a little nudge. I guess, you know, yeah Be a little bit more considerate. Yeah, you know, everyone has stuff going on in their life. You know what I mean? And it doesn't hurt to shoot someone a smile or a quick hello as you walk by them in public. As Corey was saying, who knows, you might make their day. You know what I mean? Yeah. Maybe no one ever says hello to them. You know what I mean? Maybe they're the loneliest person in the world. Yeah. And you say hello and they're like, Oh. Someone noticed. Yeah, exactly. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I think. As a society, we're at a crossroads right now. Um, where we're, we're choosing self absorption thanks to cell phones and social media over community and human connection. And a lot of social media is pushing us towards that. That's exactly what they're trying to do. Well, companies are just buying views. They're buying your views. What do you think marketing and advertising is? Why do you think every second, third video on Instagram reels or Tik TOK is an ad companies are paying for your attention? You know what the most powerful thing is to not give something attention. And if you focus less on path a we'll call it, which is the social media. Um, cell phone side and focus more on side B, you know, interacting with your fellow human beings who are also here on this planet. Um, trying to make some new social connections or strengthen existing connections. Yeah. A big thing I'm focusing on right now is how to be a better friend. But I mean, at the same time, like how many people, like we know how to make friends and stuff, but like, how do you improve friendships? Mm-Hmm. Is it, is it length of time with people? Is it how, like, 'cause I have a lot of friends that I cannot see for a year. We'll pick it up in a year and everything will be exactly the same, right? I'll see some people for not for a year. Uh, next time we see each other, they're a completely different person. And I, it's very uncomfortable. How do you be a good friend to people? Um, so if you don't see them for a while, cause you know, life happens. Um, you can make sure that it comes back to a point where you feel like you just. Picked it up. And I mean, we're all gonna grow and change but it's weird when you reconnect with people and you're like, hmm This is this is not right. Yeah. So yeah, how do you make better human connections? How do you strengthen the connections you have? I think it's the thing that's going to bring back common sense Yeah, and dissolve or we should say pop the bubble people the bubble people pop the bubble people. Mm hmm Yeah, uh, social media has created a lot of bubble people. A lot of bubble people. A lot of bubble people, man. They become so self absorbed that, like I've said many times, nothing else matters. Yep. Nothing else matters besides what's going on in their little bubble, and that's not a good path. It's not a good path. It's not a good path. And then people get feeling so lonely, and they think no one's out there for them. Yep. And can we please remember, what you see on social media, you see on social media? Is the best that people have to give you. You do not see what goes on behind that camera. Yep. You see the picture or the reel or whatever they post. Yep. And it may be the happiest reel or picture that you ever see, for all we know behind the camera, you know, someone was just filed divorce papers or some shit, you know what I mean? Yep. So. Or someone's close family member passed away and they're having a hard day. Yep. Like even, even this podcast, listening to it. We prepared to record an episode. So you're getting the best of us right now, but we could have things going on in the background. Exactly. And I mean, there's, there's probably going to be some future podcast episodes because I think it'd be cool to like, be really real about maybe where we are. And, you know, I've said a couple of times, I'm not afraid to shed some tears on a podcast. Um, but yeah, that, that's the thing with social media is just being aware that what you're being given. Is going to be probably the best that that person has to give you or make it look like the best that they have to give you because again, we're so we're in such a world where if you post something online or on the internet and it's not perfect, people are like, well, why are we watching like low quality stuff? Yeah, but yet like. That low quality stuff is the real stuff. Sometimes it's the uncomfortable things that people don't want to talk about. Yeah. It feels so deep sometimes, but it's the truth. Like, and I don't want to sit here and be like, yeah, let's be honest about things. And like, yeah, I had a really rough day a week ago, but you, you know what? I, I had to figure out how to get through it. Doesn't mean I wanted to, but I had to, and I, yeah. And I don't want to sit here and be like, yeah, like, Oh, everything's perfect all the time because it's not no and and that's the reality but mm hmm what you see on social media 90 I'd say 7 percent of the time is constructed to give you the best of that person Yeah, no matter what they're going through. Yeah hundred percent if you're sitting there being like, yeah Common sense is lost and we do need to get it back Perfect, and we're not