Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
HOW TO build and strengthen RELATIONSHIPS - EP10
HOW TO build and strengthen RELATIONSHIPS - EP10
In this heartfelt and insightful episode of Let Us Be Honest, we dive deep into what it truly means to build and strengthen relationships that matter. Whether it's with friends, family, significant others, or even our pets, today's conversation is all about the essential ingredients for creating and maintaining strong bonds.
We'll be exploring the power of acceptance, selflessness, vulnerability, and comfort—four key pillars that every lasting relationship needs. Through personal anecdotes and candid discussions, we’ll share our journey of friendship, from casual coworkers to close confidants, and how these principles helped us grow closer.
We'll also tackle the challenges of modern relationships, from navigating the superficial world of dating apps to understanding the delicate balance between helping a friend and simply being there to listen. Whether you're looking to repair, rebuild, or just strengthen your connections, this episode is packed with practical advice and relatable stories.
Plus, we introduce a forgotten 17th-century word that perfectly captures one of the most fun and essential aspects of any great friendship. Curious? Tune in to find out how embracing your goofy side can bring you closer to those you care about!
Join us for a deep dive into the art of building meaningful relationships, with plenty of laughs along the way. Let’s get honest, get real, and get connected.
Truthful people about your situation where you have been because I mean we've all been through stuff. Oh, yeah Every everybody can that's just part of life and growing.
Yeah, and as I was saying earlier, you know If they're confident enough to actually trust someone and vent all that stuff Yeah, the last thing they want to do is be judged or rejected or anything of that nature You know what?
I mean, they trust
you enough Selflessness, comfort, and vulnerability, they're all very important metrics to, you know, Super important.
Yeah. Integral.
As I said earlier. Oh,
hello. Oh, hello. Oh, welcome back. Welcome back to Let Us Be Honest. The podcast where we bring you topics and discussions on things that we think are relevant to discuss. Yeah. In the world. Exactly. Thanks for tuning
in again. You know, we hope you enjoyed last week and all the previous weeks before that.
Really aiming to I know we have yeah, we have because we're on a mission here to reconnect repair and rebuild. Yeah Yeah, yeah as our mission statement is our mission state. Yeah,
we figured it out guys. We did at the beginning We weren't really sure. Yeah, you know what I mean? We were just going with it We really were and we were just kind of hoping we'd run into it along
the way and we did and we did what we're Gonna talk about today.
Yeah building and strengthening friendships Relationships in general. Yeah. Yeah. Because we've talked or we've mentioned a couple times. Um, you know, just working on trying to be a better friend. Um, we've talked about values. We've talked about like career and work, like, like structure. Um, and through many of these, we've discussed like working on becoming a better friend.
And we're like, you know what? We've never really dove into what that means. So today, that's what we're going to talk about. Strengthening relationships,
friendships, friendships, family. Yeah. Significant other. Yeah. Pets. Yeah. It. What? makes a good relationship.
What does that consist of? It takes time. I mean, yeah, there's, there's definitely things that come in over time.
Um, sometimes relationships, friendships can progress really quick. Like you can kind of know someone for a little while and then within the span of few months, like, Your relationship and friendship evolves exponentially exponentially Which if we're being honest, so let us be honest. That's kind of how our friendship went Yeah Yeah it is because we work together and we kind of got to know each other over the course of a year by working together and Then you left for a different career pursuit.
So we didn't really we didn't hang out. We didn't see each other at all No for a year Months. Yeah, we kept in touch. It's like snapchat texting like just little things. Mm hmm And then yeah one day we were just talking about some things that we both had going on and that's kind of where this podcast came from and from early planning of this to where we are now like a Friendship relationship has just flourished and I think a lot of it To go back to what makes a good relationship is a couple key words You Those being acceptance, um, uh, a selflessness, a vulnerability, and I think a comfort and trust with the other person.
Um, especially vulnerability, like once you get comfortable with someone, um, and you really start to learn about their past and where they've been, um, It's hard to be vulnerable sometimes. Yeah, it really is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes you put yourself out there and I mean, it's scary. You never know what you're going to get in return.
