Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
Is SURVIVING Holding You Back from REALLY Living Your Life? EP 15
Is SURVIVING Holding You Back from REALLY Living Your Life? - EP 15
In this episode, we tackle a question that cuts to the core: Are you truly living, or are you merely surviving? We dive into what it means to live a life that's full of purpose, joy, and experience, versus just getting by in the daily grind of work, bills, and routines. Through humor, reflection, and a little tough love, we challenge the societal notion that success equals material wealth or status. Instead, we explore how true success may lie in the simple things: self-sufficiency, freedom, and living authentically on your own terms.
Join us as we reflect on our own aspirations, from building a home on an acreage to the dream of traveling the world, and how we're all just figuring it out—whether you're 20 or 50, it's never too late to start defining what "living" really means for you. So, ask yourself: Are you living or just surviving?
It's time to get real about what happiness and success look like. Let's talk!
Hey guys, hi, what's up? What's going on? We've, uh. Welcome to the Hood. Welcome to the cast.
I forgot the first part of that word podcast. I just said, welcome to the cast guys. Yeah, thanks for tuning in. You know, welcome to the casting couch. I hope not surprise guys. He didn't tell me about this
so pro. It's no. Um, yeah. Welcome back. Mm-Hmm. again, thanks for tuning in. Yep. You know, um, another week.
Glad to have you back. Yep. Another week as always. Another, yep.
Another dollar. Yep. For Trudeau. That's what I was gonna say. Cause that's true dough. That true dough. That is true dough.
know, how can people hate on that true dough?
So today, we're gonna talk about what I think is a very important question.
Yeah. Right? Yeah. Are we living Or just surviving. Yeah. Yeah, and I guess we're gonna dive a little bit deeper into that today and kind of you know Go over a few things that I guess kind of made us think this topic. Yeah, you know what I mean? So
I'm very much We're not, we're not here to tell anybody if you are living or surviving.
surviving! Get off your
ass! No, I'm just, I'm just kidding. The truth you're living in now is not the truth that you should be living. So stop surviving and get out there and live your life.
Yeah, touch some grass.
Yeah, we could be motivational speakers. We could. But yeah, we're not here to tell anyone how to live.
Instead, we're gonna, you know, sit here and ponder. Is this, is this fun little life we've been given? Are we living? It, to the fullest, or are we just surviving? Dun dun da, dun
dun da. Can you look at your life right now and say, Fuck yeah, I'm livin it up.
I am so happy.
Or, is it more of like, well, I wish this, or I wish that, and I can't do this or that because I have to do this, and, and by this I mean work.
Typical make money and pay bills and I mean a lot of
that is restricting for a lot of people Oh, it totally you know what
I mean? So
and if you watched our previous episodes, especially on the one on success You would know that our definition of success isn't that normal like a hundred percent out and like get that normal job Like, you know climb the ladder to an extent because you gotta make some money.
You gotta make some money exactly That's not our definition of success. No,
no it's not. No. No. I can't call myself, I can't, let's say I'm CEO or something. You know what I mean? I'm so proud of you. Thank you. You're welcome. Fuck you, Philip. Yeah. Um. Yeah. Philip.
I'm so glad Philip came back. Yeah. Um. He was in episode 3.
Yeah, no, if I was, um, you know, some high paid CFO, CEO, COO, whatever the hell you want to call it, you know what I mean? I mean, obviously, I don't have that position, but I can say pretty confidently that it would have nothing to do with my idea of success. Right. Like, hey, I got there, I'm a CEO, I run this shit, I make fuckin bank.
Yeah. But at the same time It's like materialistic. That shit's all it doesn't fucking matter, man. It doesn't matter. I know in the last episode we talked about Well, we had a little thought experiment about our souls and spirituality, right and we talked about How maybe what we do here is what our soul wants to experience rather than meaningless Yeah, you know what?
I mean, but I feel like in regards to the definition of success money cars Women, houses, boats, yachts, planes, whatever the hell, no. You know what I mean? I agree. Absolutely meaningless. Yep. Materialistic. Has no meaning. Yeah, it might get you there. It might get you back. It might look cool. Ooh, shiny. The doors go like this.
You know what I mean? But like, come on.