sitting here saying bubble people suck. We don't know what I mean No, if anything the bubble people need our help. Exactly. Exactly and Having said that we're also not saying you need to listen to us and you need to follow what we're saying No, you know what? I mean? That's we are simply I guess expressing That there's a whole life a whole life outside of your bubble. Yep, that we feel that would be very beneficial for you to experience. And on the flip side, for us being the more, um, socially aware people, there is a whole life inside of the bubble people, that might be just screaming to get out, but they feel so trapped in their current world, that they just need someone to show them the way. Some slight, like, consideration or kindness. You can't whine about something and then not do anything about it. Yeah. You just can't. Yeah. You can't not vote and then complain about politics. Literally. But, yeah, no, the bubble people, to your point, they, they're not there to be made fun of. They need help. Mm hmm. It's going to be the socially aware people. That need to shoulder it for a little while. Yeah. Break away from the overly social cell phone world that we're in. And help bring common sense back. Yeah, just take the higher road and be a better person. Yeah. You know what I mean? Be a better person for you. Yeah. Be a better person for them. Yeah. Just be a better person. Cause sure, you can complain that it's not raining, but that doesn't mean it's going to rain. Exactly. Right. Exactly. I should be a farmer. But yeah, so we, we just wanted to have this discussion on, you know, it's, it's something we've seen a lot and we've both been guilty of, you know, complaining about the lack of social awareness and all of that lately. And we kind of just sat down one day and we were like, you know, it's going to take us to fix Complaining about it. Isn't going to fix it. It's going to take the people who are socially aware. To help fix the problem that we're facing right now. Yeah. So yeah, we just wanted to have a open honest discussion on that today We just felt like it was something that was important to talk about. Yeah Yeah, as we feel like it's an issue I guess in this day and age an issue that a lot of us complain about But have we actually taken the time to be like what would it take to to start to fix this? Mm hmm, and I mean, correct being honest to myself Yeah I'm guilty of that too. Mm hmm. You know what I mean? Yep. I'm guilty of walking around whining about it bitching about it complaining But then again, what the hell do I do about it? Yeah, you know what I mean? Exactly. Yep, and that yeah That's just taking accountability. Yep being self aware that darn accountability word So go help your bubble friends Again, don't be forceful, but they need you. Um, don't be like, you need to smarten up and you need to do it now because they'll just go deeper in their bubble. Good luck. Exactly. Um, that's the wrong way to go about it. Yeah. Give people some grace, show some consideration. We're at a point where common sense will breed more common sense, but it's going to take those of us with common sense to help those. Out of the commonsense list. Mm hmm trench that they're in. Yeah, and I mean there's probably some of them out there that just aren't gonna listen either way and they're not gonna care. No, there's always a percentage of the population that are like that. There's always a percentage like that. Yeah, those aren't the people that you should be pouring your energy into because they're not even pouring energy into themselves. And I think if you're growing as a person and always trying Interaction with people who are just comfortably being the way they are and they never want to change I think it's very easy to pick up on incredibly quick if you're trying to better yourself and You have people around you that you know You're putting effort into and you can start to see friendships or relationships develop and change Yeah, the ones who don't want it. It's going to be very evident. Yeah Trust me, you can find the people. So yep, you can go help your bubble friends. I never thought I would but I did It's crazy what happens when you grow and mature through your 20s right throw back to another episode Yeah, anyway guys, yeah, we hope you took something positive from yes again, we're not ragging on anyone We're not trying to drag anyone down. We're just trying to Take on some social responsibility. Yeah It's, it's up to us to change how we feel about the way things are going. Mm hmm. And yeah, I guess we just kind of wanted to let you guys know that as well. You know what I mean? We're all on a journey, whether it be the end of it or the beginning of it or the middle of it. You know what I mean? It's um, we're all going through the same thing. So it's life. That's life in the modern world. All right, guys. Well, thanks for tuning in. Thanks for chilling out. Yeah. Talk about the bubble people. See you next time. Yeah, talking about bubble people and, uh, yeah, find us on all major, uh, platforms. So depending on where you're listening to this, if you're on like YouTube or whatnot, um, we are on Apple podcasts and Spotify and, um, a lot of different places. So check it out. All right, guys. Okay. Take it easy. Goodbye"