Let Us Be Honest
Welcome to "Let Us Be Honest," the podcast dedicated to sparking genuine conversations about the pressures of modern life. Join us as we delve into meaningful discussions, sharing our personal journeys to thrive both personally and professionally. We’ll cover everything from mental health and personal growth to redefining success and building unconventional career paths.
Our ultimate mission? To RECONNECT with our natural world, REPAIR your soul, and REBUILD community.
We're not doctors or therapists, but we offer heartfelt insights and advice drawn from our own experiences. We're not here to tell you how to live your life. In a world that often feels divided, we hope our conversations will resonate with you, helping to bridge divides and make life a little less fragmented.
Tune in to "Let Us Be Honest," and remember: “Make LUBH, Not War.”
Let Us Be Honest
Are You Making This Common Self Entitlement Mistake? - EP22
Are You Making This Common Self Entitlement Mistake? - EP22
Buckle up, folks, because in this episode of Let Us Be Honest, we're diving headfirst into the frosty waters of self-entitlement—and trust us, it’s a wild ride. We are here to unpack the mystery of why some people think the world owes them everything just for existing. Spoiler alert: It doesn't.
We kick things off with an ice fishing tale that quickly spirals into an epic rant about the geniuses who thought, "Hey, let's drill holes in the middle of an ice road!" (Pro tip: Don't be that guy.) From there, we slide into a heated discussion about restaurant lingerers, bro bosses (patent pending), and the universal phenomenon of people who loudly share their unsolicited opinions like they’re handing out free samples at Costco.
Expect laughs, rants, and the occasional "What is WRONG with people?" as we tackle the cold, hard truths of entitlement culture. Grab your headphones, maybe a warm beverage, and join us for an episode that's as relatable as it is ridiculous. Hashtag #BroBoss. TM, obviously.
guys. Hi. Hi. What's up? Welcome back to Let Us Be Honest. The podcast with the most about everything. Yeah. The podcast
with the mostest. Yeah. Where we care about topics and discussing the world we live in. Yeah. And grass touching. Yeah. Yeah. And Where we talk about other people, sometimes, and how silly they are.
Okay, not sometimes, this is an everyday occurrence. That is true. With these people. That is true.
And when I say these people, I'm talking about self entitled. Self entitled.
Think the world owes them everything. Yeah,
just self entitled sons of guns. Yeah. You know what I mean? Those ones. The ones who think the world and all its people owe them everything.
Right. For no reason whatsoever. No reason. Solely because they are here on this planet. They exist so they get everything. I don't know where they get this false sense of ego.
Where does it come from? Do you feel it's gotten worse since COVID? I guess actually, you know what I mean? Like, like people have always been very self entitled, but I feel like after COVID, when so many people spent so much time alone with themselves, yeah, I think too many people looked in the mirror and was like, you know what?
You are awesome. You got up today and didn't sleep all day during lockdown. You're better than everyone else. Yeah. Yeah. You, you did yoga during lockdown, so you're awesome. You run the world. Yeah. Yeah. Hashtag I'm the shit. Yeah. Hashtag girl boss . I text someone today, one of my buddies and I was like, yeah, hashtag, hashtag boy boss.
We're both dudes. I know, but, but I was getting to this point that I'm making right now. Oh. I was texting one of my buddies today 'cause he accomplished something. I was like, yeah, you go boy, boss. And I was like, that, in my head, sounded ten times better than,
so, don't ever use that. It doesn't sound as good as you think it does.
Boy boss. Boy boss. Anyway, back to self entitled people. Hashtag
man boss.
Yeah. Guy boss. Man boss. Bro boss. Hey! Bro boss! Hashtag
bro boss. Hashtag bro boss. Robots. Yeah, we patent that. By the way, robots is ours. Yeah, tm. TM already did it. Well, you weren't looking.
Yeah, we got the copyright and everything. .