No, it's uh, yeah, it's true. And I mean, we've talked about it, and you just mentioning, yeah, what if I was a CEO, to some people, that's livin That's living, that's not surviving. That's, you know what, some people
are totally living their life. Yeah. With the money and the cars and houses and to them that's living.
And I'm not judging.
No, but, but if you've listened to other episodes and you've been here for a while, you'd very much come to know that that's, to us, that's not living. And I think there's a lot of people out there that in order to be like, yeah, living. You have to be that person. Yeah. Where?
You gotta be rich.
Yeah. Get the ladies, have all the nice cars. The big
house. Pay all the insurance. Yeah. LAUGHING It's true, yeah. to insure a Lamboghini, huh? That's for sure. With how much I pay for my car right now I don't even want to know, man. I think I could get a pretty good insurance rate. You know what, I
feel like you would you pay, do pretty well for insurance.
There you go.
Try. Um, but yeah, we've talked about it before, and that's, that's not our definition. So I guess for us living, right now, we're not there, but we're working on it. Ooh. So, when you talk about like, what is living? Actively.
Yeah. Not just sitting on our butts talking about, hey, we're working on it.
You know what I mean? We're waiting for the good things to happen. No.
Every day I wake up, I cross my fingers, and I'm like, Maybe today. If
I was doing that, man, I wouldn't go to work. I'm just like, fuck it. You know, I'm waiting for the money to fall in my lap, you know? I'm just gonna keep being a bum until that happens.
I will figure out how to win the lottery. Like, what? Yeah. Anyway. I'm not trying to be judgmental here. It's
just But, we also want to sit here and be like, Hey. You know, maybe if your definition of living and having the great life isn't, you know, climbing that ladder. Well, welcome. We're here. Yeah, we're here to talk.
We're here for you. Yeah, our definition like for me living would be eventually once we get the house built on an acreage, you know, be very independent, grow your own food, that kind of stuff. Yeah. Not be tied down to a specific job, but you know, maybe have a couple of different streams of income that I can rely on because you know, you still need that.
Yeah. Obviously we need money. The world we live in, you need money, but It doesn't need to be running a massive corporation or a big business or have that fancy title. It can be it can be simple
It can be very simple because I mean my ideal my idea of living is honestly much of the same Yeah, you know what we you know, I've talked about always wanting an acreage, you know, you have as well.
Yeah You know, I've talked about wanting to be by the lake and I want to be able to Travel wherever the hell I want whenever the hell I want You know what I mean? So obviously that financial freedom, but at the same time, not having it define me or my life. Um, and truly just getting to live through experiences that make me genuinely happy.
You know what I mean? Like to me, that's living because we, like we talked about, you know, our soul wants to experience this life. You know what I mean? So to me, living, I guess, is obviously giving your soul the best experience you possibly can. You possibly
can. Right? Yep. And I mean, this plan's full of so many experiences.
I know some people that got back from Japan a couple weeks ago, and they're Yeah! And they're telling us all about, like, the history, and they went to a tea ceremony, like, an authentic one, and
is so cool,
man. Have you seen all of their technology and shit? Everything they have over there that we don't?
All their Because everyone KitKat?
Ugh. Take a break, am I right? Choose a flavor, how do you? Yeah, no, Japan's got a lot of cool stuff, a lot of cool history. I should move there. I mean, it's not out of the books. Not yet. Yeah, it could happen. It could. Then we could come visit you. Yeah, and you're like 17 wives.
I know, right? Fuck. No, I don't know if I could do that. Yeah, that's fair. I don't like a lot of seafood. Oh,
yeah, you don't. No. They have great noodles. I don't know. You know what, maybe in an authentic Japanese surrounding Where seafood is fresh and easily accessible. Maybe you'll come to like it. It might taste better.
It might be, yeah. Cause let's be real. I've heard it's very different. We live in Alberta. We do. A lot of the seafood we get is frozen. Has to be frozen. Has to be frozen. Okay, it wouldn't last long enough to come in fresh. And some things you can get here, fresh, but like, salmon, certain fish, you can't do it?
Can't do
it. Well, I mean, yeah, in the, in the grocery stores, they have like, crabs and lobsters and lingcod and, not like, that's fucking fresh. I wonder how often they change the water in those things. You don't want to know. No, I don't. Yeah. Oh
my god. I had a lady argue Alberta salmon with me the other day, it was
Wait, excuse me?