Well, I
some of us have been in, you know, some pretty serious situations in the past and stuff like that, and you never know how people are going to react when you bring that up. Right. So that's usually the kind of stuff that I, myself, and probably a lot of other people just kind of keep inside for the longest time possible, you know, until they're sure that they can actually.
Confidently trust this person. Yeah, know that they're not gonna go anywhere or say anything or react negatively or something like that You know what? I mean? So
and I think that's the scariest part sometime is You know being truthful with people about your situation and where you have been Because I mean we we've all been through stuff.
Oh, yeah Every everybody can that's just part of life and growing like we're all going to go through some sort of trauma or traumatic experience That you know, we'll we'll you'll be very guarded of it. Yeah for many many years moving forward And yeah, when it comes down to being vulnerable with people, it's it's scary because yeah like you said you don't you think you can trust them and you tell them a little bit about your past and You know The next time you go to see them, you're like, Hey, what are you doing today?
Mm-Hmm. . And they're like, oh, sorry, I'm busy. Mm-Hmm. .
like, oh yeah. You know, it
is one thing to, for people to tell each other, you know, not to worry about what others think and stuff like that. Yeah. But it's different when you actually care for that person.
I mean, that definitely adds another obstacle to it, but um, yeah, it's just different when you actually care about that person.
You know what I mean?
That's true. And I think the important thing is. If someone's, if, if you have a friendship or a relationship that's made it to a point where you're, I don't know, you're discussing heavier things about your past, I think sometimes people feel like what happened to their friend in the past, like, they have to carry a little bit of that, and they're like, oh my gosh, like, your life was so stressful, and they, they almost get overwhelmed themselves, and they're like, I don't know how to help you.
They, they necessarily don't need help. Just because someone's being vulnerable with you doesn't mean they need help. It's just they, they trust you so they want to open up. And I feel like sometimes people are afraid that now that they have more information, they have to try and help them fix it.
Yeah. No.
No. A lot of the time, I find anyway that when people trust you enough to be able to vent, they're not often looking for advice. Yep. They just want to say what they need to say. Yeah. And just have someone listen and that's it. No advice, no trying to help or tidbits from personal experience. I just want to
you know
what I mean?
And I think that's a hard thing for a lot of people. It's a hard thing for me, like fully guilty is just the ability to, you know, listen to if someone's having a vulnerable moment with you, just, just listening to them. Yeah. Yeah. Cause I, I think I mentioned it in an episode before, like I'm very much, I used to be.
Um a fixer friend where i'd be like, oh, well, what if you do this this and this and And they just be like that's not what I want. I'm like, well, why are you telling me your problems? Yeah, because maybe they just want to tell you about their day or how things are going or like where they were And where they are now and people Maybe they just want someone to be like, you know what, good job.
Yeah. You know, I think they just want someone to understand why they feel that way and what made them feel that way. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's not necessarily them reaching out for help, but you know, as I said, yeah, they just want to hear that's
all. They just want someone to listen and be there for them.
And, and I definitely think that plays into another word we talked about, which is comfort. Yes. Like you, you get to a point where you feel comfortable around someone. I think that's one of the best feelings. Is when you can just be around a person or people And just you know talk about things and know that you're not gonna feel judged or ridiculed by them Um, just just for being you and that that feeling of comfort Um, I think it's irreplaceable.
It is irreplaceable. You know what I mean? Because Nowadays, and I've said this in other episodes, but it's really hard to find people like that. People that you Genuinely on multiple levels truly click with. Yep. You know, and So when you do, you know, that's just even better Yeah, and I mean you'll know when you find those people because everything will just come so easily in those relationships, you know Whether it be family, friends, co workers, whatever, you know, everything will just come easily.
There won't be no drama. No fight. No nothing It'll just
fall into your lap Um, it will actually go into the point about not being any drama. Um, I think that reflects on another word we mentioned, which is selflessness. Yes. I think in order to be a good friend and have good friendships, you can't go into a friendship expecting something out of it.
No. Like if you were any relationship. Yeah. Facts. Yeah. Let's be real right there. Yeah. Um. Yeah, you just, you shouldn't expect things from the other person. And I think a lot of people, I feel like they need to get something out of a friendship or a relationship. Like you see, There's just so much in social media.