Self entitlement. Yes. Self entitlement. Enough of these people. Yeah. Okay, so you know what? Yes. I'm gonna kick us off here. Okay. Kick it with what got me going on this ranch. Okay. You know what I mean? Sunday I went ice fishing. Okay. With the old man. Okay. Yep. Okay. We went out to a lake in Alberta we have here, it's called Coal Lake, and it's really good for pike.
Okay. Okay. Big pike. So anyway, yeah, we had a good day fishing, you know, a few bites, unfortunately the fish were kind of picky, so, anyway, um. Them dang picky fish. Yeah, so we're on our way back, and okay, generally when you go out to a lake that is very popular for ice fishing, there is a We'll call it an ice road on the lake.
Oh, yep, yep. Yes. That all the trucks would commonly use in and out on this one road because they know it's packed, people have driven on it. It's safe. It's safe. Exactly. Right? So. It's the courteous thing to do so you're not mucking up the whole lake. Thank you. And here's the thing. If you have no idea if this ice thickness here is the same ice thickness here.
You have no idea because you can't see below the ice, right? So, you'll understand why I pointed that out here. You will, you'll understand that. Anyway, so, my dad and I, we packed up, we're on the ice road, we're driving on our way off the lake, right? Yep. And so we come across these four trucks. These four absolute geniuses, right?
We're driving down this ice road and these guys have their trucks parked on both sides of this ice road, right? Super close, super close together, super close to the road, a lot of weight in one spot, just real geniuses on the ice here. And yeah, so we're driving and we're driving hoping these guys, you know, have the common courtesy to just like get out of the way, you know, this is the ice road.
Why are you fucking right in the middle of it? No, let me tell you what they did. They decided to drill their fucking holes right in the middle of the ice road that everyone was using to get in and out of this lake. Right? And so My dad and I are looking at each other and we're like, What are these guys doing?
Right? And so this guy had his one hole, like, had to be two inches from my dad's tire. And He's looking at us like, Go around! And we're like, Are you fucking retarded? Why are you parked here in the first place? Like, Are you that dense? Like, you think we're gonna go all the way around you, risk my dad's truck, because we're unsure that the ice thickness is the same here and there, you know what I mean?
And, and honestly to anybody listening who has never driven on a frozen lake, Ice thickness varies. And it's always good to test it.
Don't fish on the ice
road. Because
ice is perfect on the ice road.
What is wrong with people, man? And then as we're driving away, this guy gives us the finger. I get out the window, I yell back at these guys, I'm like, Get off the fucking road!
Like, you can clearly see where everyone's been driving. But yet, they think they're so special that they dropped their lines and holes right in the middle. And
don't get me wrong, it's not the fact that I'm think I'm so special these guys should just get the fuck out of my way because it's me. No, this is the fucking road that everyone uses in and out of the fucking lake!
Like, what is wrong with these people, man? And then they have the guts to look at us and be like, what the fuck is
going on?
How about you get off the fucking road? Better yet, get out of this fucking country.
See, that's, that's the problem. People, people think they're so entitled just to do whatever they want.
I'm good. Yeah.
I'm good. But like, I really, I don't understand where these people get This sense of entitlement, ego, confidence, if you will. Yeah. Like, false confidence, actually. But, like, I just, I don't understand. Where does it come from? Were you an only child? Like, did you not have siblings? Where does it go?
Where, yeah. Where does it come from? Yeah, I just, I don't get it. Me neither. People baffle me as to how they think the world owes them something. Just because they are who they are. Or because of the amount of money that they have. Or because of what they own. Or because of, you know, what they did career wise.
Just anything. You know what I mean? Or because of the trucks they drive. Grow up. Especially
here in Alberta. Grow the fuck up. Like, even in my line of work, we've seen some people come in with really big, fancy trucks and they think they're real cool. They're like, yeah, we got that oil money. And I'm like, cool.
I don't care, if anything, your first five minutes, you're more of a douchebag than, like, actual wealthy people that I
know. Seriously, I'll tell you what, for all the rig pigs out there that think them with their oil money and their big trucks means something, I'll tell you what, no. To all of us decent, normal, good people out there, yeah, that means jack shit, bud.