What? Alberta salmon? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm.
Yep. So I think living in Japan close to fresh seafood would be completely different. I think you'd have a great time. Did she ask if it was from Alberta? Yeah.
Yes, it's straight out of North Saskatchewan. Yep. Fresh.
Yep. Some good old bottom feeder trout. Pfft. Mm.
This tastes like dirt. Perfect. A
lot of the real stuff is farmed. Yep, so that's fun. Sustainability. Have you ever actually looked into what goes on in those fish farms? Oh my fucking god.
Yeah, it's kind of the same as, um, the chicken industry. You look into it once and you're like, you know what? I'm gonna stay blissfully ignorant to this whole industry.
You know what? I like chicken. I should ignore this I'm gonna forget everything. I just read Yes, that's what I mean like be able to have different experiences around the world because there's so much to experience in our world Yeah, we kind of like on a tangent. Yeah, I want to make our souls, you know happy about it Yeah, cuz we can have a lot of experiences exactly that's living that is that's living that
is Positive experiences, happiness, relationships, connections, nature, nature, n a t
u r e, bam, nature.
So if that's living, what are we doing right now?
Well, right now, we're currently on the path to getting there.
Yes. Yeah.
Through survival. Through survival, unfortunately. But, you know, it's always darkest
before the dawn. It is, it is. So. And I think the important part about survival. Cause some people, they're just out there, they're getting through every day, they really don't do anything or change anything.
And they're like, well this is just my life. Sorry, you're stuck. Develop a different mentality. It sounds a little rough, but grow that mind. Cause yeah, to move towards living, you gotta put effort into it. You can't just like we said earlier, sit there and be like, it's gonna happen today. Cause if that's, that's not even survival, that's just hopelessness.
Yeah, it's, it's, I'll tell you what, it's not gonna happen. Ignorance. It's not gonna happen. No. No, you, you can't just sit there and be like, well my life sucks so I deserve good things. Pfft. Those kind of people. Those kind of people, man. My life sucks, so I deserve good things. No, that's not how life goes. No,
you need to reverse your mindset, my friend.
Everything. Your life is in your control. Yeah, 10 percent 110 110 percent. That's that kind of good karma needs to be fucking built up yep, you know what I mean and
Yeah, no, that's not how it works and life is all about running into situations And you know what how you respond to those situations is what I'll get you through.
Yep. It's how you deal with it Are people shitty? Yes, they can be is life stressful. Yes, it can be Do you have to get mad at every single one of those situations and be like, wow, this isn't fair. No. You can wake up and be like, you know what? Yeah, that was shitty. Yeah, but I'm gonna choose to move past it, learn from it, and just not do it again.
but then there's some people that get stuck in that. They're like, wow, I ran over a pothole and blew a tire. That's stupid. This is dumb. It's the city's fault. Then the next week they drive the same road every single day, hit the same pothole, lose another tire. Still the city's fault. Yeah, then guess what they do three weeks later.
Same road, same pothole, same tire. Still the city's fault. How about you just change what you do every day and like shift a foot either direction and not hit the pothole? Hmm. Hmm. Yeah, take accountability. Yeah actions
literally though like 100 percent I mean, I'm a firm believer in the universe will keep sending you the same situation until you learn how to respond differently and that just speaks to your character as a person, you know what I mean as to whether You come out on the other side a better man or a better woman Yeah, or you continue to let that same situation beat you senseless until you can no longer take it anymore You know
I mean, and that's that's the thing about life. Like all the situations you run into people friends family work Marriages deaths all these situations the way you respond to them builds another part of your character. Yeah And if you're one of those people where you're like, well, this keeps happening to me again and again and again and again, then yeah, just as you said, clearly you need to learn something from this situation and either grow or change to be a better person.
I said something back in one of our very earlier episodes. Um, we were talking about what makes you a man. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. And I said life experience. Tell you what. Life experience right fucking there exactly what we're talking about and that's going to build your character way more than holding in your emotions and feelings and thinking you can't cry because you're a man and Thinking you know you have to be this put on this big tough act and act like nothing bothers you and yeah
big tough man Nothing bothers me.