Oh, get to know these people because they can give you a foot in or like they can give you, they can be your recommender, like get to know people so you can like leverage the power they have. Yeah. And like, I get the power of networking and knowing more people, but I think so many people don't. are caught up these days in the social media game of trying to develop their brand that I think a lot of people forget that when you're trying to form a new relationship or a friendship relationships, like if you go into dating apps, all you see is people looking to get something out of a relationship.
I want, I want, I want.
I want, yeah. I want this. I want you to be doing that. You need to do this. You need to make this much money. Because that's kind of
the job. And that great of a person. Yeah. I just decided that one day I'm just perfect. Yeah. And you know, everyone needs to do everything for
me. Yep.
Tinder, Bumble. Yeah. Like, just, just the ability to swipe right or left on somebody, like you don't know who they are. You've never met them. You've never gotten to see any part of their personality. We're basically just superficially judging on looks. And as someone heading into his thirties, I don't know if I would make it in that world, but that's, that's the problem with relationships and relationship building is there's to build a true.
Solid relationship there needs to be selflessness and you can't expect anything from it And in the dating world these days from what I have gathered from both sides from you and a couple of my female friends like people Yeah, like we said they expect there to be certain things to be done by either the male or the female side Yeah, um, and it it's it is such old school backwards thinking but two extremes on both sides That both sides are almost it Like odds and almost war with each other because they're like, you don't respect me as a woman Well, you don't treat me respectfully as a man and it's like whoa When and where did this come from?
Yeah, a hundred percent.
Yeah, I know. Absolutely. I think selfish and selflessness is Very important, you know, there's certain situations where you are gonna have to set your pride aside Yeah, you know just be there for the people that you care for. Yep, and want you to be there for them Yeah With, with no expectations.
With no expect, don't think, don't go into it thinking, oh yeah, they're gonna owe me, or I'm gonna get something out of this. No, no, no, no. If you truly care for those people, there should be no debate in your mind about helping them. Or whatever it may be
they need. And even on the other side of that, before we get to our next keyword we used, um, you should be able to develop relationships that over time you can like count on those people to be there if you need something and not expect something in return.
Like, Exactly. Every now and then if you have a solid friendship that you, like, that you want to keep going and hold on to as long as possible, like you have to expect that one day one of your friends might look at you and be like, Hey, like I needed to get this done today. I can't like, can you help
me out with it?
That's part of how you build those strong relationships, right? It's a lot of give and take, you know, and that's what a lot of people don't realize nowadays. You know, like I said, they just expect these things going into these relationships. Whether it be with a significant other or friends or something.
People nowadays always need to get
something out of it. Like, the worst is sometimes when you think you have a really good friendship and they're like, hey, like, I'll pick you up. I'll pick you up at 7. 30 to go to the show tonight or whatever. Blah blah blah blah blah. And then they text you the next morning and they're like, Hey, you know how I picked you up last night?
Like, are you going to send me gas money? I think people have too many expectations on what people should owe them. Whereas if you're going to build strong, lasting relationships, there needs to be no expectation of I'm going to get something back. So yeah, that's selflessness. We talked about vulnerability and comfort and trust.
And I think the last second, last one, Is acceptance. Mm ooh. Yeah. Yeah. I think it takes, I mean, it takes a lot personally sometimes, um, to accept someone for who they are. And that sounds vague, but it, it's hard. Like we were talking about, if you get to learn about people's pasts, maybe they did some things in their past that you maybe not agree with, or maybe.
Um, they live a life that's not totally custom to you and how you live your life. And, you know, you have to go through some barriers and you might have to break down some of your personal beliefs and build them back up and then, you know, accept that just because someone had a rough time in their life, that doesn't make them a bad person.
And I think acceptance in a friendship is important. It's a big part of it. It is a big part of it. You
know, because a lot of people have been through a lot of things. And as I was saying earlier, you know, if they're confident enough to actually trust someone and vent all that stuff, yeah, the last thing they want to do is be judged or rejected or anything of that nature.