Keep moving. Bye bye.
And the funny thing is, is like, they go driving past you on the highway like, With these Outrageous trucks and they're so loud and they're so extra and you know what? I'm sure there could be a lot of people that are gonna be like, oh you just wish you had that. You're just jealous. No, no Not at all.
Good one. You made me laugh
Yeah, no jealousy there at all no I actually seen a video a couple days ago people ice fishing out on a lake And it was like four big jacked up trucks in a Subaru. And they were fishing on the back side of their vehicles. But they clearly pre drilled some holes on the front side of their vehicles.
And this person was taking a video. And clearly something happened. The ice shifted. And because, again, a lot of weight in the same place. They did not distribute the weight, like, water is pouring out of three of these holes and you can just, like, see the ice shelf that they're on slowly sinking, and the person's like, oh, they better get back to their vehicles pretty quick.
Actually, now that you say that, I saw a video kind of the same nature. This was on Lake Simcoe in Ontario. Okay. Okay, and this guy's standing on some kind of government owned dock or something, and he's filming the lake and the ice, like, breaking apart. In sections on this lake, I guess, because the weather's been so warm.
And then in the background, you can see that there's a guy out there, with all his gear and his ice fishing sled, trying to figure out how to get back to land, because this ice has split all the way down. Miles. Miles down Lake Simcoe. And this guy literally has nowhere to go but
swim. That's so bad.
Ontario also gets some pretty heavy winds that causes ice to like, build up.
Yeah, if you ever been to Turkey Point in Port Dover during the winter Crazy times. There's this lighthouse or whatever at the edge of the pier. Every winter, there's icicles this way. Yeah, crazy winds. Yeah, man, that's what I'm
Full horizontal. Literally, yeah. I mean, that'd be pretty cool. But you know what? It is pretty cool. It is if you're like in Narnia or some shit, man. Like, what's happening? Where's the I know they said it was raining sideways, but this is ridiculous. Yeah, seriously.
It's self entitlement to these people just to do that.
Yeah, I don't know. It just baffles me, man. It just baffles me. And then for them to be like, Yeah, go around. No, shut up. You're dumb. Clearly you don't have knowledge. Like,
they're like the people who walk into a restaurant half an hour before it closes, and everyone in the restaurant's like, Hey, you know what?
We don't mind serving you. And most restaurants don't mind. But just to let you know, we close in half an hour. And they're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, sounds good. And then they continue to sit in the restaurant for an hour after it closes. And then they have the audacity to look at you and be like, Oh, you closed an hour ago, didn't you?
Should we leave? And I'm like, yes, you should leave! Because I want to go home! What do you think? But yeah, that kind of self entitlement too. I mean, they knew they should've left. Like, let's be real, they're just being fuckin jerks. Most people do. Like, let's be real. If you're sitting in a restaurant and every single person around you, and you know they've closed, every single table leaves, and a lot of music systems shut off automatically nowadays.
The music goes off, all the people have left, and you're sitting there being like, Oh, do you think we should leave? You made a choice to stay. You, you, you were not surprised that everyone else is gone.
You were told we're closing, soon. You have seen everyone else vacate the building, minus myself and you two.
Yeah, and for you to sit there and be like, oh. You closed,
hey? It's like no. I don't know, it looks pretty busy in here still, you know,
surprisingly. I'm just
for fun. Oh my gosh, you know what? You should tell him about that one table you got that thought she was gonna save it for her friend. That woman.
Okay, so if Holy shit, that cracked me up. If we're gonna talk about self entitlement this episode, again, I work in an industry where it's very people forward. So we deal with a lot of people. So, Christmas Eve. Table comes in. Family of five. I do whatever I can to fit them in. I make it work. Because it's Christmas Eve.
And I felt really nice. Because I'm a nice guy. Yeah, he's a very nice guy. Yeah, yeah. Not entitled or anything. I'm just a nice person. No, he's actually a good human. Yes, So is Kale.