No. Oh,
I Don't sit in my car and almost cry
Every second day, right? I don't get home from work and sit in my car for an hour because I'm miserable with my life. Like,
I don't fly off the handle and throw a remote at the TV. When my favorite sports team doesn't win. Nope, not because I have all this pent up stress.
Nope. That's not the reason. Exactly. There's sports.
Exactly. And that's just what I'm trying to get across here. Like, life experience is what, you know, it aids in making you who you are. Yeah.
You know what I mean? The survival step is necessary.
Oh hundred percent man cuz
you have to you don't have to stay there No, you don't have to stay there.
yes, you do you have that choice, you know Do I stay here or do I move on with my life and start to use everything that I've learned throughout that phase? yeah, you know what I mean and Yeah, a lot of people just don't get there they just don't know and I mean I I guess technically there's nothing wrong with that, but At the same time, it's like, don't you want more?
Because, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking out of my ass here. Like, I was that guy. You know what I mean? Like, I was depressed beyond belief. Like, I did not want to do anything for myself. I just, I, you know, I literally had the mentality of, I'm a good person, something's gonna happen to me eventually. Life
owes me.
Exactly. You know what I mean? And, I mean, don't get me wrong, it took me a while to figure out that You know, I'm in control of my own life, and, you know, I need to make the decisions in order to move myself along. So, yeah, I'm not talking out of no experience here. I have plenty of experience, you know what I mean?
Like, you have to push yourself out of your comfort zone. It's fair. Do the things that scare you. You have to, man. You have to. Otherwise, you're never gonna grow. Yep. You're just not.
Yeah. No, it's so true. And even if you're one of those people and you feel like you're naturally good at a lot of things or most things you try and tackle, guilty.
I know not bragging about being one of those people, but here we are. Um, but no, it's also hard because, you know, you'd, you'd pick up things quickly and naturally and you're like, oh, well I can do anything. Then you get confronted with things that don't quite come easily to you and it can be so frustrating.
So demoralizing, but yeah. All very there for those lessons to get out of that survival phase and move into a spot in your life where you're like, yeah, I'm living same note, kind of different note, not even the same different note, those people that just kind of accept life is, you know, it is what it is.
I'm doing the best I can. Like, it's good. I've talked to other people about this. Do you think there are people on this planet who are just there For us to realize that that's what we don't want to be Like you ever see people and they're super content. They're super fine.
I don't necessarily think that's the reason they're here I think it might aid us in our journey.
Mm hmm. You know what
I mean? Yeah, I think maybe at a certain point in time come in contact with a person like that and it's just The universe, you know, you're crossing paths through the universe's will or whatever. And, you know, there's possibly something to be learnt there. You know what I mean? You know what?
I don't want to end up like that. But no, I don't necessarily think they're here for our own selfish purposes. You know what I mean?
Because that would be silly. Yeah. If there was a whole group of just people. Because then Yeah. Would they have souls going on in adventure or would they just be, what if they're just blank people?
Well, I mean, there's are those, there are those people out there that don't have an inner voice. Like they don't have inner thoughts. Do they not have a soul? I know be, I don't know. 'cause that just baffles me beyond
belief. Like how do you, how do you not have a right? But I know a couple of those people, and they're very motivated and they get a lot of stuff done.
And they're not really people I'd say are just, out there, so.
Maybe it's cause, maybe it's cause their mind is quiet. Could be. And they actually have the peace to be able to focus and get shit done properly.
Is it peace though? I, I couldn't imagine life without an inner monologue. Yeah, I, I, literally. Like, exactly what you think is what you say, nothing before or after?
I, I couldn't, I couldn't fathom.
Nope. Me neither. Wow. Yeah. Like right now I'm thinking of myself. Like, there's words in my head.
I know, I'm like, living, surviving? What are those people doing? If we're working towards living and we're surviving and we got all this going on, what are the people with nothing going on thinking, or doing?
Are they just, are they just, are they living? Or are they surviving? Maybe they're just truly blissful.
I kinda like my life with a little bit of chaos.
And all this. A little bit.
I mean, as long as this is manageable. For some people, this is not manageable. No.