You know what I mean? They trust you enough to share with you their deepest, darkest secrets. Yep. You know what I mean? So be a decent human and let them, you know, don't judge them. Yeah, there's no need for that, you know, just look back on your life If you ever feel the need to judge someone and
are you perfect?
No, no, not even close No, and if if you're watching this or you're listening to this and You're like 24 years or younger. You haven't lived enough life to be like, yeah, like I don't judge people. Like my life's been perfect. Nothing's gone wrong. Just give it a couple more years. Something's going to happen.
Something will happen. You're you're mid to late twenties is a very interesting section of life.
Yes. Yes, it is.
You think you're on. Path A and then out of nowhere comes path F. Yeah. Like, you don't even go to the next one. It just skips to a completely different spot and you're like, what just happened in my life?
Yep. And you know what? That's part of life and living. It's part of life and living. Surviving. Yeah, I think another big thing that's super important in friendships is just the ability to be stupid with each other sometimes. Like you and I had a conversation slash acting seminar the other day My god, I don't even know what to call it me either.
No clue Um, but but it was we were just being goofballs. Yeah, it was 10 really stupid minutes, which Ironically the next day on instagram it fed me a video Oh, that's fun. Yeah. Which, which was fine. No, this is where the word constant came from.
Oh yeah. It was that video. Oh, that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got worried for a second.
What have you been watching?
Nothing good apparently. Um, but yeah, I found this new word. It's called constant. It's a 17th century word that has since been dropped from all dictionaries, but it's a fun word. Uh, the definition of it is to play the fool together. And if you don't know, the fool's an instrument.
This is the instrument. It's you. That's surprise. It's you. You're the instrument. Play it yourself. Woo. Too many people do. And again, that comes with a vulnerability, a comfort, um, a selflessness and honestly, acceptance to just be who you are. And I think the ability to be around people and just be that genuine person.
It's hard to do these days. Because as we were talking about, when it comes to like relationships and especially dating nowadays, like you almost have to put up walls before you break them down. Yeah. Because there's so many people that Yeah, they, they have certain expectations and want certain things, and if anywhere you show that maybe you don't have that.
See ya. What is it? Swipe left. Swipe right. Which is a bad one. Left, I think left. I, I don't play with these apps, so Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's the important parts of. Relationships and friendship building. Mm hmm.
Yeah. Yeah, those four words we think are super integral.
In regards to forming relationships with whoever it may be.
Yep. Acceptance, selflessness, comfort, vulnerability, and the ability to consult.
Not consult, consult. I mean, I think
it's important to be able to really show your goofy side with the ones you're most comfortable with. You know what I mean? I think so. Cause like, let's be honest, we all have a goofy side, you know what I mean?
I mean the ones that don't like to take life seriously anyway. Yep. Or too seriously. Yeah. Um, you gotta. You
have to. You gotta
have a little goof time. Yeah. Goofy time, silly time. Know what I mean? A little giggle sesh. Yeah, I think it's healthy. You know, they say, you know, laughing
makes you live longer.
Yeah, apparently so. It's true. And I mean if you've never had a moment with one of your friends where afterwards you just look at the other person you're like, what's wrong with us? It's how you know, you found a good friend. Most of us will never find a large handful, but I think a small grouping of Of people that you feel that comfortable with I think it's healthy for all of us and necessary Yeah in the age we live in Yep, 100 percent That's what we believe friendships should be built on is the acceptance selflessness comfort vulnerability the ability to be stupid but like How do you?
How do you build on and or repair? Friendships these days or even strengthen because we've talked about strengthening friendships. Um Cause yeah, you can have a lot of friends, but do you have a lot of like, good friends? Mm
Especially in a day and age where we have so much addiction to our cell phones.
So I think the first priority is to like, prioritize face to face time with these friends. Face
to face time with
humans. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. Put the phone down. You know, don't vent over text. You know what I mean? Go for a coffee, or go for dinner, or go for a walk, or Just start seeing each other again, you know, talking face to face, communicating face to face.