Thank you.
You're welcome. So, comes in. I make it work. It was Christmas Eve, so we had a landslide of reservations. Yeah. So I was like, hey, I can get you this table, you have 45 minutes.
Like, yeah, yeah, like, no problem, we'll be in, we'll be out, like, we're good, we're okay. And I was like, sweet, thank you for being so understanding. Mm
Five minutes later, she walks up, and she's like, hey, can I put my friend on the wait list? Now. Normally, we don't put people on a waitlist unless they're physically in the location.
Yeah. So we know they're actually gonna come back or be part of the waitlist. But again, Standard. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was Christmas Eve, and I was feeling generous. So I was like, you know what? I normally don't do this, but fine, whatever. So I put her name on the list. Crystal, or Kathy, or Ashley, or whatever her name was.
Mm hmm. Who cares? And she's like, okay, how long is it going to be? And I was like, well, given our current weight and all the reservations we have today, probably looking about 45 minutes. She's like, okay, sounds great. Like I'll let them know. Like, cool. Perfect. And she put on the reservation or on the wait list, two people, two people, this is important to seven minutes later, her friend Katie or whatever it is, walks in.
With her, her husband, and their three children. Ha ha, that's five.
Yeah, just pause for a sec. Parents who think their kids aren't people, don't go out and eat. It happens so often. Because your kids are a butt in the seat and they count as a person. Even if they're like
a baby and you bring it in your whole car carrier.
It still needs a spot to go. Yeah, exactly. It, it's a person. Exactly. Okay, anyway, go on. It happens so often, it's so frustrating. Anyway, so, Crystal shows up. And she's like, Yeah, I'm on the wait list. My friend put me on it. I'm like, Okay, for who? She's like, Crystal. I was like, Oh, your friend said it was for two.
She's like, Yeah, two, and my three kids. I'm like, okay, so that's five. She's like, yep. So is our table ready? It's like, no, I told your friend to tell you 45 minutes. Excuse me, what? 45 minute wait? Yep, as I told your friend. I know, on Christmas Eve of all things. So it's like, yep, 45 minute wait. I'm so sorry, but it is what it is.
And at this time her friend has come up to the front. She's like, what's going on here? I was like, did you tell your friend that it was a 45 minute wait? She's like, oh, well, no, I didn't message her yet. I was like, okay, well, it's gonna be 45 minutes and her friend started freaking out. She's like, this is ridiculous, I shouldn't have to wait this long, like, my name's on the list.
I was like, I put your name on the list just to be nice because it's Christmas Eve. And her friend looks at me and she's like, well, they're just gonna take our table. Like, we'll finish eating and they can have our table. So I looked at her and I said, no, if you remember Your table has a reservation at it once you're done, and I only put you there because you agreed to a short time span to be at that table.
She's like, well, you just can't give my friend that table, like, it's my table so I can give it to my friend.
Like, yeah, apparently she owns the table, guys. She
bought it for the restaurant.
Right? I was like, you don't For herself to eat at when she's there.
Yeah, like, I should have bought an engraving pen and, like, put her name on it.
Yeah. And been like, you know what, this is Judy's table. Every time you come back, Judy and family, this Just, whoever's there, kick them out. Be like, this, this is mine. I have this table. I almost spoiled the ending there, but I won't. So anyway, her friend gets all mad, storms out. Um, and she's like, well, I guess we're just not going to eat on Christmas Eve and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Like, okay, this is crazy. So then Judy, let's just call her that. She looks at me and she's like, I would like my bill please. And walks back to her table. I'm like, okay, fine, whatever. So she walks back to her table. I go over, I have the machine. I give her the bill. And, I'm about to turn the machine around to her and she's like, Just so you know, this is the most unprofessional I've ever been treated and I can't believe you'd even treat people like this on Christmas Eve, and blah, blah, blah, blah, and like, I was just gonna give my table away and you shouldn't even have agreed to put my friend on the list if, you know, you couldn't have accommodated them.