Hmm. Yeah. So are you living
or are you surviving? Yeah, you know ask yourself ask yourselves what your definition of living is, you know what I mean and then And look at your life now Yeah, am I am I living or am I surviving? I mean don't get me wrong you maybe you don't have the means right now to Live your definition of living But if you're actively working towards it, yeah, and you're actively walking that path You will get there someday totally just you will yeah, at least you're already on that path You know what?
I mean, you got yourself up got out of your comfort zone You pushed yourself because you knew you wanted better for yourself. Yep, and you knew that Or learned eventually that you are the only one that's going to be capable of giving yourself that.
Yep, and driving towards that goal. Exactly, exactly. And as we talk, it doesn't matter age.
Like, I think everybody grows and learns differently. If you're Like 20 right now and listening to this and you're like, oh, well, I'm only 20 and I got nothing going. That's fine Give it some more time. You're good. You're a kid. Yeah, you're a kid.
You're 20. Yeah, it's okay. Chill go frickin party, man Yeah, you're literally 20 go party till you're like 25 26 and don't make some mistakes literally and then smarten up Yeah, what I mean cuz that's kind of around the time that you need to kind of start smartening up Yeah, you know 25 26 you're getting closer to 30 You know, people around you are going to want you to have some prospects.
Fuck that. You know, you can just start putting life together and being like, You know what? I learned this, this went well, this did not go good. And you can kind of piece together the person you want to be or not want to be.
Exactly. And I mean, it's kind of ironic because things don't just fall into your lap.
Nope. But if you stay consistent on this path Things kind of start to fall into place. Yeah. You know what I mean? And you're like,
why is this happening? Yeah, exactly. Is it because I'm a good person? Yeah. No, because you've been working towards something.
You're finally starting to achieve, you know, what you deserve and what you want.
Doesn't even matter if you're older. You can also, like, if you've lived life and you've tried a couple different things and you're like, you know what? I think I want to go down a completely different path. You're more than welcome. That's a great thing about life. You can change your mind.
you can have changes you can switch things up You can go in a completely different direction different field get different training do it like
in construction I've met like 50 55 year old apprentices.
Yeah. Yeah, it doesn't matter how old how young you are like You can, you can switch things up, you can get a new job, you can start a new apprenticeship, like, that's the fun thing about life. Yeah. And I think so many people, they're like, I'm gonna grow up, go to school, become this very specific thing and do this for the rest of my life, and then they do that for And I'm gonna be
successful and great.
Yeah. Are you, though?
And then they do that for ten years and they're like, what the fuck? Fuck this. Yeah. I'm, what am I doing? And hence, the midlife crisis. Um. But yeah, I think life is full of different experiences that we should And apparently
the quarter life crisis.
It's a very big trend among millennials and younger.
You hit 25 to 30 and you're just like, What am I doing? Well, I mean, I know a decent number of people going through it. You hit that like 25 to 30 and yeah, like you said earlier, you get the friends and the family that are like, Oh, what are you doing? What are you working? What are you working towards? What are you saving up for?
And you're like, I just, I just I'm living, I'm learning.
Living and learning, and growing,
and loving, and laughing. Yeah. And they're like, well, that's not And you're like, you know what? I'm working towards living my life. This is my life. I don't want to be stuck in survival mode like you. Yeah. Mom.
Paycheck to paycheck.
But I mean, we can't really talk shit because
I kept the roof over our heads, right? Yep. Yep. Yep. And that's the thing. We're working towards I love my mom, don't
get me wrong. I'm just gonna throw that out there. I am not a mom hater. I love my mom. My mom is great.
Yeah, I wasn't throwing anything at my mom either.
No mom shade here. Just usually most times when people are like, oh, they keep bugging me about what I'm doing. Actually, is it dad's more? I don't have a dad. So actually I can honestly say that
it was mostly my mother.
my dad Did not pressure me for
anything. You're alive for a job.
Yeah, no, he kinda just had the mindset was like, you know, as long as I'm happy he's good and, you know, I'll figure it out on my own.
You know what I mean?
That's healthy.
I mean, it is healthy in a sense. I wish he was a little more helpful. I mean, that's
fair. Um, yeah. But again, even with parenting, you know, we're all just living life. Exactly. Your parents. I
literally realized when I turned like 25, 26 that they have no fucking clue what they're doing or they had no clue what they were doing.