You know, there's not enough of that anymore. People are just so glued to their phones, you know, FaceTime, phone calls, texting,
Zoom. Yep. You don't get to read someone's emotions or even what they're thinking. When you're in front like when they're texting you and when someone's in front of you you get to see their emotions You get to play off how they're feeling.
Yeah, and it's completely different. Yeah.
Oh, yeah You really get a sense for I guess kind of who they are. Yeah face to face rather than over the phone Yeah, you know what? I mean? You could be venting over the phone and for all you know, this person's on the other end Yeah, you know what I
mean, so And those are not the kind of people you want to surround yourself with.
But at the same time, like if you're texting someone, like your issues and problems, they could just be ignoring their phone till you're done. Whereas if you're sitting with somebody and they're like telling you about the rough day, like it takes effort to sit there and listen to someone and you can tell when someone isn't doing it or you get stuck on the other side and.
You're texting someone and you're like sending them all their your emotions or even you're telling them about your day But you don't want to seem naggy Like i'm one of those older millennials and elder millennial if you want to use that term Um that lol was huge when I first got a cell phone And I still put lol at almost the end of every text message.
I still use
Yeah Yeah, but I use it as a haha like this message. I'm not mad at you It's just a ha ha ha like I hope Because if you send just a text message and it's just the words with a period on the end You're like, oh this person's mad at me. But if you throw in a ha ha ha or an lol, they're like, oh They're fine.
They're just telling me about their day Whereas a face to face conversation you can gauge how to feel in what they're doing. Yeah, I think it's way more valuable than
oh I think it's yeah, I think it's way more much way more of a positive influence. Yep talking to people face to face You know, you get a sense for, I think I said this already, but you get a sense for who they are as people, you know what I mean?
And when, in regards to creating relationships and stuff like that, you really want to know who they are, you know what I mean? Because as you said earlier, some relationships do develop pretty quickly, you know what I mean? And then later on down the road People start to realize who that person actually is.
And they're like, well,
you know, maybe I don't want to
be associated with this person. Maybe
not the best person. Yeah. So, I
mean, that's another reason face to face is super important, you know? Yeah. You might go on dates from these apps or meet people from these apps and stuff like that. But, um, at the same time when you do a lot of these people, they're just putting on a show.
They are, you know what I mean? They just want to impress you or. You know, seem successful by their definition or, you know, what showboating basically, they just want to show off or they just want a free meal or,
or as we've discussed in other episodes, because of cell phones and social media and like that instant gratification, like when you're with someone, you want to be like funny and get a response, like instantly and want them like, we're so tuned into instant gratification these days.
That we even carried into our social situations and social situations are not places where you can get instant gratification, like communicating and responding to another person. Like, yeah, they can laugh at a joke and stuff like that and you feel good, but it's, it's not the same kind of gratification as I think a lot of people strive for so much that when they're in those situations where they tell a joke and it doesn't quite land, right.
Um, You start overthinking it, you're like, oh my god, I'm not funny, they're gonna hate me, and it just, it explodes, and it erupts. Which, yeah, I think that's why prioritizing face to face situations are super important these days. Same with setting boundaries on technology.
Yeah, I mean, those two kind of tie into each other.
Yes, they do. Yeah, setting boundaries with technology. When you're out with your friends, or your family, or something like that, put your phone away. Yeah. Know what I mean? Don't go out for dinner with a bunch of people and just sit on your phone at the table the entire time.
You know, oh, I'm sure we're all guilty of that at some point.
Yeah. You know? But what we're trying to say is just, converse. Yep. Start communicating again. Yep. You know what I mean? Yeah. Start learning who people are. Start learning about what makes them tick. Yeah. Because I don't know about you, But I find that very exciting, the prospect of a new relationship, friends, family.
I find it very exciting, you know, trying to figure out who these people are and what? I just agree. Oh yeah. Yeah. No, I, I find it very exciting. It's a fun feeling. Yeah,
it is. You know? Well, especially like when relationships really start to develop and you get to know people more, um, Sometimes they can completely just change how you viewed things.
Oh, exactly. Like anytime, big camping person. And anytime I hear someone be like, Oh, I hate camping. But then they come on a trip and they're like, Oh my gosh, I love. You know what I like? Maybe I do. I used to do all this and you're like, Oh, see, I knew it was. There was something in there. Not saying Kale's not a camper.