And I was like, You know what? And I just took the debit machine back, And it's rare that you have these moments, but I just took it back, And I was like, You know what? Your bill's on me today. I'm, I'm just gonna take care of your meal. She's like, That, After all of this, that is so nice. And then, I looked at her and said, I'd also appreciate if you just don't come back.
Ever. To this location. Because this, is not something I should have to deal with. Look on her face. Dropped and she's like, You're banning me from here? Yep. I was like, This, and another location or two that I may not be in charge of. She's like, that's just ridiculous. I'm like, No, with everything that's happened, it's not ridiculous.
Very well deserved. Yeah, yeah. So then she gathered her family and angrily left, and the entire time on the way out, uh, her husband was very apologetic to me. He's like, I'm Oh, really? Oh, good. He's like, I'm so sorry, it's just been an off day, like, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, that, that's nice. And as soon as they walked out, I see him looking at her and You know when you can kind of tell when someone's mad about something?
The look on his face and the words he was saying, even though I couldn't hear them, it was very much like, You just got us banned because you're a fucking psycho, and this is what you get, and like, it's Christmas, you monster! And I was like, still banned. Yeah. But The level of self entitlement, like, first off, I was incredibly nice and gave you this table.
Second, you, you don't just give, you, you don't get to give my tables away.
Like, you crazy? Mm hmm. And that's probably the worst it's, it's been lately,
but. I do have a message for the husband, though.
Yeah. Yeah, if you're out there listening,
that's a choice. I mean, I know you have kids with her and everything, but You deserve better, my friend.
Especially because he just, like, apologized for it afterwards, you know what I mean? Yeah. Like, he wasn't just like Yeah, that's my wife. You know, she's right. You're wrong. Like, he knew that she was in the wrong. And was just like, hey, I'm so sorry, man. Like, you can do better. I don't
understand people who feel super comfortable to go out in any public setting.
It doesn't have to be a restaurant. It can be, it can be restaurants. It can be clothing. It can be grocery. But those people that feel super self entitled to like, tell the world their opinions. Yeah. Like, for face value, out loud. Like,
we don't need it. If you Yeah, okay, we might have free speech. We might be a free, free ish country.
But, not everyone gives a shit about what you have to say. And you don't gotta be a dick just because you think you're right. Majority of the time, no one gives a shit. No one. No one literally cares. Like, that's, that's, reality of the matter. That's fact of the matter. Yeah. Doesn't matter who you are, what you're doing.
Nobody gives a shit about your
problems. And, it, yeah, nobody gives a shit, and if you choose to be shitty towards other people because of your own problems, people will remember you.
I, I have had many situations where someone will come back into a restaurant I was working at, and we're like, oh hey, welcome back, and the look on their face is just like, you remember me?
Mhm. Yes, because the last time you were here, you were the worst person I think I've ever had to deal with. Yeah. On the face of this planet. And yeah, we're gonna remember you. Mhm. And not for the good. Mm hmm. Yeah, which is sad. Yeah, but yeah, it's just the the self entitlement. It has gotten so much
worse Mm hmm.
And when I say no one gives a shit about your problems. Yeah, I'm talking about the general public Yeah, I'm not talking about your family and your friends and the people that genuinely care for you Obviously, they give a shit. They want to see you happy. They love you. They want you to do well Yeah, we're talking about When you leave that space, and you enter public space, and you think everyone else feels the same as the people that care about you, I'm sorry, no.
That couldn't be further from the truth. And I know that might sting, but truth hurts. Yeah. Sometimes the truth hurts. It really does. But, most of the time We all got to hear it, right? So.
But no, it's true. I just wanted to clarify because like when I was saying no one gives a shit, people could have been like, oh wow, Yarngeech is a real dick.
Wow, you really must be a grumpy person to think no one cares. Yeah,
no, that's not what I'm getting at.
Yeah, and that's why everybody has social circles.