Well until you or your siblings come along, your parents have never been parents. Literally. That's like when you become a parent, you've never been a
parent. It's just when you're a kid, you think that you're, they're adults, they're parents, they
everything. They're perfect
at it all. You know what I mean?
We're all just a whole bunch of people trying to figure it out. And you know what? I think, I think that's why people get stuck in survival. Because they grow up and they're like, oh, by this age I should know this, I should know everything, and you're like, whoa, whoa, whoa. No. You've got a whole lifetime to keep learning.
You don't stop at a certain age and then just float for the rest. That's when you get stuck in survival mode. Yep. Yep. That's living and surviving. So we need to recap living. Excuse me here. You excuse me. I wanna say Bless you. No, that's sneezing. Yeah, I know.
Caterpillars, um, living dork. Yes, so is he. I am. I'm a big dork. Yeah, that's why this podcast works. What is living? You know what? I think what we chalked it up to is what what's your personal? What's your personal definition of success? Mm hmm, because I think ask yourself. Yes. Look at your
life. Yes. Are you living?
If not, how can you get there? Yeah, what are you doing to get there? Take some Accountability. Yeah for your life. Yeah, you know what I mean? Drive yourself where you want to go
Yeah, I don't know how many times I can say it, because no one else is going to fucking do it
for you. No, they're not. And if you think other people are going to do it, you're going to be stuck in survival mode your whole life.
Yep, and you're going to be a burden. Yep. I'm sorry, but that is just the truth.
You're going to be one of those people at work,
and I'm laughing because I've worked with these people where you come in and you're like, Hey everybody, how are you today? And they're like, It's just another day. I'm here. I'm here. I showed up, didn't I? And you're like, You know what, Craig, go I didn't ask you. Craig. Because you're the same every day.
Don't, don't be Craig. Yeah,
be Craig.
Yeah. Even if you hate your job, try and walk
in with some sort of positivity. Yeah, and You know what I mean? The crazy thing is, if you hate your job, you can probably go find another one. You probably can. I just, that, that's a different topic for a different time.
Yeah. Loyalty to something you hate we can discuss that later. I have a lot to say about that. Yeah But if you don't like your situation, guess what again you have the power to change it. Yeah, and it's amazing.
Yeah, exactly It's great.
What is success? What is it to you? Does that lead to the life that you want to be living or are you just gonna be stuck surviving?
Yeah, and I mean not to talk about myself here. Go for it. Go for it. I obviously changed careers, right? You did like I was I realized us. Yeah, I realized that the restaurant industry, you know Wasn't gonna be able to provide me with the kind of life that I wanted to live, right? So I said, okay change careers Actually the opportunity kind of just fell in my lap but Hey, you put it out there sometimes and it comes for you.
Yeah, so so I mean that happened and You Yeah, currently on the journey to living, you know what I mean? So, yeah, I just want to reiterate, you know, we're not talking out of our ass from absolutely zero experience. And you know
what, you know what, even if you don't like your job, I'm sure there's something you could look at that you learn constructively from the situation you don't like.
Like, I've been in situations where before, I learned I will never run a business a certain way, I will never treat people a certain way, I'll never talk to people a certain way, because I was in that situation, and I'm like, oh, no, no, no, no, no. Just because it was done to me doesn't mean I need to do it to others.
Thank you. Yep. That's a passage in a book somewhere, I'm sure. Yeah, it has
to be. It's a quote someone said
at some point. Probably a quite famous book that a lot of people believe in, but We're not going to go down that path. Nope. Yeah, just don't do unto others as you would not undo to yourself.
And he pretty much just went there.
Yep, I did.
So yeah, anyway, yep. Thanks for tuning in. Thanks for tuning in. I think this was a great episode. We hope you enjoy it. Um, if you haven't seen any of our other episodes,
go check them out. Yeah, do that. And uh, you know what? We're really here to just have conversations about these kind of topics.
Kind of in a couple episodes we got a little specific on like this is what we believe this is what we're doing But like you know what we also just want to sit here sometimes and be like, you know What what could it be? What could it be? And that's what I feel like this episode was. Mm hmm Yeah, so join us on our thought journeys and our opinions as we are honesty Yeah towards the path of living.
Let us be honest. Let us be honest That's what we're here for. All right, ladies and gents. We'll see you later.