He totally is. I love camping. I love
outdoors. Really? Yeah, it's great.
Yeah. Not. On the sidewalk in the city. Like,
Oh, where the only thing you can hear is birds and clouds. Yeah. What clouds sound like?
I like that.
Yeah. It sounds great. Um, but yeah, setting boundaries with technology. And again, like we've said on many episodes, we're not perfect. We're not trying to be perfect. If anything, we're taking what we're almost the worst at talking about them. To work on being better. Yeah, we're just trying to be good people.
Yep Like I honestly think my goal for next year is to when i'm out for dinner with friends and stuff Honestly to leave my phone in my vehicle and just get it away. Yeah, and just be in that moment I actually started doing that for concerts a number of years ago I don't take my phone out at concerts and record the whole thing anymore.
I used to and then i'd get home and i'd be like What even happened? And then i'd be stuck there re watching the footage and i'm like, oh, yeah You But you get so stuck watching the concert through your phone that you don't actually Remember the event that you're at. Yeah cell phones Fucking cell phone.
Yeah, so set boundaries with technology boundaries with
technology super
Yeah technology will suck you in It's designed to spit you out. Yeah, we've talked about it
designed to do the algorithms are designed to keep you on the app I mean, I
feel like it creates Issues and friendships and stuff like that.
You know what I mean? Cause like, let's be real. We're all human. We all get jealous. You know what I mean? And what does jealousy lead to? Suspicion. Suspicion, anger, lack of trust, lack of trust.
Discomfort. Discomfort. All of the opposite. Selfishness. Yeah. All of the opposite of what we discussed at the beginning.
Yeah, exactly.
And those will just kill any relationship,
man. Well, it's hard to get over those, like, Habitual feelings because they're there for their instincts. Yeah, and they're there to keep you safe But because of the world we live in these days Instincts we have to keep us safe Don't work in the same way anymore.
No, but we we take those feelings as like truth Yeah, which can be hard. Yeah Yep, good point. Yep You're killing it. Yeah. Um, another thing to do to build stronger relationships is participate in shared activities. Cause hopefully if you're building or forming a relationship with someone, hopefully you have some interests that are shared.
That would definitely be ideal. Yeah. I think sharing some hobbies and common interests with one another. Yeah. Like, could you imagine if we both say we like camping and then we go to. Show up for a camping weekend. You have a whole bunch of camping gear. I'm like, oh, I'm staying in a hotel like Ten minutes down the road.
Isn't that what we're doing? I would drive home
Yeah, I would stay in the mountains obviously, but yeah, I'm gonna stay here by myself I would do the same I would tell you not to show up. Don't come see me stay in your fancy little hotel room With your room service and your complimentary breakfast.
It's just a continental breakfast.
So it's not really that good But yeah shared activities, yeah, if someone showed up in that, you know, you're planning to have one type of weekend or day or Evening and they say yeah totally into it and then they're not Maybe, you know, having shared interests is very foundational to building good relationships.
I mean, it's
always cool when you find someone that doesn't or isn't or hasn't quite done what you like to do and then they end up wanting to learn and loving it.
Fishing. Yeah. I will learn how to fish. Good.
Yeah, but no, it's true. Yeah. I mean, it's always, it's always It's always good to get out and do things by yourself.
Totally. Yep. But it's always so much better when you have someone with you. Yeah. When you have a friend with you or someone. To share those experiences. You know. Yep. That you can be just yourself with. Yep. And exactly, share those experiences and everything that comes with it.
Yep. And that's why I love finding people who want to.
I think camping is a great gateway for a lot of people. And if you don't like it, that's fine. Again. Cool. We love it. Mm hmm. And I think it's a great way to just experience a different part of life with people.
Yeah, exactly
Yeah, so shared interest is a big one. Mm hmm. So to build relationships and build upon Prioritize face to face time try and cut down on those cell phones Make sure you're engaging in activities that you both like or at least have an interest in Yeah, sometimes it's fun to learn a new thing with a new person Or a friend, even if it's an old friend and you're learning something new together, that can be very exciting.