Exactly. Because your social circle will care. Exactly. But if you take your crappy attitude that you decide to wake up with, or, you know what, maybe you've been having a bad day. We all have bad days. Yeah. I may be a very optimistic, overly happy person 99 percent of the time, but I have bad days too. But is that an excuse to like reflect it onto other people?
Never. No. Never. And of all the people, the general public? No. Because they are not going to care.
They are not going to care. They're going to label you crazy. Yeah. They're going to be like, what is that loony? She belongs in a freaking
hospital. And next time she walks in I'll be like, you can walk out. You remember me?
And it could also be a he. I
just want to put that out there. We keep saying she, but it could
be any gender. I mean, honestly, going back to the beginning of the episode where we're talking about, um, the oil douchebags. Not, not all of you are douchebags, but, you know, some of you have given you a label that you can't escape.
I'm sorry about it.
You know, I have yet to meet like a, like a decent human rigged
pig. I'm not going to lie. You know what? Of my years working in the oil field industry, I think I met two people that didn't overly disgust me in that industry. Yeah. And I met lots of people. Actually, you know what? I'm wrong.
I met one guy.
And they all drive around and they're like, Oh, we don't know why people Like paid us in our oil money. Well, because unfortunately you have. It's not because of what you
do. Yeah, it's how you act
It's not what you do. It's who you are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's who you
to be. Yeah. Yeah And, we, we've said this many episodes, the choice on who you want to be, and the person you're gonna be every day, is your choice.
It's your choice, and
it's really not a hard choice. It's, it's not. To be a good person. It's not. Yeah. And if you just feel grumpy, I don't know, just don't talk to people. Literally just take the day and stay
quiet. Yeah. That's what I do. I don't talk to anyone. You know what, that's the other thing about self entitlement.
Those people that think no matter the situation, no matter what's happening, like in their social circle, outside of their social circle, the ones that think their point of view is valid all the time. And I feel like social media has definitely Actually, you know what, not even social media, any platform that allows commenting Anything in an open public forum on the internet has allowed this behavior to translate into real life Yep, keyboard warriors who think they're real warriors in life.
No, no, you sound as stupid as you look typing You do you really do
and oh god some of the shit I read on Facebook some of the comments and stuff man Like I I don't touch comment sections anymore. I just read them because one they're hilarious Two they baffle me And three I'm just like How does someone actually think this?
Right. How does someone actually believe this? Not only that, but
you felt okay, vocalizing this, right? But then again, those are the kinds of people that once it's vocalized, you click on their profile and it's like, Oh, cannot see user's profile and less friend or following. And you're like, Oh, well of course, cause they have a fully locked down profile.
Like, they'll say the shit, but they don't want anybody to know who they are. Which, you know what, good for you. Yeah. Go, go, go hide behind your little wall. You're so tough, man. So tough. Mm hmm. I made, I made this, yeah. I made this. It's like a chihuahua. It's, it's just like biting at your ankles and it's like, Nom, nom,
nom, nom, nom, nom, nom.
And you're looking and you're like, Ew, go away.
What is this? Oh, it's just too funny, man. Yeah. It really is. And I mean, I know a lot of what we're saying probably has some of you thinking like, Wow, these guys sound like they're kind of self entitled themselves. You know? But no. No. We're kind of just sick and tired of dealing with it, to be honest, and you know what, you know what, what we're talking about should be considered, like, we are common sense people, you know what I mean?
You know, we're not flaunting our egos, or our money, or our materialistic things, or I have ten dollars in
my bank account. I'm not flaunting anything. There you go! Right? Like Truck payment just came out. And it's not a jacked up truck either, let's Yeah, no, it's a normal truck. Okay, it's not a stupid truck just putting my we're sitting here We're like we're not those people and I'm like I might be that
those guys in
the city that have those lifted trucks Right, and then you're asking you ask them.
Like do you hunt? Do you go off roading? You can't what do you use it? You go backwoods. Oh, no, I just I just use it for around the city,
man I care about my truck, but if something happens to it, you know, it's I bought it for the utility And a couple weeks ago, I was parking it and I accidentally hit the wall, you know what it happens So many people are like are you gonna pay to fix that?
Are you gonna pay to and i'm like no It's a truck you guys I use it for camping. It goes off roads the paints chip like Like, that's what trucks
are built for. Yeah. You know what I mean? It's gonna get some damage. Yeah, there may be luxury trucks out there, but the base idea of a truck? Yeah. Nah. Yeah. Not luxury.
No. Like, do I have a heated steering wheel? Yes. Do I, like, shitbag it when we're going camping and getting to some really rough areas? And pulling a trailer up the weird side of a hill in the middle of the night? Because maybe we took the wrong turn? And now we have to go up the side of a hill that we should be going up?
What trucks built nowadays?
Don't have heated seats.
It's true. Okay. Especially in Canada. Exactly. So that's not exactly a luxury. It's really not. Yeah. But um, but I used my truck for what it is, but yeah. These jacked up ones, they're just running around the city. Yeah. Went camping last summer. Yeah, yeah,
And we went a little offroading. Yeah. Because we were doing a little back country camping. I know. Yeah. And this, this fucking off road man. I know. . Oh shit. Yeah. Oh fuck. I just spilled coffee everywhere.
Okay. That's, that's your chair. So I'm so sorry. Yeah,
well, you own it. Heyo! See, we got really passionate about trucks.
Yeah. And not being those city only truck people. Yeah. You know what's really stupid? And I'm going to talk about it. I don't care who hates me about this. Cybertrucks. I hate them. The Bro Okay, talking about self entitlement, the people who drive cyber trucks, all of them, like four of you in Edmonton that I've seen, you all The four
of you that own cyber trucks.
You all think you look so fancy sitting behind this stupid and I hate, I hate staring at them. But I just hate the trucks so much and all the ones I've seen there's like production defaults and defects and issues And these people sit there in their cyber trucks like oh, yeah, these people are staring at me I'm staring at your piece of garbage and judging it.
I am NOT jealous of you and your 120, 000 waste of a truck and dumpster. I oh these people all look so smug like yeah, they all love the Cybertruck. No I hate Cybertrucks. Who's staring at you? I'm not staring at you. I'm definitely not staring at you. I don't watch
down the road.
Especially 120, 000 dumpsters that can't even pull a trailer.
To Calgary?
To Red Deer? Weren't you telling me raccoons were causing thousands of dollars of damage because they thought they were literal dumpsters trying to get in?
Raccoons are trying to get in the back, yeah. And also, Cybertrucks aren't that big. A lot of media and marketing out there has made them look big.
They're like, maybe the same size as like, an Audi Q6. Like a little longer but like height wise and like stature wise like barely a 1500 Yeah, it's like a big a large size suv. It's like a yukon, but you chop the back off.
Oh, yeah Oh, okay. So I guess kind of a 1500.
Oh, actually no. Yeah, it's like you took a yukon and chopped half of the back off So it's not even I hate They're just And I I thought they looked so cool when they first came out.
Did you see the video? I hate them I saw a tesla van
The other day.
Oh, is it the new one that they're testing for autonomous, like cab driving? Yeah. And it just looks like a, Like a box on wheels. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you painted it,
You can't even, there's no discernible windshield. Yeah. If you
painted it yellow, like a cab, it'd look like a Twinkie.
Yeah. Just a big size one. Yeah.
Yeah, I hate those two. So dumb, man.
He just needs to stop,
okay? He just stop. The first four vehicles were fine. You could have stopped there. Yeah,
you really Like, you could have just stopped and maybe built on those. Yeah. You know what I mean? Rather than trying to make a fucking truck.
God, I hate the Cybertruck. But yeah, so self entitlement. If you pfft pfft pfft pfft. Just be a good person. I don't know how many episodes Kale has said just be a good person. It's not that hard. And it's true. It's not hard. It's not. You wake up in the morning, you choose the kind of person you're gonna be, and if you're like, oh well, All these people are just making me mad.