Yeah. So yeah. Prioritize that. And then, yeah, just remember that when you're building these friendships, like acceptance, selflessness, comfort, and vulnerability, they're all very important metrics to, you know, Super
important. Yeah.
As I said earlier.
That good old value of integrity. Um, yeah, no, they're, they're all very important and consult, consult, consult.
Play the fool, be stupid. Yeah, being an idiot every now
and then, you know, it's fun. It's healthy. It's good time Express yourself It's a very good time. Very fun.
Yeah, so yeah, those are some of our tips and tactics on building meaningful friendships, building upon Like we said, we were kind of, I guess, we were If we were to be honest, we were more acquaintances for a little while.
Yeah. And then we started talking about some of the shared, um, struggles that we have in life, which, hey, you know, shared activities. Struggles in life. There's one. Yeah, that can also be a shared activity. Um, and then, yeah, we decided to do this podcast and from there it was just like, whoosh. Yeah. It was just, and, and this, the podcast is something very new to both of us.
So yeah. Oh, a hundred percent. I was completely green
starting this. I have no idea what to do. Yeah. Yeah, no. So we, we actually spent like a good few months planning and this podcast and coming up with topics and what we're going to talk about Just everything.
Yeah, and it's changed. It's evolved. But again, it's engaging in a shared activity.
Like we just said, like learning something new with someone can be very exciting. Exactly. Yeah, it really can be.
Yeah. So that's relationship building. That's relationship building. How do you guys build relationships? Yeah. Do you use the same things to build upon your relationships? What are some of the best relationships you have in your life?
What are some of your great friends? What do you guys do together? Do you feel like you have relationships that you can be comfortable enough in? How do you meet people these days? Mm hmm. Maybe that's a question for a different topic. That's a good question. How do you meet people nowadays? How do you meet
Rather than swiping right or
left or whatever up down. DMing on Instagram. Would you like to buy some jewelry? I get those ones all the time now. Oh, do you? We think you'd be a great men's model for our wristwatch. I get it. I'm not a face model.
Just be a good person. Yep. You know, everyone out there is looking for someone that they can trust. Yep. Someone that they know will be a positive influence on their life and just someone that's going to
be there for them. Yep. You know what I mean? And, and we Mentioned this many many times in the episode about common sense like if more people just made an effort to just be a good person and just spend a couple more seconds paying attention to their surroundings or Yeah, holding the door for someone or just being a little more socially aware Yeah, you'd go a long way to everyone is
struggling with something everyone especially right now don't be an asshole Yeah, you know what?
I mean, it takes five seconds to be a nice guy. Yeah You know, and and a lot of the time it's it's a Mental choice it is whether you want to be a dick or be a nice guy. Yep. You know what I mean? Sometimes don't get me wrong. It's very much reactionary very if that's a word. Yep, but
Yeah, yeah, it's not very hard to be a nice person you know, and I think the important thing that you've said many times is just Everybody's going through something and just because you're going through something that might not And I know this is easier said than done, but just because you're going through something doesn't make you more important than the people around you.
Like everyone's going through something. Put your pride aside and just. Hold the door open. Be a nice guy. Put your card away. Exactly. Say hi when you walk past people on a walk.
Say hello. You know how many people actually enjoy that? Yeah. Walking around. It'll make some people's day, you know what I mean?
Walk around and see some old guy. Just. I'm walking, you say hello,
and he's like, oh, yeah, or like when I'm out on a walk or something and someone's like, hello, or morning, I'm like, oh, good morning, good morning. What's up? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just be a good person. Just be a good person.
Good people make good friends.
Yeah. Good people make stupid friends. Yeah. But in a good way. In, in the most respectful, loving way possible.
So, yeah, get out there, strengthen your relationships. Be a good friend. Make new ones. Yeah.
Be a good person. Reconnect. Repair. Rebuild. And we will talk to you later. Yeah. Thanks for tuning in. Yeah.
Tune in next week. We'll see you next episode on Let Us Be Honest. Let Us Be Honest. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. Thanks, guys. Bye. Bye.