Well, you're choosing to be mad in response.
We all get mad, but I don't know, take five, calm down? Take five, calm down, process what you have to process, move on. Yeah, and we get it sometimes. Life's hard. Emotions, they come, they go. Situations come up, but like Life's
fucking hard, man. Yeah,
yeah. Yeah, it doesn't get easier.
You just get stronger, dude. Yeah, that's what it is and and trust us We're not sitting here being like, oh, yeah, like we have all of our emotions under control. Yeah, we're perfect
I am totally emotionally mature I
don't like my emotions get the best of me and I don't throw waffles across kitchens sometimes
We're not perfect. We all have moments. Everyone has moments, but you know what I mean? We still choose who we're going to be after those moments Have come and gone. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. So, drop the self entitlement. You're
not that special. No, you're not. I don't care if you're the Pope. Right. Or the President.
Or a Prime Minister of whatever country. I don't care if you're a billionaire. I don't care if you're a Rothschild. I don't give a shit. I don't care if you run the Illuminati. I don't care if you're my neighbor. Yeah. You are not better than any single person out there. Nor are we. Nor are you. Right? It's just No, that's not how it works.
You're not that good, but you're not that bad either. Yeah, so just try and be a
good person. Exactly Don't be like trump and try to buy greenland Or canada. Yeah or canada or mexico. Anyway, we're not gonna go into that
But um, that's a different episode later. Yeah, that's a different episode, but we'll see what happens in the next five weeks
Yeah, no, I will fight to my last breath.
Me too. To not be an American. I would start killing eagles. Yep.
Yeah, I'd kill 50 Fuck the eagles at that point. I'd kill 50 of them. Yeah, and drop them And I'd ship them right to the White House. Drop them right at the Cootes border be like, you happy? Ha ha ha ha You did this
Just pointing at the states from the Alberta border It's just, it's just Montana, so it's just as flat as southern Alberta. Just looking down on you from a telescope You ha ha ha It's the aliens. You did this! This is your fault! You happy? These birds are dead because of you! Holy shit. Just screaming out into the expanse of a wheat field.
did this! This was you!
Oh boy. Wow. Anyway, just drop the act. Me, Corey, and everyone else in the general public, we're sick of it. You're not special. You're a regular human. Deal with it.
And if you think you're fancy because you drive a Range Rover or an Escalade, it's basically just More expensive Yukon so get over yourself.
Yeah, exactly with higher maintenance costs. So good job Brenda,
cool. Yeah Anyway, anyway, so self entitlement. Let's we don't need it.
Let's get rid of it.
Yeah Yeah. Yep. So it's great chatting with all of you Oh, I was going to say, it was great chatting with you, as all of you witnessed, so it's always nice to have us all together in this little house, um, so, yeah, we'll see you next time for another episode of Let Us Be Honest, where we're honest about more things.
Yeah. Um, because that's, that's just what we do here. That's just what we do here. Yep. Straight to the point. Yep. With some tangents.
With a lot of tangents. But no conversation is good without tangents. We've definitely veered off our original direction. However, I think, for the, for the best
But I think our original direction It was not honest.
It's very constructed. It was very constructed. It's hard to be honest when you're constructed. Yeah, exactly. Let us be honest, we were not honest. I mean, we were honest, we just weren't honest. No, everything we said
was, you know, honest. We're just not robots. We're just, yeah, we're not. Formal robots.
You need to get success in white fences. We
swear and And we just we've done drugs and we've drank booze yeah, and
yeah Yeah, we have laughed till 3 a. m. Because no one knows why
we know why but you don't Well, well enjoy the rest of your week. Yep. Thanks for tuning in See you and hope you enjoy this episode or enjoyed this episode again, because this will be at the ending Yeah, having you already watched it.
Anyway Leave a like if you uh agree
self entitled people need to stop and we'll talk to you next time because it's gross. Yeah Bye. Bye